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uCoz Community For Webmasters Custom Solutions how to show total post on blog |
how to show total post on blog |
i made template but i dont know how to showing total post or count , how to show total post on blog module and total post on tags ?
please give me a solution..... here demo http://dooplay.ucoz.net/ ![]() Attachments:
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fadly168, my friend ucoz dont care anymore if you dont pay them! they will tell you they dont deal with customer scripting so you go hang your self. If you know how to make shift of website from ucoz to other hosting please asist me with knowlege. My website was off one week now they tell me i have customer scripting on my site i ask them what it is and what scripting allowed on ucoz they dont answer customer mails i keep sending from their website.
we had budget of to pay ucoz alomst 2000usd per month on VIP host after we finish editing of site but with this ugly service we feel very stupid. We dont even know where to pay or who to catch the money we pay. ![]() ![]() |
thanks for your answer bro ... this forum is dead now
Harina, we treat each customer with the same attitude, it's not like those who pay gets better support and those who don't - receive none. I'm not aware where are you sending the emails you're referring to, customer support hasn't received any from you for quite some time.
You have mentioned VIP plan, in this case, you should have a personal manager and a chat with him/her on Skype, it's up to them to resolve most of the situations. |
Gromov, we keep send here www.ucoz.com/contact and we not replied on week now and when relply they told us we have customer scripting. Our website www.bendella.com you block our main computers we use Vpn to edit but even VPN you blocked. We dont know what is customer scripting on Ucoz and why is it to block our site. We want to remove it but we dont know it exactly and we dont know what scripting is allowed on ucoz. We also dont know where to find the manager you talk about.
fadly168, first of all, the forum is not dead:) As for your question regarding the number of posts, I don't think it's possible by some standard means, custom coding most likely, but I'll try to ask here and there. thanks for answer |
Harina, First of all, we're not blocking a thing + we're definitely has nothing to do with VPN blocking situation of yours, I've just checked your website and it works just fine: https://www.screencast.com/t/xQn9eFnQ4
Your IP may be blocked, but the situation has been already described to you before, we're not responsible for your actions, specifically adding custom coding, third-party scripts, etc. that may interfere with your website. Regarding the manager, it's you who have mentioned the VIP plan, if you have applied for it you should have a manager in charge of your website. Have you applied for it? As for the tickets you've mentioned, I've checked the support queue and there are no tickets from you. Please specify your ticket ID (better to send it via the PM) and I'll take a closer look into it. |
![]() My colleague sent in ucoz a mail in oktober to request a VIP and we have just cheked ucozi answered a month after. He had gave up on waiting for replying. Ok now skype blocked in our country so we do no what we do to talk to the manager?? I dont know a ticket of the message i sent because i will not yet get a reply to see a ticket. I will also have wait a month to get a reply...and only a week pass Quote specifically adding custom coding, third-party scripts, So yucoz people dont accept a personal code on your system? is it what meaning? Shall we allowed using personal code if with a vip plan?..and will you stop blocking our site when we pay a VIP? because money is not our problem we only shall want a good service and is still a problem. Attachments:
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Harina, regarding the VIP manager, I've contacted him and now wait for his answer regarding that situation.
As for the custom scripting and the situation with the 403 error, it has been described to you numerous times, but I will duplicate this one for you once again: Quote as it was said before the issue is the custom srcipt/s that initiate numerous Get and Post requests. You may see those here. Remove those or optimize them and everything will work as it should. It's not up to us to optimize user websites with third-party scripts. Customer support isn't responsible for what you add to your website, thus, it's only you who can remove your custom codes. It's not a common issue, your website works just fine for others as it was stated before. |
Hello Mr, Gromov! am Juliet from Kampala, Uganda. I would like first appreciate the assistance you provide on this platform after all the support side is not so much friendly and does not provide a solution in detail.
I am working with Harina trying to build a complex portal for hosting talent videos and polls but we have little knowledge regarding the usage of Ucoz and web development all together. I am here to inform you that the 404 error problem is beyond our comprehension yet the explanation provided can only suit a mind with a profound experience in web development which we do not possess. We have taken time to look into all our code for scripts that could be causing the problem as you state but we can not find. We have also tried to restore to the default templates but still the problem persists. Further more we transferred our code to another test site (the exact code that causes the 404 error) but this site does not get blocked however much we refresh several times in a single minute. Its hurting that ucoz support does not provide any detailed explanations or perhaps tell which kind of scripts can cause this problem on ucoz. Sadly the 404 error has not been documented anywhere in detail for the users of the system to know which kind of scripts that can cause this problem and avoid using them on their site. Its quite scary for us that we have a bleak future with ucoz because we have not even reached a quarter of developing our site yet but we are already experiencing this problem literally meaning the more complex code we shall add the more complex problems we shall encounter. The ucoz support seems automated! We only receive a response like 'Ucoz does not provide support for custom scripts' We requested for a documentation form ucoz support about this issue and they told us to post in the suggestions. This is not good. We expect our site to be used by over 1 million people and thats a marketing opportunity for ucoz as well so we kindly request a proper assistance in the following ways in which we shall all benefit; 1)Provide a page on your website documenting this 404 error listing the kind of scripts that can cause this problem. 2)Suggest alternatives to such scripts. For your information, the 404 error on our site is a common problem. Accessing the homepage is ok...but attempting to browse further the system blocks instantly. Everyone accessing it gets blocked, not us alone. Thank you so much. Added (2018-12-21, 10:22 AM) |
juliebenz98, Harina, there are lots of requests that leads from various modules to the main page. Basically, you need to remove those and use the system's informers, this way everything will be work as it should.
For example, there's a script that makes requests to the Photo album: Code <script> $(document).ready(function () { var first = 0; var speed = 800; var pause = 7500; function removeFirst() { first = $('ul#top-profile li:first').html(); $('ul#top-profile li:first') .animate({ opacity: 0, height: "0px" }, speed, 'linear', function () { $(this).remove(); }); addLast(first); } function addLast(first) { last = '<li style="display:none">' + first + '</li>'; $('ul#top-profile').append(last) $('ul#top-profile li:last') .animate({ opacity: 1, height: "auto" }, speed) .fadeIn('slow') } interval = setInterval(removeFirst, pause); }); </script> But it's only one of them, there numerous scripts and requests are made non-stop: ![]() |
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