Message # 1 | 2:09 PM
Hello everybody, i would love some help here. My website gives this response when a user tries to log in.

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

<ajax><cmd p="innerHTML" t="blk549288"><div align="left" style="padding:10px;"><div class="myWinLoadSD"></div></div></cmd><cmd p="js">var ad=window.location.href.replace(/#(.*)?/,'');setTimeout("window.location.href='"+ad+"?l4I1u9'",'1000')</cmd></ajax>

I was told to clear the cache but all the same. All my website users have the same problem on their computers

With my second website i am using a custom template i tried to seek assistance from uSupport and told me they do not help with custom templates. The issue is no pop ups are available yet i included in the template builder. When a visitor is trying to send a message he gets the following message.

"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<ajax><cmd p="content"><div style="padding-top:15px"><b>Thank you.</b><br><br>Your message has been successfully sent.</div></cmd><cmd p="title">Message sent</cmd><cmd p="js">sblmb1=0;try {addSuccess();}catch(e){}</cmd><cmd p="js">try {document.mform.f3.value='';}catch(e){}</cmd></ajax>"

Please help if you can because i have reached an end of all solutions.

Added (2014-11-26, 1:09 PM)
I also need someone to help me convert this code condition to ucoz system

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