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Contest: Best uCoz Website
Posts: 63
Reputation: 4

Message # 31 | 0:38 AM
kanat07, sorry, tired :c

abasovMike, But it is not possible to add more than one site, is it?
Posts: 28
Reputation: 0

Message # 32 | 0:41 AM
DeathGod, if is the site you are applying, I'm not sure if you can win the Best Design nominee, but I'm sure you can win the "Best domain" nominee biggrin
Posts: 63
Reputation: 4

Message # 33 | 0:46 AM
kanat07, haha, if only :c
I'm still changing the site, I have some time left, right (:
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 34 | 1:09 AM
I've just noticed this competition, and I just realized some websites that have entered the competition, their designs have just been stolen from other sites. Such as RK-Gaming (from Share & Down) and there may be others... Keep an eye out up
Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Post edited by Mistory - Tuesday, 2010-08-10, 1:12 AM
Posts: 28
Reputation: 0

Message # 35 | 8:54 AM
Very true.
Juries should be very strict about piracy and warez sites as well as uCoz's terms of use.
Posts: 487
Reputation: 77

Message # 36 | 1:32 PM
While we're discussing designs, I'll drop by and share a quick note:

It's gonna be tough with the "best design" category, because, as already mentioned, people often steal designs from other websites or just find ripped versions on websites that provide them. There often is no real way to tell if the design is unique and created by the owner of the website or if it's just a ripped one.

Like for example, the one on was originally created for SMF (link). Someone rips them, throws on a website and people download it without even knowing it's a stolen design (and I'm more than certain that DeathGod didn't use a ripped design intentionally).

Post edited by Pilot - Tuesday, 2010-08-10, 1:34 PM
Posts: 28
Reputation: 0

Message # 37 | 5:33 PM
Pilot, you definently can tell if the design was created by the author by looking at details like 'Appearance of entries', 'Appearance of comments', and more.

Added (2010-08-10, 11:33 Am)
Same applies to look at the sidebars, 'center content', appearance of entries. I can tell they were created by a person other than the one who made the original design.

Posts: 487
Reputation: 77

Message # 38 | 8:24 PM
Quote (kanat07)
Pilot, you definently can tell if the design was created by the author by looking at details like 'Appearance of entries', 'Appearance of comments', and more.

Sometimes, yeah. Not always.

Posts: 63
Reputation: 4

Message # 39 | 8:54 PM
Pilot, oh, I did not know that.
I will change the design asap (:
Posts: 3
Reputation: 0

Message # 40 | 5:35 PM
i champion )))
Posts: 63
Reputation: 4

Message # 41 | 7:09 PM
alexneo, Nothing special about that site, at all.
Posts: 421
Reputation: 35

Message # 42 | 7:19 PM
Quote (DeathGod)
alexneo, Nothing special about that site, at all.

I agree...

Posts: 11
Reputation: 0

Message # 43 | 2:20 AM
I have a problem and I need help from abasovMike or whoever is in charge. I have created a topic about this several minutes ago, but I noticed this section so I think that it is better to ask for help here.

My website is called Boulevard 64 and I added it on the competition at 3rd August. It is rated over 200 times. I was checking the competition almost every day and several hours ago I noticed another Boulevard 64 website, which is not added by me and which is not rated. I just took an image of that problem ( I don't know if it is a bug, but it says that "fake" Boulevard 64 website is also added by Milos V. (me), also on 3rd August. It also links to the original Boulevard 64 website. I don't know if it appears on my screen only for some reason, so I would like to someone confirm this problem and help me solve it.

Posts: 31
Reputation: 3

Message # 44 | 2:34 AM
Hey [b64]Milos,

Somehow you added the same website twice with a little difference in the descriptions. It was my mistake to activate the second one, so I've deleted it now.

If you have any other concerns, let me know.

Posts: 11
Reputation: 0

Message # 45 | 2:38 AM
Okay, thanks a lot abasovMike. I thought that someone else added it but I was confused about the adding date. I noticed that there is a same situation with "embattl3D" website. Best regards.