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Message # 31 | 4:54 PM
Kyrt_Ryder, hmm about sub menu's maybe this would help with that

the colour of your sub menu text needs to be changed in CSS anyway

To busy building a passive income online ;)
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Message # 32 | 8:51 PM
Nope. Just spent the last while trying, but either I'm mis-reading something in there, or it doesn't apply to 847. (I don't have any 'u-menu' items in my CSS for one thing...)

Added (2011-02-23, 11:32 Am)
Huh, it seems I pulled it off even though I didn't have any exact matches. Thanks for the help guys.

Added (2011-03-11, 2:41 PM)
Alright, coming in with a request for help.

I can't seem to figure out how to change the color of the forum breadcrumb navigation.

Here's a link to a board, which demonstrates the problem with said beadcrumbs. Ideally I would only chage the color of said breadcrumbs (or apply a black background under the text field.)

Added (2011-03-11, 2:51 PM)
Ok, one other thing I'd like help with. How do I bring back the right-side block of the page for the forum? There's a right side block on the main page (with site search, etc) but the forum cuts it out to expand the forum further horizontally.

Post edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Friday, 2011-03-11, 8:43 PM
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 33 | 8:38 AM
Kyrt_Ryder, go to CP ---> Design ---> Design management (templates) ---> Forum ----> General appearance of forum pages


<div class="forumContent"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" height="30" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td align="right">[<?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?>
<a href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" id="upml" class="fNavLink" onclick="'$PM_URL$','pmw','scrollbars=1,top=0,left=0,resizable=1,width=680,height=350');return false;"><!--<s3065>-->Private messages<!--</s>-->($UNREAD_PM$)</a> ·
<?if($IS_NEW_PM$)?><script type="text/javascript">function flashit(id,cl){var c=document.getElementById(id);if ('red'){;}else {'red';}}setInterval("flashit('upml','')",500)</script><bgsound src="" loop="1" volume="0" balance="0">
<a class="fNavLink" href="$RECENT_POSTS_LINK$" rel="nofollow"><!--<s5209>-->New messages<!--</s>--></a> ·
<a class="fNavLink" href="$MEMBERS_LIST_LINK$" rel="nofollow"><!--<s5216>-->Members<!--</s>--></a> ·
<a class="fNavLink" href="$BOARD_RULES_LINK$" rel="nofollow"><!--<s5166>-->Forum rules<!--</s>--></a> ·
<a class="fNavLink" href="$SEARCH_PAGE_LINK$" rel="nofollow"><!--<s3163>-->Search<!--</s>--></a> ·
<a class="fNavLink" href="$RSS_LINK$" rel="nofollow">RSS</a> ]</td>

Replace by:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="contentBlock">
<td id="textBlock"><?if($MODULE_NAME$)?><h1>$MODULE_NAME$</h1><?endif?><!-- <body> -->
<a href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" id="upml" class="fNavLink" onclick="'$PM_URL$','pmw','scrollbars=1,top=0,left=0,resizable=1,width=680,height=350');return false;"><!--<s3065>-->Private messages<!--</s>-->($UNREAD_PM$)</a> ·
<?if($IS_NEW_PM$)?><script type="text/javascript">function flashit(id,cl){var c=document.getElementById(id);if ('red'){;}else {'red';}}setInterval("flashit('upml','')",500)</script><bgsound src="" loop="1" volume="0" balance="0">
<a class="fNavLink" href="$RECENT_POSTS_LINK$" rel="nofollow"><!--<s5209>-->New messages<!--</s>--></a> ·
<a class="fNavLink" href="$MEMBERS_LIST_LINK$" rel="nofollow"><!--<s5216>-->Members<!--</s>--></a> ·
<a class="fNavLink" href="$BOARD_RULES_LINK$" rel="nofollow"><!--<s5166>-->Forum rules<!--</s>--></a> ·
<a class="fNavLink" href="$SEARCH_PAGE_LINK$" rel="nofollow"><!--<s3163>-->Search<!--</s>--></a> ·
<a class="fNavLink" href="$RSS_LINK$" rel="nofollow">RSS</a> ]  

$BODY$<!-- </body> --></td>
<td valign="top" id="rightColumn">
<div id="dataBar">$WDAY$<br>$DATE$<br>$TIME$</div>

and save

Note: be sure that your replace everything correctly or your template can be destroyed so go to
CP ---> Design ---> Template backup and create one before changing your template

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 44
Reputation: 0

Message # 34 | 1:16 PM
Thanks animorph, it worked like a charm.

Now, I've noticed the margins, See example of my forum (the blank green space between the forum and the side columns) are larger than I'd like. I've messed with a few things, but so far nothing's reducing them. (I'm looking to stretch the forum to cut those margins approximately in half, though all I need is the place to do it and I'll mess with the numbers myself.)

Added (2011-03-12, 7:16 Am)
Alright, so I've run into another stumbling block, and feel like an idiot for needing so much help lol.

For the login block, how would you change the links under it? For example say I wanted to turn the 'registration' link to say 'register' (and possibly change the color of the link)

Post edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Saturday, 2011-03-12, 9:35 AM
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 35 | 3:35 PM
Quote (Kyrt_Ryder)
For the login block, how would you change the links under it? For example say I wanted to turn the 'registration' link to say 'register' (and possibly change the color of the link)

go to CP->Design->Design management (CSS)->Top part of the website-> find this
<a href="$REGISTER_LINK$">.........</a>
and set up the style for it the way you wanted.
Posts: 44
Reputation: 0

Message # 36 | 5:44 PM
Thank you Natashko, I did need to apply that for uniformity with the request I wanted, but I was actually referring to the login block (the one put in by the builder function.)

How would I go about changing the links in that?

Added (2011-03-14, 11:44 Am)
Nevermind, I managed to find it myself happy

Posts: 8
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Message # 37 | 4:49 PM
Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to have different background for different site pages, maybe even for different forum sections?
Old Guard
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Message # 38 | 3:27 PM
nUzR, I will make a guide on how to do this later today and link you to it. It is definitely possible to do what you are asking. It does take a little but of tinkering in the templates but otherwise it is quite an easy concept. smile
Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
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Message # 39 | 8:06 PM
Thanks, glad to hear that. smile
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 40 | 2:20 AM
may i have the code of your toolbar menu Mr. mystic dragon and also the search can you give me a tutorial how did you do that?
Posts: 8
Reputation: 0

Message # 41 | 5:49 PM
Paradox, where is the guide? sad
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 42 | 7:49 AM
nUzR, you just need to edit your CSS and if you want it to change in forum then you will also need conditional operators. for example if you want to change the background on your blog module.

Other Modules Then Forum:

go to CP --> Design --> Design management (templates) ---> Blog --> Blog Mainpage ---> Search:

<div id="contanier">

change it to

<div id="contanier2">

Then go to CP --> Design ---> Design management (CSS) ---> Add:

#contanier2 {background: url('newbg.png') repeat-x #000000;min-width:1000px;}


1. go to the board where you want your background to be different.
2. go to your admin/userbar , Hover the builder button and go to list of page variables
3. find your $URI_ID$ for example: frForumnumber for boards or frCategorynumber for sections.
4. copy it and paste it in notepad or something.

Then go to CP --> Design --> Design management (templates) --> Forum --> General appearance of forum pages --> Find:

<div id="contanier">

Change it to:

<?if($URI_ID$ == "frForumnumber or frCategorynumber")?> <div id="contanier3"><?else?><div id="contanier"><?endif?>

Then go to CP --> Design ---> Design management (CSS) ---> Add:

#contanier3 {background: url('forumboarbg.jpg') repeat-x #000000;min-width:1000px;}

and done :)

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 8
Reputation: 0

Message # 43 | 7:50 PM
Thank you. In my case I had to change <div id="leftPick"> not <div id="contanier"> happy

Added (2012-07-21, 1:50 PM)
Is it possible to make .boxtable; .boxtitle; .footer; in every page different? biggrin

Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 44 | 11:50 PM
Quote (nUzR)
Thank you. In my case I had to change
<div id="leftPick">
<div id="contanier">

sorry i thought that you wanted to change the BG

Quote (nUzR)
Is it possible to make .boxtable; .boxtitle; .footer; in every page different?

and yes this should be possible if you just follow the tutorial above then you can use conditional operators to edit your codes on various pages smile

do you need help with it? or can you do it with the example that i made on my previous post ?

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 45 | 3:34 AM
awts my template crack