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Something specific that i need.
Posts: 6
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Message # 1 | 10:38 PM
Hello uCoz Community. I've almost build my site, but i got to the point where i can't find a solution to the thing, that i need the most for my site and which is the total concept of it. I need something like a test presentation that i've seen before. I mean, imagine a text editor with pictures, text formating, html mode and etc. But when you submit it, it starts еxpanding itself row by row, no matter how much text or pictures does it have in it. I need it for a live roleplay with text and pictures and html edit if possible. Once you submit it, it starts dissolving row by row and after it is full dissolved you can see it full and you can scroll through the whole thing, without waiting it to finish dissolving! This is the only thing that i need before paying for domain and my site actually depends on it. Some people have told me to use tinymc, but i'm not really sure with it. cry Thanks for the answers! smile

ps: Excuse me if i'm not posting at the right place..
Post edited by Sawyer - Sunday, 2014-03-09, 10:50 PM
Posts: 32
Reputation: 1

Message # 2 | 12:57 PM
Can you post some pictures or anything to visually describe what you mean? wink
Posts: 6
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 1:22 PM
I can't post pictures since my permissions in the certain site are gone. But let me describe it this way.

I'm finishing what i'm writing in the editor. I'm clicking on submit. When i confirm it, it immediately shows up as a live falling text. Every 1 second one row from the text shows up. Let's say you wrote a large document. When people enter in the site, if you added it few minutes ago they will be able to check it up to a certain point it is dissolved. This way you need to wait like 1 hour to see the end of it. I need it for a roleplay, so people can come and wait for their part instead of immediately scrolling down to the end. smile
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 4 | 3:43 AM
Sawyer, unfortunately such a feature wouldn't be possible with uCoz without quite a bit of custom coding. You could attempt to write a JavaScript/PHP application to handle it but even then it wouldn't be a small undertaking. What you'd need to do is use the time it was posted, and devise an algorithm based on how long it takes averaged to load each line, and then use that to have the app write out each line every however long that may be.

Alternatively there might be a third party code floating around which would help you with this so looking on Google is never a bad idea.

Good luck. wink

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 6
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Message # 5 | 11:59 AM
Paradox, thanks for answering my question. I'm still searching in uncle Google. I hope i'll find something similar to it. smile
Posts: 94
Reputation: 7

Message # 6 | 8:33 PM
Posts: 636
Reputation: 26

Message # 7 | 1:04 AM
NormalX, That has nothing to do with the matter.
Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer - http://pixelkhaos.com
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I can help you develop your site for a small fee.
Posts: 94
Reputation: 7

Message # 8 | 4:13 AM
PixelKhaos and Sawyer, Sorry, i may have misunderstood the question
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