locked entries
Posts: 267
Message # 1 |
8:21 PM
Hello everyone. I could be so much thankfull if someone could say about my idea something good..
I wanted create informer for example site news which shows 2 kind of entries - locked and opened (locked where comments are not allowed till they get for example 8 comments per one entry); main idea is like tournaments - news entry is tournament , but comments are applications for tournament - when entry gets 8 comments = 8 players, ill make it closed by closing comments. I need that informer shows me closed and opened entries. Is it possible?
Post edited by Korijs - Tuesday, 2014-09-02, 10:51 AM
Posts: 9296
Message # 2 |
10:48 AM
Korijs, you could create two separate categories - one for open entries and one for closed entries, and then create two separate informers for each category.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 267
Message # 3 |
10:50 AM
hmm, interesting idea, ill try it