uCoz Community Additional Services Account Management Account is blocked (Account is blocked) |
Account is blocked |
Ban reasonsРаспространение аудиовизуального произведения без согласия правообладателя
http://kinoplius.do.am/load/films_ru/blokbaster_3d_2011/2-1-0-1682 You must remove all causes of account blocking The request has been sent to Technical Support. I delete http://kinoplius.do.am/load/films_ru/blokbaster_3d_2011/2-1-0-1682 but My account still Blocked Why? Attachments:
(33.0 Kb)
Post edited by interout - Monday, 2012-11-12, 1:20 PM
This matter is to be discussed with the technical support.
The support forums cannot help you with this, simply contact technical. Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer - http://pixelkhaos.com PixelKhaos on twitter - @PixelKhaos I can help you develop your site for a small fee. |
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