Message # 1 | 5:49 PM
Tree-like category structure
The module does not have sections, it can only have a root category and subcategories. Nesting is unlimited.

When i click : Categories management, it seems i can have infinite root categories and subcategories that actually appear when adding a video.

The module has channels, which is a common practice for videos. When adding a new video, a user can choose where to add it – to his channel or not. It is possible to add not only personal user channels – new channels can be added via Control Panel

If i click : Channels management - > Add Channel i can add a channel but no category appears.
If i click channel categories and make some root and sub-root categories i can find them when i use Add Channel.

What is the difference between channels and categories or more exactly between Categories management and Channels management.

They seem to be a duplicate interface.

When adding a video i can only interact with the Categories meaning i can only add a video to a specific category. I have no control over the channels.

This is very confusing.
Anyone can explain ?

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