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Installation of a Logo to Website
Posts: 19
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 6:10 PM
I want to install a logo to my Website "HariBiz". How to do it ? I am also told that an Alt. attribute needs to be added while uploading the logo for enhancing Google ranking. So how to accomplish this task ? Need help.

Hari Charan Majhi.
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 2 | 2:47 AM
habalsi2014, provide the link of your website.
Posts: 19
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 4:10 AM
OK. Website link is http://haribiz.com

Hari Charan Majhi.

Added (2017-01-16, 4:10 AM)
Sorry, the correct URL is http://www.haribiz.com

Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 4 | 10:14 PM
habalsi2014, First and foremost your meta tags are not in place. Kindly put it in the head tags <head> not on $GLOBAL_HEAD$.
Secondly where you do you want to put your logo? In the text or on the opposite? (the picture in the top right side)

In the haribiz text. Kindly see the image in the spoiler.

Instead of Haribiz I've underlined it use this.
<img src="your link" width"it depends on your preferences" alt"haribiz">

In the opposite side.
Kindly view your css the default if you could find this one.
.globe {
    vertical-align: top;
    text-align: right;
    width: 525px;
    background: url(/.s/t/797/3.png) no-repeat;

If you could find that code above simply link your logo in the background url. If not add it in your css then copy the code below and don't forget to change the background url into your logo url.
.globe {
    vertical-align: top;
    text-align: right;
    width: 525px;
    background: url(/.s/t/797/3.png) no-repeat!important;
Attachments: 1546977.png (197.6 Kb)

Posts: 19
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 12:50 PM
Thanks for your valuable guidance.
So far as HTML code is concerned I am a layman. I narrate below whatever I have understood and what I am going to. Please correct me if I am wrong.

( A) Regarding Meta tag placement.
I observe that for the top part of my website the tag <head> or </head> are not there. The first tag that starts is <div id="top">
So I am going to do like this :

place the whole Meta Tag here taking out from the previous position.
Then </head>
Then <div id="top"> to continue as before.

(B) Regarding Installation of LOGO.
I want to install the logo at the left side of the title Text " Hari Biz"
The related tag is like this :
<td class ="sitelogo">
<!--<logo>-->Hari Biz<!--</logo-->

(1) If I want to place the logo just at the left side of the Text, will it be proper to place the entire HTML code ending alt"haribiz"> in place of Hari Biz ?
(2) Now in this situation where to place the HTML code of the logo ?. It is a small three line code ? OR how to upload ?
Please guide.
Thank You,
Hari Charan Majhi.
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 6 | 9:24 PM
Quote habalsi2014 ()
Thanks for your valuable guidance.
So far as HTML code is concerned I am a layman. I narrate below whatever I have understood and what I am going to. Please correct me if I am wrong.

( A) Regarding Meta tag placement.
I observe that for the top part of my website the tag <head> or </head> are not there. The first tag that starts is <div id="top">
So I am going to do like this :

place the whole Meta Tag here taking out from the previous position.
Then </head>
Then <div id="top"> to continue as before.

In using meta tags you must put between <head></head>. Since your meta tags are all overall metatags for your website you must put it in your homepage. Just copy your meta tags and paste it in the homepage of the module or page that you use. smile

Quote habalsi2014 ()
(B) Regarding Installation of LOGO.
I want to install the logo at the left side of the title Text " Hari Biz"
The related tag is like this :
<td class ="sitelogo">
<!--<logo>-->Hari Biz<!--</logo-->

If I understand you correctly you wanted like this...

Here's you're code..
<td class="myclass" style="width: 400px;">
<img src="http://your logo url" alt="haribiz" height="auto" width="resize it according to your need the max size is 400px and use auto for your height as always. But not in width.">

In your css add this:
.myclass {
    padding-left: 20px;

In this case I prefer that you create your logo with your Site name so that It would be easier and nicer to have a name that has been edited with transitional effect.
Look in this spoiler how I inserted that code as a basis and also you would not mess up your site html. Your empty class change the width to 100px

Quote habalsi2014 ()
(1) If I want to place the logo just at the left side of the Text, will it be proper to place the entire HTML code ending alt"haribiz"> in place of Hari Biz ?

The big purpose of alt is to provide information in an image. Yes it has a big impact in seo. In your question I will say no. Alt is different from what is in your mind. Hari Biz is your site name while alt is just a description or definition of your site logo image.

Quote habalsi2014 ()
(2) Now in this situation where to place the HTML code of the logo ?. It is a small three line code ? OR how to upload ?

About the image of your logo upload it in your File manager manually or via FTP. In logo by the way use PNG format and compress it to the maximum level of compression. A logo below 1MB is highly needed so that your website runs faster. I provide already where your would paste the code.
Attachments: 3146403.png (257.1 Kb) · 8254891.png (196.9 Kb)

Post edited by Cyberdasm - Tuesday, 2017-01-17, 9:32 PM
Posts: 19
Reputation: 0

Message # 7 | 3:30 PM
As suggested the meta tag irregularity has been rectified by adding the tag to Home Page instead of Top part of Website( done earlier )

Now regarding the Logo I would like to go by the second suggestion above.

In the opposite side.
Kindly view your css the default if you could find this one.
.globe {
vertical-align: top;
text-align: right;
width: 525px;
background: url(/.s/t/797/3.png) no-repeat;

The above code is already there in the CSS. So I can replace the back ground URL .
But for the logo I have the following code .
(a) Out of this, which one is the URL ?
(b) Should I paste the entire code in place of the back ground URL ?

<img src="cooltext226220700339682.png"
onmouseout="this.src='cooltext226220700339682.png';" />;

I have also uploaded the logo through File Manager.
How to make use of it here ?

Thank you,
Hari Charan Majhi.
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 8 | 9:55 PM
Quote habalsi2014 ()
I have also uploaded the logo through File Manager.
How to make use of it here ?

Just copy the direct url inside the popup box.
it is not necessarily to use http://website.com instead use /foldername/image.jpg unless you upload your logo somewhere else. Do not forget the slash.

Quote habalsi2014 ()
(a) Out of this, which one is the URL ?

those src are all url. But the main url of your logo is the first and the last one.

Quote habalsi2014 ()
(b) Should I paste the entire code in place of the back ground URL ?

No. the url only.

If you would like to use onmouseover and onmouseout read it here.
Attachments: 2542585.png (55.8 Kb)

Posts: 19
Reputation: 0

Message # 9 | 12:53 PM
Sorry to inform you that the logo issue could not be resolved.
I want that the title text of the site as well as the template image should remain intact as they are now.
But the logo should be super imposed on the template image ( i.e at the right side within the image or near it )

So as per the suggestion I opened the CSS and replaced the back ground URL with the Logo URL after copying the URL from the popup window .
The URL is : http://haribiz.com/wp101logo.png
The result was that the Template Image did not show up. The logo also did not show up either.
The link was posted in the way you suggested i.e. /wp101logo/image.png , and later the full URL as well.
But both the times neither the Template image nor the logo showed up.
It is observed that any URL other than the default back ground URL is causing the Template image missing from the website screen.
All the times the default setting had to be restored and the template image again showed up.
Now what next ? How to install the logo ?

Yes, similar was the experience with the first option also i.e putting the logo beside the text HariBiz ( (logo) HariBiz(TexT) )
When the entire code ending alt"haribiz"> was placed in place of HariBiz, the text Title "HariBiz" suddenly disappeared from the Website Screen. Again the code had to be deleted and default setting restored.
Waiting for a workable solution
Thank you.

Hari Charan Majhi.

Added (2017-01-19, 12:53 PM)
One more question. In SEO term Favicon means site logo with alt attribute or any thing else ? In other words, whether the site logo is treated as the Favicon ?

Hari charan Majhi

Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 10 | 9:15 PM
Quote habalsi2014 ()
Sorry to inform you that the logo issue could not be resolved.
I want that the title text of the site as well as the template image should remain intact as they are now.
But the logo should be super imposed on the template image ( i.e at the right side within the image or near it )

So as per the suggestion I opened the CSS and replaced the back ground URL with the Logo URL after copying the URL from the popup window .
The URL is : http://haribiz.com/wp101logo.png
The result was that the Template Image did not show up. The logo also did not show up either.
The link was posted in the way you suggested i.e. /wp101logo/image.png , and later the full URL as well.
But both the times neither the Template image nor the logo showed up.
It is observed that any URL other than the default back ground URL is causing the Template image missing from the website screen.
All the times the default setting had to be restored and the template image again showed up.
Now what next ? How to install the logo ?

Did you delete your cache before you conclude?
Quote habalsi2014 ()
One more question. In SEO term Favicon means site logo with alt attribute or any thing else ? In other words, whether the site logo is treated as the Favicon ?

I don't know if having a favicon will boost up your seo since my website with default uCoz favicon rank well without it. One thing I'm sure of is that favicon is a trademark a small logo in the header of your browser beside the title of your website. In my experience I don't use alt in my favicon since favicon is a link not an image. I only use rel and media all in my link tags.

Quote habalsi2014 ()
When the entire code ending alt"haribiz"> was placed in place of HariBiz, the text Title "HariBiz" suddenly disappeared from the Website Screen. Again the code had to be deleted and default setting restored.
Waiting for a workable solution

Yes it will disappear since that is not the purpose of alt.

habalsi2014, my suggestion is that create a logo with your site name on it. Instead of the name of your logo paste the image. Since you don't want to change the right side photo I think that is the best solution in your case.

Post edited by Cyberdasm - Thursday, 2017-01-19, 9:16 PM
Posts: 19
Reputation: 0

Message # 11 | 7:02 AM
Exactly my logo has been designed in the name of my Website . It is simple , unique and impressive as well. Now the problem is how to and where to paste. One thing comes to my mind is go to page editor > to home page and copy and paste the logo on the template image. I have not tried it lest it might give rise to some other complications. One more guidance from your side as to how to do and we will close the thread after that, of course after completing the task.

Hari Charan majhi.
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 12 | 7:29 AM
habalsi2014, send your logo to me as well as the name beside it. I will make a test design with equal proportion for your header so that it will be easy for you to implement it.
Posts: 19
Reputation: 0

Message # 13 | 12:25 PM
As suggested I have sent the logo. Please check email :admin@lizeal.tk.

Hari Charan Majhi

Added (2017-01-21, 12:25 PM)
I am happy to note that I have been successful in installing the logo just beside the Text. It was done by uploading the image file through File Manager. I was surprised to find that my previous uploading was defective. But second time uploading was perfect. In the uploaded file there is a button for generating Image HTML code ( At the right hand corner - Second button from left). The HTML code was pasted just next to the code below:

<td class ="sitelogo"> ( Image HTML Code )

And the logo brilliantly showed up just before the Title Text.
Thank You for sparing valuable time. Now no need to take any further action.
The thread may be treated as closed.

Hari Charan Majhi.

Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 14 | 1:10 PM
Quote Cyberdasm ()
<img src="your link" width"it depends on your preferences" alt"haribiz">

habalsi2014, I already told you about that. smile I'm happy that your problem was solved. You could use the code for SEO purposes.
<img src="/cooltext226220700339682.png" alt"haribiz">

Post edited by Cyberdasm - Saturday, 2017-01-21, 1:15 PM
Posts: 19
Reputation: 0

Message # 15 | 8:27 AM
Thank you very much. The same code has been used.

Hari Charan Majhi.
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