Message # 1 | 12:17 PM
The script works in the following way: after you've entered a post, the option to preview it before posting appears.

The script must be pasted after $BODY$

1. Uses the preview feature of private messages:

Pros: it is not necessary to install the Forum module.
Cons: only BB codes can be used.

<script type="text/javascript">   
   * Author: Sheriff  
function fi4adotru(){   
   var brf = $('#brief').val();   
   if(brf == '') brf = 'The brief description is not filled in!';   
   new _uWnd('fi4adotru', 'Entry brief description', 350, 250, {autosize:1}, {url:'/index/',xml:false,type:'post',data:{message:brf,a:70}});   
function fi4aru(){   
   var msg = $('#message').val();   
   if(msg == '') msg = 'The full entry text is not filled in!';   
   new _uWnd('fi4aru', 'Full entry text', 350, 250, {autosize:1}, {url:'/index/',xml:false,type:'post',data:{message:msg,a:70}});   
$("#brief").after("<input type='button' title='Entry preview' onclick='fi4adotru();' value='Preview' style='margin-left:20px;' class='codeButtons'>");   
$("#message").after("<input type='button' title='Entry preview' onclick='fi4aru();' value='Preview' style='margin-left:20px;' class='codeButtons'>");   

2. Uses the preview feature of the Forum module:

Pros: both BB codes and HTML tags can be used.
*Note: the Forum module must be installed, and the necessary groups should be allowed to use HTML tags (Control Panel -> Users -> User groups).

<script type="text/javascript">   
   * Author: Sheriff  
function fi4adotru(){   
   var brf = $('#brief').val();   
   if(brf == '') brf = 'The brief description is not filled in!';   
   new _uWnd('fi4adotru', 'Entry brief description', 350, 250, {autosize:1}, {url:'/forum/',xml:false,type:'post',data:{message:brf,frmt1:1,ahtml1:1,sm:1,a:32}});   
function fi4aru(){   
   var msg = $('#message').val();   
   if(msg == '') msg = 'The full entry text is not filled in!';   
   new _uWnd('fi4aru', 'Full entry text', 350, 250, {autosize:1}, {url:'/forum/',xml:false,type:'post',data:{message:msg,frmt1:1,ahtml1:1,sm:1,a:32}});   
$("#brief").after("<input type='button' title='Entry preview' onclick='fi4adotru();' value='Preview' style='margin-left:20px;' class='codeButtons'>");   
$("#message").after("<input type='button' title='Entry preview' onclick='fi4aru();' value='Preview' style='margin-left:20px;' class='codeButtons'>");   

3. Uses the standard JS features:

Pros: doesn't use the system modules, and doesn't send requests to the server.

<script type="text/javascript">   
   * Author: Sheriff   
function fi4a(ru) {   
var text = $('#'+ru).val();   
text = text.split('\n').join('<br/>').split('[l]').join('<div align=\'left\'>').split('[/l]').join('</div>').split('[r]').join('<div align=\'right\'>').split('[/r]').join('</div>').split('[c]').join('<div align=\'center\'>').split('[/c]').join('</div>').split('[img]').join('<img src=\'').split('[/img]').join('\'/>').split('[url').join('<a href').split('url]').join('a>').split('[size').join('<font size').split('size]').join('font>').split('[color').join('<font color').split('color]').join('font>').split('<').join('<').split('[').join('<').split(']').join('>').split('[/').join('</');   
if(text == '') text = 'The entry description is not filled in!';   
new _uWnd('HelpWd','Entry preview',350, 250, {modal:1,autosize:1,closeonesc:1,resize:1,align:'justify',maxh:400},''+text+'');return false;   
$("#brief").after('<input type="button" title="Entry preview" onclick="fi4a(\'brief\')" value="Preview (HTML + BB)" style="margin-left:20px;" class="codeButtons">');   
$("#message").after('<input type="button" title="Entry preview" onclick="fi4a(\'message\')" value="Preview (HTML + BB)" style="margin-left:20px;" class="codeButtons">');   

*Note: some modules, like Site News, Blog, FAQ don't have a separate entry posting page, therefore in these modules the script must be used with $PAGE_ID$:


I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.