E-Shop FAQ
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Message # 46 | 11:57 AM
Arthur2186, I couldn't find good user shops in English but you can see the E-shop module in use at the uCoz template store: http://ucoztemplates.com/shop

Here is also a very good sample in Russian: http://all-brands.com.ua/shop/brands

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Message # 47 | 11:15 PM
Plz hellp me:

I have E-Shop , how to do that my site users can add their own products but for this I would take a fee (charge)
E-Shop have that option?
I now that ucoz have option , if you want download something you can download after you Pay...

A big thank you Ucoz User smile

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Message # 48 | 9:21 AM
Quote (interout)
I have E-Shop , how to do that my site users can add their own products but for this I would take a fee (charge)
E-Shop have that option?

What you need is the Subagents feature, you can read a short description here: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/40-17182-100418-16-1367234490

Quote (interout)
I now that ucoz have option , if you want download something you can download after you Pay...

You can use E-shop for this purpose, the item type "File item".

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Message # 49 | 1:42 AM
Sunny, Is it possible:

Before adding a new entry link Site user needs to pay tax

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Message # 50 | 7:32 AM
interout, as far as I am aware this isn't possible.
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Message # 51 | 12:36 PM
Paradox, So not good i realy nead that option..................
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Message # 52 | 12:46 PM
1 more q:
as an example i have category goods (E-Shop) but i nead that in that category by more categorys 1 2 3 4 5 .
We can do that with forum Forum and section management
But how to do with E_Shop?
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Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 53 | 1:51 PM
interout, you can manage categories via the "Item categories" section:

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Message # 54 | 3:36 PM
Sunny, y i now that but how to do that As an example:

1 Category but in that category is 3 or more sections.
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Message # 55 | 11:21 AM
interout, if you want to move a category inside another category, you need to hold the "+" sign of the category you want to move, and then move it onto the category where you want it to belong:

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Message # 56 | 11:27 PM
UcozTeam :

1. How to Disable that fields ?
2. And is it possible to do that Availability (or item expectation date) by Fixed ?
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Message # 57 | 2:43 PM
interout, for

1. Add te CP->Design -> Design Management (CSS), add:

#tb_meta, #tb_price_in, #tb_unit, #tb_weight, #tb_art, #tb_stock {display:none !important;}

2. Not possible
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Message # 58 | 2:27 PM
A friend of mine was thinking of starting an Online Shop/Store. He asked me what Web Hosting would be best for this option and I told him that uCoz offers the best you can find on the internet. But, the only problem is he would love to see some Online Shop sites ran by uCoz but I couldn't find any. Can you help me? I need to get just 1-2 sites that are Online Shops running by uCoz.
Posts: 100
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Message # 59 | 12:06 PM
Superstar, here are a few examples of e-commerce websites created using uCoz in Romanian language:

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 60 | 10:13 AM
Superstar, the uCoz Template Store is another example http://ucoztemplates.com/
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