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How to close web for some time
Posts: 1
Reputation: -1

Message # 1 | 4:46 PM
me and my friend want to close server and web until 29 October. so nobody cant get in site. I mean everytime when they wrote http://northplace.clan.su it shows admin loging page.

How do i do that.

Post edited by andis102 - Sunday, 2007-10-21, 4:48 PM
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 2 | 6:18 PM
Control Panel -> Common settings -> Site is temporary down
Stefanie Heinzmann
Posts: 14
Reputation: -2

Message # 3 | 5:27 PM
  • at your control panel, in module settings, you can set the module available only for the certain group
  • and in the page editor, the page can also be set to which group can view it

    and to make the site only available to you, just make a site then dont tell anyone about it... hehehhe, im just kidding, just mind the 2 items above

  • joeyw517
    Posts: 12
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 4 | 4:32 PM
    I have tried to redirect visitors of one of my sites to another site of mine while I currently work on it. It would not redirect to my other site but it would redirect to other sites. http://xgk.clan.su/ is the site address I put in the correct field.

    So when people goto http://mysports.ucoz.com/ i want them to be redirected to http://xgk.clan.su/ for the time being.

    Ive also instead tried to check the "Site is temporary down" field and this also does not work and people can still view my site and I dont want visitors until I am done with my site. Ideas?

    Post edited by joeyw517 - Wednesday, 2009-03-04, 4:39 PM
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 5 | 9:56 PM
    Quote (joeyw517)
    So when people goto http://mysports.ucoz.com/ i want them to be redirected to http://xgk.clan.su/ for the time being.
    1. Put the first site under construction. (CP -> Settings -> Common Settings -> Site is temporary down)
    2. Go to: CP -> Customize Design -> Site Pages -> Place this code:
    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=@Add-Site-URL@">

    - Set old sites main page (Site Pages) background in one colour & remove content.
    (It flashes a bit after re-directing, but by background change & content, will look cool)

    Quote (joeyw517)
    Ive also instead tried to check the "Site is temporary down" field and this also does not work and people can still view my site and I dont want visitors until I am done with my site. Ideas?
    People can't visit it. Make sure you do set it.
    Posts: 11
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 6 | 7:57 PM
    i was wondering if i can change the site down page.

    There is a ucoz advertisment and a admin log in box.

    How will be aible to change it?

    Posts: 1424

    Message # 7 | 8:01 PM
    You mean the Ad Banner?
    Posts: 11
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 8 | 8:03 PM
    yes and no i ment can i ad text remove text?


    Post edited by lloydevans - Sunday, 2009-05-17, 8:13 PM
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 9 | 8:32 PM
    You can't.
    Posts: 63
    Reputation: 4

    Message # 10 | 8:40 PM
    can we upload a own html as a "site down" page, without anyone to have acces to the actual site?
    Posts: 11
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 11 | 8:46 PM
    what i did was in
    CP ..> Customize design ..> Templates backup (make a backup)..> Page Editor (site pages) ..> Deleat every thing and time in for example: 'site down' ..> Save.

    (one thing you cannot edit the rest of the site)

    To undo go back to: Templates backup and use the saved template.

    Posts: 111
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 12 | 10:07 PM
    You can redirect your site to Your Own page.

    For example make a Site Down page and save it as a .html

    Upload it to File Manager

    Then go to

    CP > Module Design Customization > Site Pages

    Under <body> add this code.

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

    <!-- Begin
    window.location="Link to the Site Down page";
    // End -->

    It appears that your browser does not support JavaScript, or you have it disabled. This site is best viewed with JavaScript enabled.<p>If JavaScript is disabled in your browser, please turn it back on then reload this page.<p>Or, if your browser does not support JavaScript,
    click <a href="Link to the Site Down page">here</a>.

    P.S I do NOT take credit for this script all credit goes to http://javascript.internet.com/

    Use your brain before you post ~Lee
    Please use search, ~Lee
    Posts: 11
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 13 | 10:48 PM
    yes that is a very good way
    Post edited by lloydevans - Tuesday, 2009-05-19, 11:47 AM
    Posts: 2
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 14 | 9:20 PM
    Hey ucoz, I've been trying to figure this out on my own but i cant seem to found out how, Is there anyway that i can make it so Moderators can log on to the site when the site is temporary under service and not just administrators?
    Posts: 421
    Reputation: 35

    Message # 15 | 10:34 PM
    I think it is impossible.
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