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Forum moderator: bigblog  
How to Make Custom Path Redirection for Various Modules
Posts: 687
Reputation: 41

Message # 1 | 8:04 AM
Have you ever had that certain instance where you want http://your-ucoz-site.com/stuff to also be accessible via http://your-ucoz-site.com/onlinegames? Well good news, here's a tutorial that will help you add redirections to virtually any URL you want. Be it inside your website or to external links, e.g.; http://your-ucoz-site.com/facebook will redirect users to http://www.facebook.com/your-ucoz-site-page.

Things you'll need:
- Any plain text editor. (You can't use Microsoft Word or any rich text editor.)
- Access to your uCoz website's File Manager.

Things to do:
1. Open up your text editor (e.g. notepad) and type or copy the code below.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=http://your-new-url/">
<p>Please wait while you are redirected...</p>

On the code above, replace http://your-new-url/ with the one you want.

2. Save your file to index.html.

3. On your website's File Manager, create a new folder name it whatever you want, e.g.; onlinegames.

4. Inside your newly created folder, upload your index.html file.

5. Make sure that the file is named index.html.

6. Test out your new url redirection by visiting http://your-ucoz-site/yournewfolder.

7. If you followed everything correctly that should work and you will be redirected to the URL you specified.

This concludes this simple set of instructions on how to set up redirection on your uCoz website.

You probably already knew how the above tutorial would work. You might just have overlooked it. smile

Demo Video
For those of you having trouble following the instructions above, here's a quick video demo on how to do it.

"Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer 6." - Microsoft || Join the cause. Help your friends.

Post edited by shadowslash - Wednesday, 2011-02-23, 6:21 AM
Posts: 247
Reputation: -5

Message # 2 | 9:14 AM
Posts: 44
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 9:07 AM
Ok, maybe there's something I'm completely missing here... but how do you specify the original page with this?
Posts: 687
Reputation: 41

Message # 4 | 12:54 PM
Quote (Kyrt_Ryder)
Ok, maybe there's something I'm completely missing here... but how do you specify the original page with this?

You specify the original page by replacing http://your-new-url/ with path to the original page (e.g. http://mysite.ucoz.com/stuff)

"Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer 6." - Microsoft || Join the cause. Help your friends.

Posts: 44
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 6:08 PM
Ugh, what could I be doing wrong... Inside the folder nipponbleachrpg.ucoz.com/races I've uploaded the following as index.html

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=http://nipponbleachrpg.ucoz.com/index/races/0-6">
<p>Please wait while you are redirected...</p>

and whenever I try to go to nipponbleachrpg.ucoz.com/races... it says resource not found...

[b]EDIT:[b] wow, case is relevant in this situation. Alright, I've got it fixed. Thanks smile

Sorry if this is off-topic... but do you know if there's any way to change (or initially upload in some way...) pages to actually have the desired URL? So that's what people see in the URL box when on the page?

Post edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Sunday, 2011-02-13, 6:10 PM
Posts: 687
Reputation: 41

Message # 6 | 6:22 AM
Quote (Kyrt_Ryder)
Sorry if this is off-topic... but do you know if there's any way to change (or initially upload in some way...) pages to actually have the desired URL? So that's what people see in the URL box when on the page?

Just made an instant tutorial after I read this post from you. smile

http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/38-12531-1 <- Here's the thread entitled "How to Make Custom Path Container for Various Modules"

This works almost exactly as this tutorial except the new tutorial I made retains the custom URL you picked. smile

Added (2011-02-23, 0:22 Am)

Added a demo video... wink

"Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer 6." - Microsoft || Join the cause. Help your friends.

Post edited by shadowslash - Sunday, 2011-02-13, 7:11 PM
Posts: 294
Reputation: 10

Message # 7 | 5:20 PM
lol what's the point?
After redirect there will be a stuff anyway wink
Posts: 687
Reputation: 41

Message # 8 | 1:20 AM
Quote (jackass)
ol what's the point?
After redirect there will be a stuff anyway

It's so that uCoz users will be able to have shorter links to parts of their website like the example below.


can be pointed to or given to users as


"Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer 6." - Microsoft || Join the cause. Help your friends.

Post edited by shadowslash - Friday, 2011-02-25, 1:20 AM
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 9 | 12:14 PM
well my PC also create the problem whenever i play the online Game through and many times it detects viruses and i hope through this procedure i will be enable to save from the bad viruses and thanks you have share this wonderful tricks with us
Posts: 80
Reputation: 1

Message # 10 | 11:39 PM
I know this has not been posted on for a bit, though I hope maybe someone will reply to this.

I do the above, and I saw your other copy of this, though I was wondering.... Can I make it so they can type in this, "http://www.runesync.com/database" which then would go another page on my site. Though when I use this code, and click on another link, this stays in the URL bar: "http://www.runesync.com/database" even if I am no longer on that page. Is there a way to fix this?

Post edited by Bloodyboy450 - Monday, 2012-04-09, 11:40 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 11 | 1:13 PM
Bloodyboy450, provide the code you are using and the link where it is not working.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 80
Reputation: 1

Message # 12 | 9:25 PM
I am using this code, within a notepad, and saving it as index.html:

<title>YOUR TITLE</title>  
<frameset rows="*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="NO">  
<frame src="http://your-new-url/" name="uCoz_Custom_Page_by_shadowslash" scrolling="auto" noresize>  
Please enable iframes on your browser. Otherwise, click <a href="http://your-new-url/" target="_top">HERE</a> to view this page.  

For the, "http://your-new-url/" sections I input: "http://www.runesync.com/database" I then upload it to my site's File Manager, and input a folder name "database" After that I click the file I just uploaded it shows the following: "http://www.runesync.com/database" which is correct, and it brings me to the correct linked page. Though after I am done with the page it brought me to, the URL in the search bar does not go back to normal, yet stays at: "http://www.runesync.com/database" even if I'm not currently on that page anymore.

Its somewhat hard to explain, if needed I can provide some images, which may help a bit.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 13 | 11:10 AM
Quote (Bloodyboy450)
For the, "http://your-new-url/" sections I input: "http://www.runesync.com/database"

You must put here the URL of the actual page where you want users to be redirected, not the URL of your created folder.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 80
Reputation: 1

Message # 14 | 9:06 PM
I tried that first, thinking that was the problem, though it comes out the same. The problem has not gone away.

I altered the 'New Url' sections below:

<title>RuneSync Database</title>  
<frameset rows="*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="NO">  
<frame src="http://runesync.com/publ/" name="uCoz_Custom_Page_by_shadowslash" scrolling="auto" noresize>  
Please enable iframes on your browser. Otherwise, click <a href="http://runesync.com/publ/" target="_top">HERE</a> to view this page.  

Here's an example of what I'm talking about, this image is what the link brings me to - Image 1

If I click on another link, the URL of the page does not change - Image 2
Attachments: 0090219.gif (359.3 Kb) · 4816737.gif (231.9 Kb)
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 15 | 11:25 AM
Bloodyboy450, I wasn't very attentive - you are using the code other than provided in the first message. Try the one, posted by shadowslash.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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