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Is uCoz trolling me?
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 7:28 PM
First of all I did the registration and everything, confirmed my phone number and got Filezilla to upload my files.
When trying to connect Filezilla couldn't do the connection, it was because I had no password set on the FTP.
So I go to set a password and it asks me for my mobile number as a confirmation. I enter the exact same number that I have and it says it's wrong. It really made me doubt if I know my number so I grabbed my business card and entered the exact same number again. No luck.
Then I decided to delete my profile from uCoz and needed to input a password I used and my number again. No luck too 'cause it says that the password is wrong and so is the number. WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON?
Great, now I'm stuck here. Thought it was a legit site but it's just another scam to get your personal information...
Posts: 184
Reputation: 6

Message # 2 | 8:41 PM
Krash, did you try to write your number in national/international format? If you can't remember the exact form of the answer, please contact the Support team: Control Panel -> Help -> Technical Support (maybe you've entered it incorrectly when choosing the Secret Question).
Good things come to those who wait!
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 3 | 11:02 AM
Krash, you need to enter the phone number in the international format, without spaces/hyphens between the digits, and without the "+" sign. Please make you do everything as described, and if you still see the error message, contact the Support team as Felicia suggested.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 4 | 11:28 AM
Quote Krash ()
Thought it was a legit site but it's just another scam to get your personal information...

As for as i know you are wrong. I've been four years here no one publish my true name anywhere.

Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 3:21 PM
Yes guys, I've entered the country code with + and then my number without any spaces or extra characters. The phone number is exactly the same I used at registration and it has been confirmed, I received an SMS and the site says that it's all good.
But when I try changing the password, the phone number isn't correct (as the website says). Got to admit that it's a pretty stupid feature. I remember I was using uCoz like 4-5 years ago and it was working pretty good with no phone numbers needed and now this. I give up! Can't even delete the page now 'cause it won't accept my number.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 6 | 3:59 PM
Krash, if you contacted the Support Team, please wait for their answer. It is also possible to change the answer and the question once you retrieve the current one: guid.uid.me -> U -> Settings -> Profile settings -> Security.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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