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uCoz Community General Information First Steps with uCoz uCoz ad banner (How to remove it) |
uCoz ad banner |
1. Is it possible to remove the uCoz ad banner from the website? Of course, it is possible. Removal of the ad banner is a paid service that is included into all paid plans starting from the Basic one. To disable it: 1. Go to your website's Control Panel -> Top bar -> $ Paid services -> Paid services. 2. Select any plan except the Minimal one (it does not include removal of the ad banner) and the period for which you want to buy it. 3. Click Buy and follow further system instructions. P.S. Hiding of the required uCoz ad banner is a serious violation of the uCoz Terms of Use that leads to blocking of your website! 2. Is it possible to set a color scheme of the built-in ad banner?
Unfortunately, it is not possible at present. Though, it is possible to set a banner position (left or right). To do so go to Control Panel -> uCoz banner and copyright adjustment -> Banner position, select a position and click Save. 3. I have found a website that violates the uCoz Terms of Use. Please forward this information to the uCoz Abuse Team by means of the following form (at the bottom of the page): 4. I have just created a website and there is no ad banner there. What should I do? Will my site be blocked? The uCoz ad banner is not displayed on new websites for the first 10 days. It will appear when this period is over, do not worry. Of course, your website is not going to be blocked for that. |
muplayer, these banners have been used for a long time and no new banners have been added. The color can be changed in CP -> Banner and copyright adjustment. You can see the cost of removal in CP -> Admin Bar -> $
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Quote (Caleb6235) Do you have someone check all the sites for the banner (which would take forever) or do you have some type of bot that does it Do you really expect me to share this information? There is no ad banner at your website now, but it will appear in a week after creation. Hiding uCoz ad banner is a serious violation that might cause blocking of your website without further possibility of unblocking. |
How do I make Ucoz bar stay on the same place?
For example in this forum if you scroll down, yellow ucoz bar stays all the way on top but on my website it moves down when I scolling down, so I always see the bar. So, is it possible to keep ucoz bar on top all the time like on this form, if yes where do I go to change my settings? ------------ Post edited by Brazen - Tuesday, 2009-01-27, 1:27 AM
CP > Settings > Ad Banner Customization > ...
Then go to "Banner display mode" and choose Over page content |
I am glad to help uCoz with the Ads, since the ad is just what I want to tell to other people, but sometimes I find it do affect the over look of my site. I like to put it somewhere on the site ( of course not on the bottom ) as the build-in banner, not float on the site, just like other sites have ads. I changed it on the cp, but it gave me " Indispensable condition - it must be placed at the top of a page", I didnt find this special code. I am using the 955 templates, I donno if it does exist or this encounters a bug during the server update.
Post edited by timsoniclee - Wednesday, 2009-03-25, 2:32 PM
timsoniclee, if you have enabled "Built-in banner" the banner codes should be displayed under the templates. But there must really be some bug since they are not displayed correctly for me too. The codes are:
$BANNER_H$ - horizontal built-in banner I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
no i'm not english too, and almost all my users are neither.
But the problem is that russian (or whatever it is) is made of strange signs, which causes troubles + it looks very stupid. There are no russian ppl watching my website so it isn't necessary, So i want to make it only normal letters (it may say whatever you want, and also be in different languages) but i don't want rare signs like russian and chinese plz |
I have just changed the banner from a advertising bar to a built-in banner, but it wont work. When I have saved the changes, there's still a advertising bar on my site I'm wondering if ucoz have not created any built-in banner scince my advertising bar changes collor to yellow when I choose built-in banner, and if i'm not totaly wrong I think yellow is the ordinary color of the banner. Someone who knows and can help?? Thanks in advance. If I helped you give me reputation.
Post edited by carleman - Thursday, 2009-05-14, 7:47 PM
carleman, it is desirable to read description as well:
Quote Common and widespread type of banners. Indispensable condition - it must be placed at the top of a page. The banner is visible for all user groups. If some template does not contain special banner code, than "Advertising bar" will be displayed automatically. Special template banner codes can be found on template management pages. You must paste one of the following codes into design templates: $BANNER_H$ or $BANNER_V$ I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
I created another site on Ucoz for testing purposes, so that I don't mess up my main site (I already made one mistake I don't know how to fix).
Anyway, I noticed that the Ucoz bar with the "progressive new site creator" and "create a site" was not there. I didn't take out the code for it, but it got me wondering if I can now take away the bar for free without penalties. Can I? The Lord Jesus is my Best Friend! |
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