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How to speed up your uCoz website
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 1 | 11:17 AM
As you settle in to build or update your website with uCoz, what's going through your mind? No doubt thoughts of a dynamic, feature-rich website with loads of beautiful, high resolution images and lashings of JavaScript to entertain and delight your visitors? And why not? After-all this is the generous age of fast internet ... What can go wrong?

In truth there are quite literally still millions of dial-up internet users out there. Remember that your website exists for the benefit of your visitors and customers and a fraction of them will have slow internet connections. Just because a visitor has a slow internet connection doesn't mean they don't want to buy things from your e-shop module or enjoy your website. They will click away very fast if they find your website doesn't load quickly enough. If anything, as the internet has become faster, attention spans have gotten shorter. Your page loading time will even improve your search engine ranking now that Google uses site speed in their ranking algorithm. For all these reasons, I have prepared some easy tips to help you get your website is off the mark before its competitors:

1. Graphics
Images and graphics are the main culprit when it comes to slowing down a website's page load time. Always say it with plain text where you can or use small thumb-nails instead of the full graphic. Remember that even a massive website that is all plain text will load significantly faster than even one single largish image. It is nice to show off the artistic qualities of your design but if it is at the expense of your visitors experience then it is detrimental. You should also try to use image-manipulation software to make your images the right size for the page. Try out PIXResizer, for example. You should avoid re-sizing your images from within uCoz (using coding languages such as HTML, CSS and such) without re-rendering them at the right size because the web browser will still have to load the whole image and then just squish it when it comes time to render it; this will take time. Try and avoid having duplicate images to by keeping all the images for your website in one folder because your website should, as much as possible, load from the cache (memory) of your visitor’s computer. Identical images with different file-names will get in the way of this. You should also try and avoid using animations and use a static, properly re-sized, image where possible.

2. Tables
Try and minimize the use of tables in your website if you can. Your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox and other browsers) don't display the contents of a table until it has loaded all the elements within it, so if your entire website is contained within a table, it's going to take a while to load. This will be an issue for users that decide to make their own template from tables. If you must use tables in your website, create as many different tables as you can. A different table should be employed for at least the header, body and footer of your website. That way, at least part of the web-page will appear to your visitor should they have a slow internet connection. Consider this, instead of tables, use CSS (there is a CSS style sheet in Control Panel -> Design Customization) to keep your page organized.

3. Scripts
Some of the scripts out there can be fun but in an attempt not to mince words on the subject, it's 'fancy-shmancy'. Little applications that show the user what the weather is doing in their part of the world, for example, are fairly pointless and slow down their web-surfing experience. If your visitor wants to know what the weather is doing outside, they can look out the window. You should consider scripts to be a luxury item and the rule here is, if it isn't essential, loose it!

4. Videos
Adding videos to your site can also slow down your website significantly. If you absolutely must stream, make sure your videos are small in file size. A really fantastic way to save on website speed is to embed videos into your site that you have uploaded to YouTube. You can get the HTML embed code from the video at YouTube, or you can just use the BB tags (as displayed below) and just put the link in the middle. If that doesn't work then just use the embed code at YouTube. Also another great thing about YouTube is that the videos don't auto start so it won't slow the users internet down unless they decide to watch the video.


Embedding videos in this way also saves on the scripts you’ll have to add to your site for the video player to work and means that your website will function faster. The more you distance the content of your site from the HTML file that “builds” it, the faster your site will load. As an added bonus, the link to Google’s YouTube will even help the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your site and the more links to YouTube, the better!

Optimizing your page load time for your visitors will mean them a better experience and they will return to your website. Making a website for your visitors is extremely important. You must consider all the options and always optimize your site for them. Streamline your site, spread out your content neatly and stick to simple designs. All the really fast loading sites do...

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 2 | 11:23 AM
how do you even come up with this , nice work CreativeCollusions
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 3 | 11:26 AM
Animorph, wink
Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Post edited by CreativeCollusions - Sunday, 2010-12-12, 0:51 AM
Posts: 687
Reputation: 41

Message # 4 | 4:06 PM
"Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer 6." - Microsoft || Join the cause. Help your friends.

Posts: 30
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 5:56 PM
Thanks for tips.

The site I'm working on uses tables heavily, so I was considering the idea of converting it to CSS layout. Can you or someone else post a few links to sites that you think can be good examples of using CSS layout?

Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 6 | 6:03 PM
Charley_Dixon, using CSS will help your website massively, not only by appearance but also the way it functions. I do have a CSS book that I am happy to recommend, it's called 'CSS and HTML Web Design' by Craig Grannell. However there is a lot of on-line sites that will help.
Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Posts: 135
Reputation: 0

Message # 7 | 8:14 AM
The best way to speed up your site is ask uCoz remove u.js file.

This file is 269 Kb. And it is the gadgets and bbcode of the site. But most of the gadget is unworked. And I don't think it is really useful. The useful is widget. I like it.

Post edited by lanh - Thursday, 2011-04-28, 8:14 AM
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 8 | 9:37 AM
Quote (lanh)
The best way to speed up your site is ask uCoz remove u.js file.

It is not possible. This file can not be removed. It is a system file and it is needed for carrying out various system tasks.
Posts: 135
Reputation: 0

Message # 9 | 12:49 PM
Yes. Thanks for your explaining.
Posts: 62
Reputation: 2

Message # 10 | 9:03 AM
from the comments i bet i have the slowest site in ucoz ive got close to 4 scripts per page tons of images but im looking forward to trimming it down
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 11 | 10:17 AM
It can sometimes depend on the quality of your scripts too, if they are written poorly they may not work as well as they should.
Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Post edited by CreativeCollusions - Tuesday, 2012-02-07, 10:18 AM
Posts: 20
Reputation: -2

Message # 12 | 7:26 PM
I think, one of the best ways to increase site load speed, is buying premium account, it turns off ucoz adds, which goes with many lines of script code.
Made over 30 sites on Ucoz.
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 13 | 12:35 PM
Can you please tell me how to speed up the loading speed of the site? The niche is not simple (search and purchase of new buildings in London). The competitor has a load time of 0.4 seconds - https://1newhomes.com/new-homes/. How can we do the same? Heard about delayed image loading, but that's part of it. What else can we do to increase the speed so much?
Who can help - I will owe the house))

Post edited by 1newhomescompany - Friday, 2023-04-21, 12:42 PM
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 14 | 1:23 AM
How can I Improve my Website speed & reliability?
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