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Can ads be removed from personal ucoz site using CSS or HTML
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 8:05 AM
Ucoz runs ads on all free sites whose owners opt not to pay money just to have these ads removed. Right now, there are two types of ads and I wonder if I can remove them from my site by the means of CSS or HTML. Please, advise.

The first one manifests itself as a top banner, it's a div that can be identified by class="ads-top-banner".

The second one is a script that launches a pop-up once a visitor enters site and clicks anywhere. One of its tags is data-cfasync="false"

Thanks for any help. You can take this site as an example: sid.at.ua:
Post edited by circle1extra - Tuesday, 2022-05-17, 9:51 AM
Posts: 184
Reputation: 6

Message # 2 | 5:08 PM
circle1extra, no, they cannot be removed.
Good things come to those who wait!
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 3 | 4:58 AM
I have issues as well with this new ads. Could you put ads based on location it seems that ads that runs in my non-profit theological organizational website contains explicit sex ads. I'm not against with ads but please censored those ads.

My website: www.cyberdasm.com
Attachments: 8107921.png (272.6 Kb)

Post edited by Cyberdasm - Sunday, 2022-07-03, 4:59 AM
Posts: 26
Reputation: 0

Message # 4 | 4:57 PM
It seems like Ads go away if you login. Happened with my site. Only the CP ads don't go away. But those I remove with Ghostery or Brave's own adblocker.
Post edited by Yukito - Thursday, 2022-07-07, 4:58 PM
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 5 | 10:40 AM
Yukito, well yes but my concern is not on the user side but in the guest side. My professor was complaining of it already. "Render to Caesar what is due to Caesar."
Posts: 26
Reputation: 0

Message # 6 | 1:06 PM
Quote Cyberdasm ()
Yukito, well yes but my concern is not on the user side but in the guest side. My professor was complaining of it already. "Render to Caesar what is due to Caesar."

Oh, okay. In that case, only adblock may help. Or getting a paid plan.

Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 7 | 3:22 PM
Yukito, I'm not against with an ad. uCoz does not tolerate porn sites in their server. But I don't know what happened with their ads. And having an educational website with porn ads is hilarious and I hope that they will take actions on this.
Posts: 26
Reputation: 0

Message # 8 | 5:11 PM
Quote Cyberdasm ()
Yukito, I'm not against with an ad. uCoz does not tolerate porn sites in their server. But I don't know what happened with their ads. And having an educational website with porn ads is hilarious and I hope that they will take actions on this.

I'm not against too, but I sure feel like an idiot having porn ads in a story website like mine(even though I can't unquarantine it). It's is in fact hilarious to have porn ads in a educational website.

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