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uCoz Community General Information First Steps with uCoz uSocial.Pro Antivirus/Firewall Problem ! |
uSocial.Pro Antivirus/Firewall Problem ! |
uSocial.Pro Antivirus/Firewall Problem !
Moreover there is an insecure connection problem with https://thassos.ucoz.com/ Attachments:
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(55.1 Kb)
Thassos Island Portal :
https://thassos.one Post edited by Urs - Tuesday, 2016-08-02, 6:58 PM
More details about the insecure connection.
These problems make the site inaccessible to new users. Please fix this as soon as possible. Quote https://thassos.ucoz.com/ Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server's certificate. HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: false Certificate chain: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEQDCCAyigAwIBAgIQOAxaH14E27NBErSkt/V4TzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBI MRswGQYDVQQDExJFU0VUIFNTTCBGaWx0ZXIgQ0ExHDAaBgNVBAoTE0VTRVQsIHNw b2wuIHMgci4gby4xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlNLMB4XDTE2MDMxODAwMDAwMFoXDTE3MDMx ODIzNTk1OVowFTETMBEGA1UEAwwKKi51Y296Lm5ldDCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEB BQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAJYphLwETNBn9ryrs3TeDldRgnJIhzgdDM7qO6xKKCra Yc9kq94luoOUOkXzyYFNKwrS1s+B6kgN3Ijo8NEBroTRZhvEVOiu1c6mXRq8bbU8 k4nVB5/XR6lmZADYRUdJ8Vl7h5ek92ELrAAy9oG+An1AULlXHRk54Ejph2jBxr99 o4L8Hoh3vt/5uscE1ar4aLZWfn40yq04nTKciQTa5r/JtmNbcDEUb/M9MK1481DP vN3R3bevkumsYNKLp53zFv21cKp7megKSuubdRCa/92ys4yL0/Bj6QRSKiUD43Uz 9j6Ts3768gu7cCyr6qmhXvGE3kfsjgXFz7DXlV/3KQUCAwEAAaOCAVcwggFTMB8G A1UdEQQYMBaCCioudWNvei5uZXSCCHVjb3oubmV0MAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwHQYDVR0l BBYwFAYIKwYBBQUHAwEGCCsGAQUFBwMCMIIBBAYKKwYBBAHWeQIEAgSB9QSB8gDw AHYA3esdK3oNT6Ygi4GtgWhwfi6OnQHVXIiNPRHEzbbsvswAAAFTiokQqgAABAMA RzBFAiEA06BttSp650g6L6HYsD8oJmj98t02uwCtOQUFrP1YmQUCIFY6UURaf8yd rkHMsq9Eea/egtp6UV2OUGP/1awPAqHtAHYApLkJkLQYWBSHuxOizGdwCjw1mAT5 G9+443fNDsgN3BAAAAFTiokQ3QAABAMARzBFAiEA827mYSViUBu0JZgPSBUVVW8d h4bhhipVERvxvZFLz/MCIB815GdZtP5AgyxnFJReg112Xn4D4Iu1tnWn80FGtt8L MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IBAQAvVEmxNyHLh36cG5+RSTF1jpGwscIS4+u6wV5s 3ZesHD5RR98g62r1AAKg4IoNbqjsR/rkCFQjxhku8yXcUzRvX6C37lIh4pzXwCbc fQ5X9psBPi7lZzwgmpOofxmzOckrRajIuyewOkgnICRqfO7EK5R9JLaJKlPElIMd h4ww5QqhU7l2Z1+p4FcuaG7U8kCioILaXJFe/2WpQaec3xA3UY2JxWOPDnYuWzNG b2v1ev19tNxxXsbYSB5e17oJjc67lUxtzAgwtaPfJqb+5hpCcHCSrsB82Gb36cB/ rrkqvGxThxbq0ZHiq8FHDh9LhwGNv74pAiRLk5PC3A0DjPK/ -----END CERTIFICATE----- Attachments:
(69.2 Kb)
Thassos Island Portal :
https://thassos.one Post edited by Urs - Tuesday, 2016-08-02, 9:26 PM
Same problem with all browsers like internet explorer.
Please let this thing never happen again as it makes sites broken. Added (2016-08-02, 9:40 PM) Attachments:
(35.4 Kb)
Thassos Island Portal :
https://thassos.one |
Urs, currently your website https://thassos.ucoz.com/ opens correctly at HTTPS. Do you still have the problem? How long has it been since you enabled HTTPS in Control Panel?
We are looking into the uSocial issue. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Urs, please describe under which circumstances you get the antivirus warning about uSocial. Does it happen on your website? Or at uSocial.pro? What is the ID of your buttons set?
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Yes it is definitely coming from the antivirus.
It is coming at my site. data-pid= ddffc0980d2bf1cd082a0baa1888e5dc But if this problem appears to all users of ESET or any other antivirus, who don't know how to fix it, then i have a problem. It happened on multiple computers, one with XP 32 bit one with Windows 8.1 64 bit. Thassos Island Portal :
https://thassos.one Post edited by Urs - Wednesday, 2016-08-03, 2:36 PM
Urs, please provide a screenshot of your browser console when the warning is displayed (Right mouse click -> Inspect element -> Console):
or provide more details from your antivirus. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Disabling and re-Enabling SSL/TSL protocol filtering in ESET and restarting the computer does not fix the problem apparently.
There is nothing written in the console. Added (2016-08-03, 2:42 PM) --------------------------------------------- Here are possible causes : https://support.mozilla.org/en-US....re-mean Which one is it ? Quote What to do if you see this error? Technical information The certificate will not be valid until (date) The certificate expired on (date) The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown The certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed The certificate is only valid for (site name) -this one seems to be SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN Corrupted certificate store Bypassing the warning Reporting the Error Thassos Island Portal :
https://thassos.one Post edited by Urs - Wednesday, 2016-08-03, 2:45 PM
Can you contact them please, on behalf of uCoz to solve this problem and find out more information ? It would have more weight if it came from uCoz itself.
I don't know if the same behavior is present with other anti-viruses / firewalls or what is exactly causing this change in their behavior. Thank you Sunny. Thassos Island Portal :
https://thassos.one Post edited by Urs - Wednesday, 2016-08-03, 10:04 PM
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