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History of uCoz and the Owners
Posts: 303
Reputation: 4

Message # 1 | 4:16 PM
How much of this information is still correct ?
( Questions can be found below )

"Founded in 2005 by two Ukrainian entrepreneurs (several private developers in Russia and Ukraine ?), headquartered in Moscow and offices in Russia and Ukraine.

Currently, the company has over 80 employees, three offices - Moscow, St. Petersburg (Russia) and Cherkasy (Ukraine)

In 2007 uCoz Media received a venture capital investment from DST, strategic investors in Facebook, Twitter, Groupon, and in 2010 became profitable.

Strategic investors: the group mail.ru and DST.

Дорогие пользователи Ucoz! "Я буду излагать только факт", как говорил месье Дюк.
1. Посмотрите интервью господина Курта, данное им Нетологии в 2010 году. Набрать можно в поисковике Курт нетология. Его посмотрело всего 23 человека. А жаль! Там много можно найти шокирующего. "Бесплатный хостинг должен умереть" и так далее.
Интервью большое почти полтора часа.
2. В первом полугодии сменился у Ucoz владелец. Муж главного тренера по художественной гимнастике России, по совместительству владелец Mail.ru, Одноклассников, самого крупного железнорудного ГОКа в мире и т.д. Алишер Усманов, продал Ucoz новому владельцу. Новый владелец снова секретен. (Отступление: я подозреваю, что это Михаил Прохоров. Так как Прохоров не раз говорил, что хотел бы приобрести крупный интернет-проект, так как РБК стал ему не нужен, из-за событий на Украине).
Новый владелец естественно хочет поднять прибыль, ее можно поднять только тизерной рекламой. К тому, же по данным Нетологии китайский интернет-магазин Allexpress, благодаря показам на Ucoz впервые вошел в топ Рунета.
Все остальные способы поднятия прибыли , например, сокращение персонала, большого роста прибыли не дадут.А низкомаржинальные проекты для нового владельца очевидно, неинтересны.

"Dear users Ucoz! "I will express only the fact," as Monsieur Duke.

1. Watch an interview of Mr. Kurt given to them Netologii in 2010. You can dial in a search engine Kurt netologiya. It looked just 23 people. A pity! There's a lot you can find shocking. "Free hosting must die" and so on.

Great interview almost a half hour.

2. In the first half of the year changed from Ucoz owner. Husband of head coach for the Russian rhythmic gymnastics, part owner of Mail.ru, Odnoklassniki, the largest iron-ore Mining in the world, etc. Alisher Usmanov, Ucoz sold to a new owner. The new owner is secret again. (Digression: I suspect that this is Mikhail Prokhorov. Since Prokhorov has repeatedly said that he would like to buy a large web project, as RBC was he did not need, because of the events in the Ukraine).
The new owner wants to raise the income of course, you can pick only the teaser advertising. In addition, according to the same Netologii Chinese online shop Allexpress, thanks to hits on Ucoz first entered the top Russian Internet.
All other ways of raising profits, for example, reduction of staff, a large profit growth not dadut.A low-margin projects for the new owner apparently uninteresting.

Ух ты, как интересно!
Я и не знал, что юкозом владеет майл.ру - крайне поганый сервис, между нами говоря (как и одноклассники). Когда-то владельцем юкоза считался некий Сергей Дугин, во всяком случае, договор о пользовании сервисом шел от его имени. Я даже с ним переписывался по мейлу...
Не знаю, кто владелец юкоза теперь, но РБК в интернете скушал много прекрасных сервисов и после "поедания" они все стали несравнимо хуже. Начиная от почты newmail.ru и кончаа прекрасным (раньше) каталогом softbox.ru.
Так что участь юкоза, думаю, теперь предрешена и надо отсюда бежать. Собственно, при новых тарифах я и не собирался тут оставаться. Сейчас занят поисками наиболее подходящей CMS, но боюсь, что перенести форум не смогу без потерь. И это самое печальное...

"Wow, how interesting!
I did not know that yukoz owns mayl.ru - extremely crappy service, between you and me (and classmates). Once considered a yukoz owner Sergei Dugin, in any case, the agreement on use of the service was on his behalf. I even corresponded with him on a mail ...
I do not know who the owner yukoz now, but RBC internet eaten many fine services and after "eating" they are incomparably worse. From mail newmail.ru and ends fine (earlier) catalog softbox.ru.
So fate yukoz I think now sealed and need to run away. Actually, under the new rates, and I was not going to stay here. Now busy searching for the most suitable CMS, but I am afraid that I can not move the forum without loss. And this is the saddest thing ...

Нда, ну теперь все предельно ясно. Странно, что интервью было в 2010, а такое ощущение, что вчера. Ориентация на Запад, а не на свой рынок. После терпеливого разъяснения Ростислава, который один неделю отдувался за всех, я склонялась, чтобы продлить действующий тариф 2,99 и дождаться обновлений. Но чье-то мудрое замечание, что Юкоз для начинающих, а со временем лучше приобрести свое, и вот эта фраза Курта "И лично я, буду признателен этим людям, если они встанут и уйдут в другое место кушать чье-то время и деньги. " быстро перевесили чашу весов. Интервью лишь подтвердило выбор в сторону нового своего проекта.
Что Бог ни делает, все к лучшему. Каждая ситуация дана для развития и я узнала много нового и интересного, о чем не задумывалась, платя ежегодно свои 3 бакса. Программистом я становиться не собираюсь, осваивать все это у меня нет времени. Поэтому моя задача решилась наилучшим образом: мой сын летом как раз проходил практику по "сайтостроению", он и займется новым сайтом и переносом. Ему нужна практика, вот и пусть возится. yes Это будет его первый проект.
Форум, конечно, жалко, но лучше один раз и сразу, чем дожидаться очередных санкций и переносить уже разросшийся сайт. Связалась с Сапой, их поддержка сказала, что вебмастера возможно согласятся переделать ссылки, надо с ними связаться. Так что все будет замечательно!!! Чего желаю всем, принявшим решение "сняться с якоря"! ok

"Yeah, well, now everything is clear. It is strange that the interview was in 2010, and a feeling that yesterday. Orientation towards the West, and not to its market. After patiently explaining Rostislav that one week was answerable for all, I was inclined to extend the current rate of 2.99 and wait for updates. But someone wise remark that yukoz for beginners, and eventually better to buy their own, and that's the phrase Kurt "And personally, I would be grateful to these people, if they get up and go to another place to eat someone else's time and money. "quickly tipped the scales. Interview only confirmed the choice to her new project.
What God does is for the best. Each situation is given for the development and I learned a lot of new and interesting, what did not think paying their annual 3 bucks. Programmer, I do not intend to become, to learn all that I have no time. Therefore, my problem was solved best: my son in the summer just to practice in the "Web design", he will be engaged in the new site and transfer. He needs practice, here and let tinkering. yes This will be his first project.
Forum, of course, I'm sorry, but it is better once and immediately than wait for new sanctions and transfer already sprawling site. Contacted Sapa, their support said that the webmaster may agree to alter the reference, it is necessary to contact them. So everything will be fine !!! What I wish all who have decided to "weigh anchor!" ok

Questions :
1. Who are the current owners of uCoz Media ?
2. Is there a majority shareholder of uCoz and if yes who is this person or company ?
3. What are the current owners (major shareholder/s) plan with this company in the future ?
4. Where is the company registered ( in Russia, Ukraine or other) ?

When someone provides a service it is best to know who is who.

Thank you.

Added (2014-09-08, 10:07 AM)
Looks like Mail.ru sold it's huge 26% share in uCoz on 20 April 2014.


Added (2014-09-08, 10:11 AM)
But then again on 21 April 2014 they change their mind.

Mail.Ru Group Ltd withdraws from selling its 26% stake in uCoz-AK&M


Added (2014-09-08, 10:16 AM)
More about this shareholder :


Thassos Island Portal :
Post edited by Urs - Monday, 2014-09-08, 4:44 PM
Posts: 100
Reputation: 15

Message # 2 | 2:13 PM
Dear Urs. Thank you again for your interest and research about uCoz.

Regarding the current shareholder structure, the situation is the following:
In the spring of 2014, the Shares of the main investor(mail.ru group) and two of the founders have been bought by GenTechPartners (short news about the change can be read here: http://www.reuters.com/finance....2969421).

1,2) Currently, the shares are being held by the new investment fund (Majority) and Evgeny Kurt, uCoz's CEO.

Regarding the company's future plans, there are several innovations to be revealed within a year time:

a) New Control Panel (a complete and fresh experience), b) More responsive templates (to welcome the steady increase of the mobile traffic), c) the SEO Module, d) new Site Builder Product - niched, e) Site management apps (possibilities for users to manage their websites via their smartphones) and much more (technical related generally).

4) The company is registered in multiple locations including Russia, Ukraine and Cyprus.

If you have more questions concerning uCoz, please let us know!
Posts: 365
Reputation: 12

Message # 3 | 3:57 PM
a) New Control Panel (a complete and fresh experience), b) More responsive templates (to welcome the steady increase of the mobile traffic), c) the SEO Module, d) new Site Builder Product - niched, e) Site management apps (possibilities for users to manage their websites via their smartphones) and much more (technical related generally).

Great update...Eager to see new update ~~
Posts: 330
Reputation: 10

Message # 4 | 4:40 PM
Is there any plans for forum and personal page design update and for full PHP support? smile
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 5 | 4:56 PM
Quote Davor24 ()
full PHP support?

This has been talked about for years, however, I believe the project has since been frozen and is pending further consideration.

Quote Davor24 ()
forum and personal page design updat

The forum design I can't say much on apart from I remember hearing about a possible update ages ago. Personal page, however, you can adjust the design yourself, what elements would you need to adjust that you can't already now?

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 303
Reputation: 4

Message # 6 | 8:39 PM
Quote Raver ()
Dear Urs. Thank you again for your interest and research about uCoz.

Regarding the current shareholder structure, the situation is the following:
In the spring of 2014, the Shares of the main investor(mail.ru group) and two of the founders have been bought by GenTechPartners (short news about the change can be read here: http://www.reuters.com/finance....2969421).

1,2) Currently, the shares are being held by the new investment fund (Majority) and Evgeny Kurt, uCoz's CEO.

Regarding the company's future plans, there are several innovations to be revealed within a year time:

a) New Control Panel (a complete and fresh experience), b) More responsive templates (to welcome the steady increase of the mobile traffic), c) the SEO Module, d) new Site Builder Product - niched, e) Site management apps (possibilities for users to manage their websites via their smartphones) and much more (technical related generally).

4) The company is registered in multiple locations including Russia, Ukraine and Cyprus.

If you have more questions concerning uCoz, please let us know!

Dear Raver,
Thank you so much for your clarifying answers.

I would also like to know the following :

1. Will uCoz team of programers & other stuff continue to work at uCoz as it was before ? { GenTechPartners themselves have more than 100 professionals (developers, programmers, managers), which develop and support a number of projects in different countries of the world. } Now they will be around 200 with uCoz team ?

2. Are the two founding members still active in the company or will they pursue other activities outside uCoz ?

3. Could you give any detail reading : "d) new Site Builder Product - niche" ? (an alternative builder to uCoz for what audience ? a social media platform like FB, Twitter etc. ?)

4. What kind of help besides financial can GenTechPartners provide to uCoz (like technology, programers, sophisticated software etc.) ?

Thassos Island Portal :
Post edited by Urs - Tuesday, 2014-09-09, 8:42 PM
Posts: 313
Reputation: 1

Message # 7 | 9:34 PM
Any plans on future updates regarding the Video Module?
Posts: 100
Reputation: 15

Message # 8 | 2:09 PM
Urs, thanks again for reaching out. Regarding your questions:

1) uCoz's team of programers and other staff continues to work in the company, as before. Its development will continue but the teams will not merge, will be separate entities.
2) The two uCoz founding members are pursuing different projects right now and are not involved with the company as we speak,
3) Please follow our announcements closely, as I can't reveal more informations at the moment.
4) We will definitely benefit from their extensive experience in the emerging markets and a fresh point of view, which derives from their presence in the shareholder structure.

XO-Ferg, I cannot tell you for the moment but, If you have any particular update ideas, you have noticed a bug or have other suggestions, please do share it here, in the appropriate thread.
Posts: 179
Reputation: 5

Message # 9 | 4:10 PM
Quote Raver ()
Regarding the company's future plans, there are several innovations to be revealed within a year time:

a) New Control Panel (a complete and fresh experience)

Finally! uCoz really needs a fresh look. New UX/UI is welcome!
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 10 | 6:55 AM
Quote rys3r ()
ew UX/UI is welcome!
what is it means?

Posts: 1768
Reputation: 78

Message # 11 | 9:53 AM
dense0293, new user experience & user interface smile
hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau

sometimes i lurk here
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