uCoz AJAX Window Generator
Posts: 687
Message # 1 |
6:59 PM
uCoz AJAX Window Generator v1.02 A flash application developed to help you easily create uCoz AJAX windows. FEATURES Easily define the AJAX window properties. Completely accepts your HTML codes. You don't have to worry about breaking the AJAX window, the app handles it. The code is formatted as a JavaScript function which means you can call it easily using yourFunctionName() . The generated code automatically gets copied to your clipboard for easy pasting to your uCoz website. SCREENSHOTS CODE USAGE The generated code is colored in blue . The below example shows how you can use the generated code on a link. Quote (Open automatically. )
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Did you make this? Yes, I did. How much does the app cost to use? None, it's free. ;) How do I make the uCoz AJAX window to automatically open when my page opens? Use the onLoad event on your page's tag. How is this application made? This application is made in flash. Can I put YouTube videos into the AJAX window? Yes, you can. Just copy the embed code on the YouTube video's page. Does this application support HTML codes? Yes, it supports tables, divs, etc. Does this application support BB codes? Unfortunately, no. You need to use HTML codes. What if I still have questions that weren't answered here? If so, feel free to ask in this thread. I will try to reply as soon as possible. :) SOURCE CODE
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="480" height="350" pageTitle="uCoz AJAX Window Generator" preloaderChromeColor="#787070"> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Alert; private function convertBoolean(pBool:Boolean):Number { if (pBool == true) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } private function generateCode():void { // Validate Fields if (winID.text == '') { Alert.show("Please provide a unique ID for this AJAX window.","Missing Field"); } else if ((winWidth.text == '') || (winHeight.text =='')) { Alert.show("Please provide a size for the AJAX window.","Missing Field"); } else { // Generate Code var tCode:String = ""; tCode = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" + "function " + winID.text + "(){\n" + "new _uWnd('" + winID.text + "',unescape('" + escape(winTitle.text) + "')," + winWidth.text + "," + winHeight.text + ",{" + "modal:" + convertBoolean(winModal.selected) + ",close:" + convertBoolean(winClose.selected) + ",max:" + convertBoolean(winMaximize.selected) + ",resize:" + convertBoolean(winResize.selected) + ",nomove:" + convertBoolean(winNoMove.selected) + ",shadow:" + convertBoolean(winShadow.selected) + ",header:" + convertBoolean(winHeader.selected) + ",autosize:" + convertBoolean(winAutoSize.selected); // Conditional Stuff (Minimum and Maximum Sizes) if (winMinWidth.text != '') {tCode = tCode + ",minw:" + winMinWidth.text;} if (winMinHeight.text != '') {tCode = tCode + ",minh:" + winMinHeight.text;} if (winMaxWidth.text != '') {tCode = tCode + ",maxw:" + winMaxWidth.text;} if (winMaxHeight.text != '') {tCode = tCode + ",maxh:" + winMaxHeight.text;} var tContent:String = winContent.text; if (winAlignment.selectedValue.toString() != '') { tContent = '<div align="'+winAlignment.selectedValue.toString()+'">' + winContent.text + '</div>'; } tCode = tCode + "},unescape('" + escape(tContent) + "'));\n" + "}\n" + "</script>"; System.setClipboard(tCode); // Generate User Alert Alert.show("The code has been generated and copied to your clipboard!" + "You can now paste it.\n\n" + "To use it, you must call the JavaScript function below:\n\n" + winID.text + "()","Copied to Clipboard"); } } ]]> </fx:Script> <fx:Declarations> <s:RadioButtonGroup id="winAlignment"/> <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here --> </fx:Declarations> <s:controlBarContent> <s:Label text="uCoz AJAX Window Generator v1.01" fontWeight="bold" color="#141313"/> </s:controlBarContent> <s:BorderContainer x="0" y="0" width="480" height="321" borderColor="#D4C5C5" backgroundAlpha="0.0"> <!--Misc--> <s:Button y="10" width="100" height="21" label="About this App" click="aboutApp()" x="284"/> <s:Button y="10" width="80" height="21" label="More Info." click="moreInfo()" x="388"/> <!--End of Misc--> <s:Label x="19" y="16" text="Unique ID:"/> <s:TextInput id="winID" x="86" y="10" width="178" height="21" restrict="A-Za-z0-9_" maxChars="100"/> <!--First Column--> <s:Label x="24" y="52" text="Width:"/> <s:TextInput id="winWidth" x="62" y="46" width="40" height="21" restrict="0-9" maxChars="4" text="300"/> <s:Label x="109" y="52" text="Height:"/> <s:TextInput id="winHeight" x="152" y="46" width="40" height="21" restrict="0-9" maxChars="4" text="200"/> <s:Label x="24" y="77" text="Min. Width:"/> <s:TextInput id="winMinWidth" x="87" y="71" width="40" height="21" restrict="0-9" maxChars="4"/> <s:Label x="137" y="78" text="Min. Height:"/> <s:TextInput id="winMinHeight" x="204" y="72" width="40" height="21" restrict="0-9" maxChars="4"/> <s:Label x="24" y="102" text="Max. Width:"/> <s:TextInput id="winMaxWidth" x="89" y="96" width="40" height="21" restrict="0-9" maxChars="4"/> <s:Label x="137" y="103" text="Max. Height:"/> <s:TextInput id="winMaxHeight" x="206" y="97" width="40" height="21" restrict="0-9" maxChars="4"/> <s:Label x="24" y="126" text="Default Alignment:"/> <s:RadioButton x="33" y="140" label="Left" value="left" groupName="winAlignment" selected="true"/> <s:RadioButton x="83" y="140" label="Center" value="center" groupName="winAlignment"/> <s:RadioButton x="149" y="140" label="Right" value="right" groupName="winAlignment"/> <s:RadioButton x="209" y="140" label="Justify" value="justify" groupName="winAlignment"/> <!--End of First Column--> <!--Second Column--> <s:CheckBox id="winModal" x="285" y="40" label="Modal Window? (modal)"/> <s:CheckBox id="winClose" x="285" y="59" label="Closable? (close)" selected="true"/> <s:CheckBox id="winMaximize" x="285" y="78" label="Maximizable? (max)"/> <s:CheckBox id="winResize" x="285" y="97" label="Resizable? (resize)"/> <s:CheckBox id="winNoMove" x="285" y="116" label="Not Movable? (nomove)"/> <s:CheckBox id="winShadow" x="285" y="135" label="Shadow Present? (shadow)"/> <s:CheckBox id="winHeader" x="285" y="154" label="Header Present? (header)" selected="true"/> <s:CheckBox id="winAutoSize" x="285" y="173" label="Auto-size? (autosize)"/> <!--End of Second Column--> <!--User Content--> <s:Label y="172" text="Window Title:" x="24"/> <s:TextInput id="winTitle" x="105" y="166" width="155" height="21" maxChars="100"/> <s:Label x="50" y="202" text="Content:"/> <s:Label x="11" y="217" text="(Accepts HTML)"/> <s:TextArea id="winContent" y="196" width="363" height="115" maxChars="5000" x="105"/> <!--End of User Content--> <s:Button x="10" y="281" label="GENERATE" width="87" height="30" click="generateCode()" fontSize="10"/> </s:BorderContainer> </s:Application>
APPLICATION LINK Here's the official application link: http://www.shedosurashu.com/uawg
Post edited by shadowslash - Monday, 2011-04-11, 7:44 PM
Message # 31 |
1:47 PM
Sounds like a good business your running. I'd love to talk more about it, but let's stay on the subject
Kind regards,
Elliott .
"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.
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Twitter .
Posts: 687
Message # 32 |
4:02 PM
Updated to version 1.02 . - Added two new parameters.
I'm still working on the new replacement for this app..
Posts: 156
Message # 33 |
9:56 PM
Thank you for this wonderful application, it saved me a lot of time.
http://banovci.ucoz.net http://guardsofaden.ucoz.ru http://jeftinodosajta.com ------------------------------- With uCoz since 2007.
Posts: 248
Message # 34 |
2:56 PM
VLADA , I cant access the generator.
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Posts: 2856
Message # 35 |
3:12 PM
coatham , i tried it and i have no problems opening the generator
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 248
Message # 36 |
3:17 PM
Whats the link?
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Posts: 2856
Message # 37 |
3:45 PM
read the first post of shadowslash , the link is provided there
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 687
Message # 38 |
7:15 PM
coatham , I think that was because I was migrating my blog from Blogspot to WordPress which is why you failed to access it earlier. I have restored the link and it should work properly now. Here's the link in case you missed it -> http://www.shadowslash.tk/uCoz/ajaxwindowgen
Let me know if you have problems accessing it!
Posts: 75
Message # 39 |
7:34 AM
Message # 40 |
11:05 AM
shadowslash , another feature you can implement in to the next version could be a window icon. Code
The code above is inserted inside the brackets of the script for AJAX windows along with the other functions such as resize, min, max, shadow... And of course give the user the option to change the icon currently marked as '/icon/16/link1.png '. You could also include a few pre-uploaded 16px icons that the user can choose from.
Kind regards,
Elliott .
"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.
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Behance and
Twitter .
Message # 41 |
3:53 PM
Your app is so helpful!
I love Ucoz :)))
Message # 42 |
10:11 PM
Shedo, your screenshots no longer work. Please change them.
Kind regards,
Elliott .
"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.
I'm on
Behance and
Twitter .