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Get SSL Certificate through uCoz
Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 1 | 12:34 PM

Get SSL Certificate through uCoz

We're happy to announce that from now on getting an SSL certificate becomes easier. You can get a certificate through one of the uCoz services.

All the details can be found here!
Posts: 475
Reputation: 13

Message # 2 | 1:18 PM
There are problems with installing SSL in a VIP user:
  • VIP user cannot install the SSL to his website by himself. No access to webserver.
  • When SSL is installed in a VIP user's website, there's a "mixed content" issue found in the website.
  • Enter item text

Please address these issues.

Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 3 | 1:24 PM
khen, there's a different approach for the VIP users, it's true, but you can forward your request directly to the manager in charge. Nevertheless, I've forwarded your suggestions as well.
Posts: 9
Reputation: 1

Message # 4 | 10:17 PM
Better to make Let's Encrypt - free SSL, work better by default on uCoz servers !

Posts: 303
Reputation: 4

Message # 5 | 10:26 PM
Quote Apollo ()
Better to make Let's Encrypt - free SSL, work better by default on uCoz servers !


Yes, they should make Let's Encrypt to work easier with uCoz.
uCoz is not listed as supporting it on their forums: https://community.letsencrypt.org/t....920

And still having this problem on one of the websites :

Thassos Island Portal :
Post edited by Urs - Sunday, 2018-08-05, 10:26 PM
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