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Root directory
Posts: 1
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Message # 1 | 9:20 AM
hey guys, im not very good with website designing etc. And ive been asked to upload a confirmation code to my root directiory: http://holidayscape.ucoz.com/alertpayverification.html. When i try to put that page in, i get an error saying:
Resource not found. If you could help me understand how to upload it, it would be appreciated. Its for verification on an "AlertPay" page. Im trying to add donations, and it says i have to verify the webpage to allow credit card donations.

Thanks alot.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 10:39 AM
holidayscape, create alertpayverification.html, then open File Manager -> browse -> upload.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 25
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Message # 3 | 7:38 PM
I was wondering if there was some sort of site which had uCoz templates/designs available for free. Was wondering because I saw http://unrealdistrict.ucoz.com/ and that design is amazing. Is it available o.o?
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 4 | 7:52 PM
Drafun, no it is custom made by the site owner, but there are wordpress templates converted into uCoz designs in here:

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 25
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Message # 5 | 8:18 PM
Thank you for that link. I'm already seeing some pretty designs. Is there anyway I can have two designs at once on my website? For example, I want to keep my current design in case I don't like the new one I'm about to test. Anyway to do this?

Added (2011-03-23, 2:05 PM)
Another question while I'm at it :P

"1. Upload folders bbcodes,DEMO,css,images,js,404,profile, as well as the file 404 - to the root directory of your website"

Umm, how would I go about doing that? In File Manager I'm only able to upload one image/file at a time... that would take a very long time considering there are 200-300 images/files needing uploading. Or do I have to do it 1 by 1?

Added (2011-03-23, 2:18 PM)
how do I create a global block? I found the page to edit them, but I can't see anywhere... to create a global block

Post edited by Drafun - Wednesday, 2011-03-23, 8:10 PM
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 6 | 8:29 PM
Quote (Drafun)
I'm already seeing some pretty designs. Is there anyway I can have two designs at once on my website? For example, I want to keep my current design in case I don't like the new one I'm about to test. Anyway to do this?

you can make backups in your control panel to backup your previous website design
CP ---> Design ---> Templates backup ---> create one

Quote (Drafun)
Another question while I'm at it :P

"1. Upload folders bbcodes,DEMO,css,images,js,404,profile, as well as the file 404 - to the root directory of your website"

Umm, how would I go about doing that? In File Manager I'm only able to upload one image/file at a time... that would take a very long time considering there are 200-300 images/files needing uploading. Or do I have to do it 1 by 1?

these questions are for the support from that website contact Tech Support in ucoztemplates.com

Quote (Drafun)
how do I create a global block? I found the page to edit them, but I can't see anywhere... to create a global block

go to CP ---> Design ---> Design management (templates) --->

and then press new block + copy the block code and paste it where you want it to appear

Attachments: 3262510.jpg (66.1 Kb)

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 7 | 9:09 AM
Drafun, only one remark. ucoztemplates.com do not have Technical Support service as it is. You may ask all of your questions on their forum
Posts: 156
Reputation: 7

Message # 8 | 12:54 PM
Quote (Drafun)
Another question while I'm at it :P "1. Upload folders bbcodes,DEMO,css,images,js,404,profile, as well as the file 404 - to the root directory of your website" Umm, how would I go about doing that? In File Manager I'm only able to upload one image/file at a time... that would take a very long time considering there are 200-300 images/files needing uploading. Or do I have to do it 1 by 1?

Instead of using File manager you could connect to your website via FTP. To use ftp you need a client, an application which uses ftp protocol. I recommend Filezilla or Total Commander.


With uCoz since 2007.
Posts: 3
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Message # 9 | 4:02 AM

I am having troubles im fairly new to the website making fiasco, and im just trying to make 1 for fun and mess around

i have a ucoz website and i want to know how to get the (root directory) of the website
I have done *ftp://Mywebsite.ucoz.com* and when i do a box comes up with a

Username, and Password authentication.

i type my username and password for ucoz in and it gives me a 530 Login authentication Failed
Am i doing something wrong if so plz tell me =)
Old Guard
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Message # 10 | 4:22 AM
Lordmedavs, you can access your sites root directory through the Control Panel. The ftp://mysite.ucoz.com does work once you have correctly setup youe FTP details (this being the password) but with uCoz to use FTP it is much easier to have access to a specialised FTP program or programs with it built in such as CuteFTP, Adobe Dreamweaver etc.

You will find more information on FTP here: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/37-2500-1
You will find more information on the file manager here: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/37-14299-1

Hope this helps, happy

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 11 | 9:13 AM
Lordmedavs, you may also find your root directory, if you login to your website as admin->Control->File manager. That is a root directory.
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