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Adverigo Captcha Disappeared?
Posts: 475
Reputation: 13

Message # 1 | 12:21 PM
Hello uCoz team, why did you inactivate the Adverigo Captcha recently?

Before, I was able to use Adverigo Captcha as Security Code but now, it disappeared. Why did you disable it?

I find it very useful. Spammers (thru posting spam comments) can hardly spam my site. But now, there are only three captcha options. Spammers can now easily spam my site. I think they're using some sort of spamming program.

What happen to adverigo captcha as our Security Code option? Do some uCoz staff spam some of the uCoz sites?

Added (2016-01-25, 12:21 PM)
Hello uCoz, no response yet? hey, hey, hey...

Post edited by khen - Sunday, 2016-01-24, 12:42 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 4:20 PM
khen, what is the website and CP language as set in the Control Panel >Common settings?
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 475
Reputation: 13

Message # 3 | 12:12 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 4 | 3:35 PM
khen, the Adverigo captcha was released prematurely, so yes, we have disabled it for now. I can't say when (or even if) it will be activated again.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 475
Reputation: 13

Message # 5 | 1:24 PM
Sunny, please tell uCoz team to activate Adverigo captcha again or implement another more effective captchas. It really helps fight spam comments.

Those three captchas (Standard, Simple, and Complicated) currently set in the Common Settings are useless.

I SAY THEY ARE USELESS! USELESS! USELESS! Why? Because spammers can successfully spam my posts using any of those three captchas. So, admin or moderators of the site could waste a lot of time just reviewing those hundreds of spam comments.

Please take note of this... I'm sick of reviewing those hundreds of spam comments in my site everyday. Those three captchas currently implemented are USELESS! sad

Post edited by khen - Friday, 2016-01-29, 1:25 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 6 | 1:48 PM
khen, I have forwarded your concerns to our development team.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 475
Reputation: 13

Message # 7 | 11:40 AM
Sunny, thank you so much! I'm waiting for an immediate action from the dev team.

Added (2016-02-19, 11:40 AM)
It's nearly a month that I haven't receive any update from this concern. Will the DEV TEAM implement ADVERIGO Captcha? Or can you please implement any other effective captcha system?

sad sad sad

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 8 | 2:50 PM
khen, unfortunately I cannot promise it will be implemented in our nearest updates. Perhaps in a more distant future.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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