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uCoz Community General Information First Steps with uCoz Website with multiple language options (How) |
Website with multiple language options |
I need script that will alow my site users to translate website on their own language, same like here on ucoz forum. Litle drop down menu with flags and translations. Is it posibile.. I have try some scrpitpts but they was awful and i deleted it. I need simple and clear script like this on ucoz, to put it on some visible place cause i get more and more users from other cuntries. Can i get this script from ucoz
Ed05, there are many translation scripts, and the best would be Google's, and I think you can customize their translation script to look/work differently. However, to note is that any kind of translation done automatically will be wrong in grammar and some words.
Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer - http://pixelkhaos.com PixelKhaos on twitter - @PixelKhaos I can help you develop your site for a small fee. |
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