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Forum moderator: bigblog  
So disappointed with the new uCoz..
Posts: 1
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Message # 1 | 9:09 AM
I used to use ucoz all the time (like 6-7 years ago). I loved it, I loved everything about it. Now I returned, and I am so disappointed. The interface isn't user friendly at all, nor does it look "inviting", it's so grey and white. I know I can use the "old" interface, but that's still not the old one, but rather a new version of it. I know, the site has to be developed and modern, but I just dislike this so much. The pages look confusing and all over the place. It used to be so much more simple. And not in a lazy way, but in way, that it was more comfortable using it.
But enough about that. My biggest problem is that it's so slow. The site loads very slowly, and It's not because of my connection. It used to be so fast, now whatever I want to do takes ages to lead. And where I really drew the line, was that I am unable to add a page. I have been sitting in front of the screen waiting for my new, simple and empty page to be added for now 30 minutes. I tried refreshing, logging in again, tried everything. And it's not loading. What used to be one quick click is now not even working. What a waste of time and potential. Such a shame.. Sometimes less is more, and instead of giving all the fancy and unfriendly design, it's worth keeping the original concept and system.
Post edited by vii7626 - Wednesday, 2020-05-27, 10:12 AM
Posts: 1770
Reputation: 78

Message # 2 | 7:01 PM
Quote vii7626 ()
It used to be so fast, now whatever I want to do takes ages to lead

this is usually a sign of too many resources being loaded on your site (unoptimized scripts, style sheets, large images, etc).

Quote vii7626 ()
I am unable to add a page. I have been sitting in front of the screen waiting for my new, simple and empty page to be added for now 30 minutes. I tried refreshing, logging in again, tried everything. And it's not loading

you mean you're not seeing your page in the menu? or you can access the page but the content doesn't load? you need to be more specific and perhaps provide the URL address of your site

hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau

sometimes i lurk here
Posts: 20
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Message # 3 | 7:27 AM
Quote joexyz ()

Quote vii7626 ()

Maybe She is talking about the problem with the last update of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (chromium), Opera suddenly last version of all browsers based on Chromium project doesn't work at all with ucoz forms you can't add any page, post or anything only comments works.

The only way is use Firefox (because mozilla has is own render engine) and they keep the old version but is also based on chrome so when they release a new version probably ucoz will stop working too.

So I have been searching about it and the only thing that I found was a tread on the Russian version of the ucoz forum, an user asked the same and the answer given by the uCoz support team was "use another browser" and is kind of acceptable for admin and webmaster but what about the clients and general public what about those that can't install another browser because of the system policies (for example at workplaces) or what about those that have to go to a cybercafe to update the site content etc or those that just don't notice the issue.

Meanwhile Chromium are the browsers number one all around the world even the uRan https://browsers.ucoz.ru/en/ (the browser made by uCoz) is based on chrome so how suddenly the form of ucoz stopped working on chrome I know that is not uCoz completely fault but they should make an announce about it so people that are not familiar with web develop and coding cand notice the problem and can then alert their client about the issue while we wait for a fix patch of this issue.

Added (2020-05-28, 7:38 AM)
So just try Firefox 76.0.1 because all the uCoz add/edit forms are not compatible with the last version of Chromium based browsers, so this is the solution that I found and also is the solution given by the uCoz Moderators

I also suggest disable the Firefox Update service because if firefox received the same update of Google, Edge and Opera then you can't find any compatible browser because all modern browser most of then are based on the same project (Chromium).
Post edited by e-orlando - Thursday, 2020-05-28, 8:00 AM
Posts: 185
Reputation: 6

Message # 4 | 11:33 AM
e-orlando, indeed, there is an issue with the latest update, at the moment. But the developers are already working on fixing the issue so, in no time, everything will go back to normal.
Good things come to those who wait!
Posts: 1770
Reputation: 78

Message # 5 | 6:44 PM
e-orlando, on a side-note, Firefox's rendering engine isn't and will never be based on Chromium. It's a completely separate thing written in a completely different programming language (Rust, not C).
hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau

sometimes i lurk here
Posts: 20
Reputation: 0

Message # 6 | 10:50 PM
Quote joexyz ()
thanks a lot for the clarification I love to learn something new every day happy

Thanks god that Mozilla made a different approach with is own engine I hope they keep in that way at least until uCoz address the issue smile

Once again thanks for the info, I'm not always posting on this forum but I always read it because from thread to thread I learn something new and interesting from interesting, smart and friendly people as you, Felicia and the uCoz team.

So thanks you guys for the support and for sharing your knowledge with us wink
Post edited by e-orlando - Friday, 2020-05-29, 6:47 AM
Posts: 154
Reputation: 1

Message # 7 | 5:36 AM
Well Well, people are turning away from browsers to mobile apps. More people are using phones more than computers. Ucoz should also provide a simplest way for its system users to easily convert their websites into mobile apps otherwise its going to be out of market very soon.
Systems developer
Posts: 242
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Message # 8 | 1:06 PM
Good point Soldierdevil.

As it is today in 2020, at least for my site, adding/converting to mobile is a lengthy and time consuming task.

Ucoz includes the pre-made old time desktop environments.

So why not add at least a 'pre-made universal skeleton' mobile environment as well. One universal skeleton to get started.

The 'turn on PDA' feature selection @ the panel is useless.

Ucoz Website Since 2009
Posts: 7
Reputation: 0

Message # 9 | 3:08 PM
Using on 2023 for the first time and is working properly on my computer. Like the desktop environment feature that makes easy to navigate and build stuff. Will have a look more into the hosting of pages and script but overall. It's good.

Really don't know what @vii7626 is complaining...

Register your website with uCoz - http://www.ucoz.net/register?pguid=515802799
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