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Little issue with site display
Posts: 32
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Message # 1 | 1:07 PM
I have a little problem with how site displays on different computers and browsers

I changed the default images and replaced with some of my own but there is a debate about it.

Some users I have asked said "it looks fine"
Some users I have asked said " It seems there is a gap"

After torturing myself to find out why I still cannot.

After efforts I see this , in chrome it looks 'fine'

And in mozilla it looks as if there is a gap there

And again other people see it fine, and some see it with that gap. I don't know what else to do with it, does it have to do anything with the current design again?
Design #601

Attachments: 8432205.png (396.5 Kb) · 7210784.png (343.7 Kb)
Post edited by XRTC - Thursday, 2013-03-28, 1:13 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 2:50 PM
XRTC, whether a user sees a gap or not will depend on the screen resolution. I can see it in both browsers. That's because your image http://elionmuguides.ucoz.net/10_1.jpg has a fixed width, while the whole header itself has the width set to 100% which means its flexible. And therefore on wide screens the gap appears. It appears in the default header as well but you don't see it because the body background color is the same as the color of the adjoining image parts.
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Message # 3 | 2:55 PM
I thought it might be cause of screen resolution..

Anything I can do to fix said image to prevent this problem from appearing? Have never had this problem appear before...
Posts: 192
Reputation: 3

Message # 4 | 7:54 PM
XRTC, if you wanna know how to desing your own websites i recommend you to learn more about these programming languages: html and css. www.codecademy.com is a cool place where you can learn that, go to the website ,register or simply login with your facebook/twitter or google account and then go directly to this page www.codecademy.com/tracks/web to start learning about html and css in a nice and easy way + this is free and without any annoying ads). I myself have learned a lot of cool and useful things from this website, you will see after you learn more, how cool and easy it will be to desing your websites. biggrin
Post edited by Mar1aN - Thursday, 2013-03-28, 7:54 PM
Posts: 32
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 7:59 PM
Hey Mar1aN, thanks for that, will give it a shot.

I did figure out how to fill in that blank from the Visual HTML editor and so far I was able to cover part of the gap by placing a new image, still having problems but am not giving up.. lol and still working on making it "perfect"
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 6 | 9:33 AM
Quote (XRTC)
from the Visual HTML editor

I would suggest that you never use it to edit the design - it adds unnecessary characters to the code and eventually it can corrupt the design badly.

The Visual editor can be used to edit some minor things, but I wouldn't recommend it at all for the design editing. Maybe for entries, but not for the design.

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Posts: 32
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Message # 7 | 12:47 PM
Okay, it just when I opened that I saw that gap in the design that was getting filled by the pages original colour, and I thought if I add a picture in there it would make the design complete..

Cause I really wanna use that design and place my own images :/
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 8 | 3:20 PM
XRTC, put your custom images back, or just provide the links to them here, and I'll try to help.
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Message # 9 | 3:35 PM
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Message # 10 | 2:35 PM
The basic idea is that it looks like this :

Thank you Sunny!

Added (2013-04-01, 10:50 AM)
A little bump smile

Added (2013-04-04, 8:35 AM)
Well I give up.

Tried everything the page looks different based on the screen resolution each person is using.

Sadly it's a template design issue and not a problem with the images or how I use them.

In 17-19 resolution it looks "fine" anything above that and it gets messed up.

Can't believe I spend 5 days on something that is out of my hands.

Attachments: 2751549.jpg (66.0 Kb)
Post edited by XRTC - Friday, 2013-03-29, 3:37 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 11 | 10:55 AM
XRTC, yes, it's difficult to do with the current image. I can only suggest stretching this image http://elionmuguides.ucoz.net/4.jpg
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Message # 12 | 12:12 PM
I tried that too.
Nothing works.
Always looks different depending on what screen resolution is used.

I'm kinda "fed up" with it, and currently I'm having a similar problem with another design, it's like they are incomplete or something idk.

you can close this thread.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 13 | 1:29 PM
XRTC, they just have flexible headers and your image will fit a design with a fixed header width.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 32
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Message # 14 | 1:35 PM
Yea I get it. I need flexible images to make it work, thing is I have no idea how to do that.

Added (2013-04-10, 7:35 AM)
Kindly close this / I've moved on.

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