Unable To Access Sites
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Reputation: 456

Message # 16 | 11:06 AM
Please inform whether the problem is still relevant.
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Message # 17 | 10:23 AM
My friend is having the same problem with connecting to my site but I can connect with no problems at all and I have century link DSL 15 Mbps down 1.5 up and he has I think Comcast please help
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 18 | 11:22 AM
darkslayer, we are doing all possible from our side to fix the problem.
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Message # 19 | 3:05 PM
If the author of this thread http://forums.comcast.com/t5....M163924 is reading this, please contact me via PM smile
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Message # 20 | 3:11 AM
pm sent.

Added (2012-11-13, 9:11 PM)
For those of you who are comcast customers like me, this is the unfortunate situation:

Comcast reps seem to only be concerned with placing blame onto ucoz while offering no pro-active solution whatsoever. As you can see in this thread ("Rsfalconoz" is my comcast account)--


Their approach is to villify the ucoz service over isolated malware issues, short of that also place blame on you and me the comcast customers simply for using the ucoz service. They've also made statements to the effect of accusing ucoz of wanting comcast to "police" the ucoz servers, ucoz lying about how many sites reside on any given server, and overall demonstrating a condescending, scolding approach to anybody attempting to resolve the issue by alerting the reps on that forum. And even if those reps were one-hundred percent correct in everything they contend in that thread, there is no excuse for the condescending and unprofessional replies issued to me (a paying comcast customer)...

The logic is to block comcast customers from tens of thousands of sites as opposed to instead sharing information, reporting, and or limiting but a few offending sites (three malware related sites on the ucoz server constitute censoring tens of thousands of non offending sites like my own according to comcast) Consider also that there is nothing stopping comcast users from linking up to an infinite number of malicious porn, warez, and other related sites independent of any ucoz server whatsoever. Obviouslly we need to take our complaints further up the chain because the so called "help desk" is an utter waste of time and borderline insulting to us paying customers on top of matters.
Post edited by sb70 - Wednesday, 2012-11-14, 3:13 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 21 | 10:23 AM
Quote (sb70)
Obviouslly we need to take our complaints further up the chain

I totally agree. We always ask users to contact their ISPs in such cases - you are their customers, there's more chances they'll listen to you, than to us (especially with such prejudice and attitude as in the mentioned thread), and will try to examine the matter and help us settle it. According to my experience (not only with Comcast, we had similar issues with other ISPs as well), ordinary support employees often don't even want to acknowledge or maybe simply don't know that our IPs are being blocked by them. It looks like Comcast recognizes the problem, and even promised to look into the matter. I hope we'll find a solution together and will prevent such issues in future.

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Message # 22 | 6:47 AM
mine too i cant open access my website: http://muguides.ucoz.com
please help us..

C:\Documents and Settings\cindys>tracert muguides.ucoz.com

Tracing route to muguides.ucoz.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 174 ms 61 ms 15 ms dsl. [49.145.3
3 177 ms 38 ms 12 ms [
4 191 ms 32 ms 36 ms [210
5 174 ms 38 ms 32 ms [21

6 168 ms 33 ms 33 ms [2

7 215 ms 214 ms 216 ms so-4-0-0.edge5.Seattle1.Level3.net

8 215 ms 215 ms 223 ms ae-32-52.ebr2.Seattle1.Level3.net

9 249 ms 254 ms 411 ms ae-2-2.ebr2.Denver1.Level3.net [4.
10 340 ms 367 ms 267 ms ae-3-3.ebr1.Chicago2.Level3.net [4
11 272 ms 325 ms 273 ms ae-1-100.ebr2.Chicago2.Level3.net

12 323 ms 295 ms 435 ms ae-6-6.ebr2.Washington12.Level3.ne
13 452 ms 293 ms 287 ms ae-5-5.ebr2.Washington1.Level3.net

14 389 ms 365 ms 485 ms ae-41-41.ebr2.Paris1.Level3.net [4
15 369 ms 371 ms 374 ms ae-46-46.ebr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.ne
16 369 ms 403 ms 706 ms ae-91-91.csw4.Frankfurt1.Level3.ne

17 367 ms 402 ms 367 ms ae-4-90.edge3.Frankfurt1.Level3.ne
18 367 ms 367 ms 367 ms IPTRIPLEPLA.edge3.Frankfurt1.Level
19 399 ms 464 ms 423 ms
20 413 ms 416 ms 541 ms ae4-40-rt1.msk.cloud-ix.net [217.6
21 416 ms 415 ms 416 ms po14-9-fibius.msk.datahouse.ru [21
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * 438 ms dev.ucoz.net []
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 23 | 2:01 PM
jayar, server 57 was temporarily inaccessible yesterday due to a DDoS attack. It must've been the problem in your case. Can you access the website now?
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Message # 24 | 2:49 AM
still,, i cant access sad its been days now,,
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 25 | 1:58 PM
Please inform whether the problem still exists. We expect it to have been solved by now.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 12
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Message # 26 | 8:05 AM
I cant access sad is there any other way to sove this? can u change the server to another server? so that it would be accesable.. my ads there are useless.. adsense getting back my earns sad
Posts: 27
Reputation: 0

Message # 27 | 5:50 PM
Dear Admins and technical support team,

http://bijaya.do.am is not working.It populates "502 Bad Gateway"

Server I think s30.ucoz.net

Tracing Result

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\dell>tracert bijaya.do.am

Tracing route to bijaya.do.am []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 67 ms 47 ms 41 ms 1-adsl.ntc.net.np []
3 56 ms 64 ms 49 ms
4 48 ms 41 ms 47 ms
5 628 ms 638 ms 665 ms if-0-1-4.core2.MLV-Mumbai.as6453.net [
6 234 ms 249 ms 235 ms if-10-3-1-0.tcore2.MLV-Mumbai.as6453.net [180.87
7 797 ms 787 ms 784 ms if-6-2.tcore1.L78-London.as6453.net [80.231.130.
8 767 ms 772 ms 793 ms if-2-2.tcore2.L78-London.as6453.net [80.231.131.
9 234 ms 228 ms 235 ms Vlan757.icore2.LDN-London.as6453.net [80.231.20.
10 505 ms 489 ms 502 ms te4-2-10G.ar7.lon3.gblx.net []
11 502 ms 497 ms 503 ms ae5-40G.scr4.LON3.gblx.net []
12 544 ms 533 ms 560 ms xe4-2-1-10G.scr4.FRA4.gblx.net []
13 583 ms 591 ms 589 ms lag2.ar4.fra4.gblx.net []
14 570 ms 585 ms 584 ms vimpelcom.ethernet15-1.ar4.fra4.gblx.net [64.208
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * 564 ms 561 ms s30.ucoz.net []

Trace complete.

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Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 28 | 2:28 PM
bijayapaudel, at the moment your website loads fine and the tracing results are in general ok. If you still have the problem, please provide the results of the tracetcp command: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/30-2310-14360-16-1229049275
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Posts: 27
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Message # 29 | 8:22 AM
Thanks Sunny a lot for your reply.It is really working now. biggrin biggrin
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Posts: 12
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Message # 30 | 9:35 AM
mine last time its working but now,, its not working anymore sad