Message # 1 | 11:29 AM
Who Are "Helpers"?

Helpers are users apart of the uCoz community - this is not only the forum community, but the overall uCoz community online - who have experience of working with and behind the system. These are people who stay active and willing to assist newcomers' to the forums with whatever it is they can help with. Being a "Helper" generally means that you have the following:

  • Wide Knowledge of the uCoz System
  • Positivity & a Will To Help
  • Passion Towards Helping Others

What Privileges Do "Helpers" Receive?

  • Extended Rights In Their Chosen Forum(s)
  • Access To The Forum's Team Discussion Board
  • Access To Some Services-In-Testing

How To Become A "Helper"?

If you are feeling the power to become a Helper here on the uCoz Forums send a PM to Paradox. Alternatively send your application via the following form.

Good luck on succeeding with your application. smile

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.