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Forum moderator: bigblog  
How to add a second column in the webpage code ?
Posts: 4
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 4:08 AM
My custom template that I installed from the uCoz store and it doesn't provided a second column on the left handed side.
As seen from my website: http://xaxr-begone.clan.su/

My thread title might've been a bit confusing, however; Is there any code/script that I can add to have a second column ? Do I have to add any extra "special" additions to have a second column on my left hand side of my website ? If so, may you explain, describe and tell me what to do. It will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!! happy

Post edited by Kevin91x - Sunday, 2014-02-02, 4:09 AM
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 2 | 7:40 AM
Kevin91x, this thread should be posted in custon solutions , and there are ways to create a second column on the left but that requires custom coding. I will wait for Paradox to move this thread to the correct board and then i will lookin to this matter since i'm on my mobile phone my speed and sight is limited.

Also provide the place where you got the web design , it would be easyer for me to help you out when i install the template myself to edit it.

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Post edited by Animorph - Sunday, 2014-02-02, 7:42 AM
Posts: 4
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 8:08 AM
Animorph, Sorry about that, I'm kind of new to the forum. Should've read the forum rules and the forum itself.
Custom Template Design: http://ucoztemplates.com/shop/95/desc/sparks

Post edited by Kevin91x - Sunday, 2014-02-02, 8:36 AM
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 4 | 2:11 PM
Kevin91x, Follow this exact tutorial:

First go to CP ---> Design --> Design Customization (CSS) --> Find:

#casing{width:1000px;background:url(/images/sheet_c.png);box-shadow:0 0 15px black;}
#content{width:600px;float:left;padding:10px 0 10px 20px;font-size: 12px;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;}
#content td, .catsTd{font-size: 12px;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;}
#right{width:350px;padding:0 15px;float:right;}

Replace it by:

#casing{min-width:100%;max-width:1000px;background:url(/images/sheet_c.png);box-shadow:0 0 15px black;}
#content{width:440px;padding-top:10px;float:left;font-size: 12px;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;}
#content td, .catsTd{font-size: 12px;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;}
#right{width:250px;padding:0 15px;float:right;}
#left{width:250px;padding:0 15px;float:left;}

Then go to CP ---> Tools ---> File Manager ---> css ---> nivo-slider.css ---> OPEN IT and REPLACE EVERYTHING with :

/* The Nivo Slider styles */
.nivoSlider {max-width:440px;
.nivoSlider img {max-width:440px;
/* If an image is wrapped in a link */
.nivoSlider a.nivo-imageLink {
/* The slices and boxes in the Slider */
.nivo-slice {
.nivo-box {
/* Caption styles */
.nivo-caption {
  opacity:0.8; /* Overridden by captionOpacity setting */
.nivo-caption p {
.nivo-caption a {
  display:inline !important;
.nivo-html-caption {
/* Direction nav styles (e.g. Next & Prev) */
.nivo-directionNav a {
.nivo-prevNav {
.nivo-nextNav {
/* Control nav styles (e.g. 1,2,3...) */
.nivo-controlNav a {
.nivo-controlNav a.active {

So far with the CSS styles :)

go to CP ---> Design --> Template Builder --> PASTE and SAVE

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[CSS_URL]" media="all" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$css/default.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$css/nivo-slider.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<div id="masthead">
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<div id="casing">
<div id="left">

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<div class="sidebox"><h3 class="sidetitl">TITLE</h3>
<div class="inner">CONTENT</div>
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<div id="content">
<?if($MODULE_ID$='news' || $MODULE_ID$='blog' || $MODULE_ID$='publ' || $URI_ID$='page1')?>
<div class="slider-wrapper theme-default">
<div class="ribbon"></div>
<div id="slider" class="nivoSlider">
<img src="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$images/slider1.jpg" alt="" />
<a href="http://ucoztemplates.com"><img src="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$images/slider2.jpg" alt="" title="This is an example of a caption" /></a>
<img src="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$images/slider3.jpg" alt="" data-transition="slideInLeft" />
<img src="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$images/slider2.jpg" alt="" title="#htmlcaption" />
<div id="htmlcaption" class="nivo-html-caption">
<strong>This</strong> is an example of a <em>HTML</em> caption with <a href="http://ucoztemplates.com">a link</a>.

<div id="right">

<div class="sidebar">
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<div class="sidebox"><h3 class="sidetitl">TITLE</h3>
<div class="inner">CONTENT</div>
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To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 4
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 3:42 AM
Thank you Animorph,
I will certainly follow your tutorial and see how it goes; if it fails. I will need more support and help happy

Post edited by Kevin91x - Monday, 2014-02-03, 3:51 AM
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 6 | 9:55 AM
Kevin91x, it will work wink
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 4
Reputation: 0

Message # 7 | 6:49 AM
Animorph, the website is a bit "uneven" and "awkward" looking. At what part of the code, where you are able to change the width of the columns ? The slider pictures aren't oriented set in the middle, since its 3 parts of code to change, I don't really know what part of the code that sets the slider pictures in the middle and the width of the columns.

Thank You! happy
Once again, I appreciate your help and support.

EDIT: By looking at my image of the website: it is shown with a few problems that has to be solved.


Additional Note: For further immediate support, may I post here on this topic about other custom solutions, or I create another topic about that, or I can just message you about it ?
Additional Note (2): I figured that the slider images doesn't fit the "slider" itself, what is the width x height of the image must be to fit the slider ? Like said, any ways to widen "the main content" of the website (like the columns).

Please reply as soon as possible.

Post edited by Kevin91x - Thursday, 2014-02-06, 4:47 AM
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