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Pushing The Boundaries Of Online Publishing
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 1 | 2:20 PM

This update is available on all servers.

For some time now we've been promising to expand the limitations of our Social Media Publisher module, and today we're excited to let you know about this brand new update. cool

Today's update will be most appreciated by our premium members who actively use the module for consistent cross-platform posting. We hope that this update will help promote more active engagement within your social networks and as a result have more users walking in the door of your website!

Basic Plan + 10 = 20 reposts per day
Optimal Plan + 15 = 25 reposts per day
Maximal Plan + 20 = 30 reposts per day

Please Note: Unfortunately this increase is not included for users who have purchased the Shop or Minimal plans. Users who have purchased these plans and wish to make use of the limitation increase will have to purchase a new plan after the expiry of their existing plan.

In addition to this module update, we have a quick list of bug fixes which have also been made:

  • Store bug fixed when editing the "Goods Options" in the Control Panel.
  • Online Games module updated to correct 404 error.
  • uCoz RSS feeds have been updated to latest SEO standards, now providing the standard favicon in feeds. We are actively working to improve this feature.

For today this is all the updates we have, although stay tuned for more coming soon!
Posts: 303
Reputation: 4

Message # 2 | 8:17 PM
Why no bonus for Shop plan ?
It is more expensive than Optimal !

What if you buy shop again you still don't get it ? Is this a system error or something ? Totally unfair.

Thassos Island Portal :
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 3 | 10:09 AM
Urs, the Shop module itself doesn't support social posting, therefore it was decided for the limitations to remain as they were for this package. smile
Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 303
Reputation: 4

Message # 4 | 5:30 PM
The shop plan is simply Optimal plan + 2$ shop module.

There is a difference between Shop plan and Shop module.

Regardless of the fact that shop module doesn't support social posting, all other modules included in both Optimal and Shop plans are used for social posting.

Some users are discriminated just because they bought a more expensive pachage and are denied the ability to have more active engagement within their social networks and as a result to have more users walking in the door of their website !

The decision is completely irrational.
Whoever made the decision should read these arguments.

Added (2015-06-07, 5:30 PM)
Anyone ?

Thassos Island Portal :
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 5 | 10:01 AM
Urs, thank you for your suggestion and arguments. Unfortunately I'm unable to tell whether it will be implemented in our future updates. The Shop plan is intended primarily for online shops, that's why the limit wasn't increased for the plan. It is still possible to use the standard 10 posts/day, as well as manual posting.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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