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Forum moderator: bigblog  
Multilingual web site
Posts: 15
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Message # 1 | 4:50 PM
Sorry for posting this thread if another one exists, but I couldn't find it. Anyway, is it possible to create multilingual website on ucoz, without using pretty stupid widgets you can find online? If it's possible, what's the process. Tnx
Posts: 303
Reputation: 4

Message # 2 | 7:56 PM
About : http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/42-18455-1

They need to make an easy menu to change languages in their modules depending on what a user chooses, including e-shop module.

Regarding normal text pages you need to do the linking via images / text yourself. See this example : http://thassos.ucoz.com/

Thassos Island Portal :
Posts: 558
Reputation: 13

Message # 3 | 8:24 AM
HLA, Creating a multilingual website without using widgets such as Google translator widget on your website would require creating a custom switcher on your website as Urs has mentioned. Please go through the link above. For your information, Google Chrome has a built in automatic translation extension which automatically translates a website to the users default language.

Best regards.

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Posts: 45
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Message # 4 | 10:39 AM
HLA, take a look at this website http://fundatiasky.org
3 different languages
(I could explain to you how to do it, but my english is poor smile )
Posts: 242
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 5:39 PM
Quote Whisper
I could explain to you how to do it, but my english is poor

no problem, we could use Google Translate for your explanation tongue

Ucoz Website Since 2009
Posts: 45
Reputation: 11

Message # 6 | 8:54 AM
Clyde, Let's give it a try! smile

I will try to explain how i did on http://fundatiasky.org, maybe you would find it useful.

First language: RO (Romanian):

  • Top part of the website - $GLOBAL_AHEADER$ (INCLUDE $SMENU_1$)
  • The first container - $GLOBAL_CLEFTER$ ( if needed)
  • Site pages - $CONTENT$
  • The second container - $GLOBAL_DRIGHTER$ ( if needed)
  • Bottom part of the website - $GLOBAL_BFOOTER$

Visual example

Second language: EN (ENGLISH): Use a modul (I used the Site News modul)

Create different Global blocks and Menus for each language
  • Top part of the website EN - $GLOBAL_ENHEADER$ (INCLUDE $SMENU_2$)
  • The first container - $GLOBAL_ENLEFTER$ ( if needed)
  • Site pages - $CONTENT$
  • The second container - $GLOBAL_ENRIGHTER$ ( if needed)
  • Bottom part of the website - $GLOBAL_ENFOOTER$

Third language: FR (FRENCH): Use a modul (I used the Blog modul)

Create different Global blocks and Menus for each language
  • Top part of the website FR - $GLOBAL_FRHEADER$ (INCLUDE $SMENU_3$)
  • The first container - $GLOBAL_FRLEFTER$ ( if needed)
  • Site pages - $CONTENT$
  • The second container - $GLOBAL_FRRIGHTER$ ( if needed)
  • Bottom part of the website - $GLOBAL_FRFOOTER$

Sorry for my bad english wacko
Attachments: 2216017.jpg (112.6 Kb)
Post edited by Whisper - Wednesday, 2015-02-18, 8:56 AM
Posts: 267
Reputation: 5

Message # 7 | 1:25 PM
There is a way to change language with some kind of jquery tabs without using other modules / changing URL's? smile
Posts: 242
Reputation: 0

Message # 8 | 4:07 PM
All understood Whisper - Interesting approach. Will play with it and see what I can accomplish with this method - Thanks ! smile
Ucoz Website Since 2009
Posts: 15
Reputation: 0

Message # 9 | 11:03 PM
All understood Whisper - Interesting approach. Will play with it and see what I can accomplish with this method - Thanks ! +1

Added (2015-02-25, 11:03 PM)
I tryed several options based on this proposal, but every time I have same problem, and that's whatever I create, it gets created into existing tempalte...so basicaly I have page in page, even if I check "apply personal tempalte to this apge" box. This option with global block sounds great and it have potential, but only if I find way to "remove" basic template from page I'm creating...here is the screenshoot http://prntscr.com/69uya7

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 10 | 12:29 PM
HLA, when you apply a personal template to a page, a separate template appears in the Design Customization section, and you can edit this template as you need.
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