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how to setup E-Shop?
Posts: 62
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Message # 1 | 10:41 AM
Hello, I want to sell digital files on my site.

I've paid for the e-shop service and can add categories and items, but other things I don't understand how to do.

1) how to upload a file for the item? whenever I choose a file and press "Save", the page loads for a while as if the (20mb) file is being uploaded but then the loading stops with no message. I try to press "Save" again and the button is unresponsive. I then try to reload the page and then it shows no file in the menu.
What is going on? I can't upload a 20mb zip file?

2) how to set payment currency to USD?

3) How can I set payment options. I have no idea if the users will be paying by paypal or credit card. I don't even have paypal. where can I set my credit card information or paypal information? I see nothing in control panel for that.

Finally this isn't a ucoz issue but if someone has a commercial license text file template I could use I would appreciate it. I want to put a txt file in the archice to tell that reselling or redistribution in part or whole is prohibited. But I'm not so good at law.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 8:37 AM
1) You should be able to upload a 20 Mb file. Please try to upload it using another browser.

2) Go to Control Panel -> E-shop -> Payment and delivery methods, currencies and rates -> CURRENCIES AND EXCHANGE RATES -> Add currency:

3) Control Panel -> Payment and delivery methods, currencies and rates -> PAYMENT METHODS -> Add payment method. Then, when editing the added method tick off "Use e-payment module" and you will be able to choose a back card or PayPal:

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Message # 3 | 4:57 PM
Thanks for the imformation.

I still cant upload a 20 mb file. I tried firefox and ie.
I tried putting it in a 7z archive and shrinking the size to 15 mb, but I prefere to use standard zip archives everyone can open.

BTW, how to hide the quantity number when buying? Digital files shouldnt have a quanitity. Also SKU.
Posts: 53
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Message # 4 | 5:24 PM
upload through ftp, use Filezila,
the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.
Posts: 62
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Message # 5 | 10:19 AM
You mean upload it to the website then link to the file from the page instead of uploading from the page's Upload button?

Added (2014-04-25, 4:19 AM)
Also when I tested credit card payment mode today, after clicking on "Proceed to payment" I end up in this error page:

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 6 | 1:06 PM
laserist, yes, you can upload all the files you want to sell via FTP. And then, when adding an item in E-shop, you choose "Select at the hosting" and choose the necessary file in the website File Manager

Quote laserist ()
BTW, how to hide the quantity number when buying?

Control Panel -> E-shop -> Order fields management. However Quantity can't be hidden this way. To hide it you will need to add the following line in Control Panel -> Customize Design -> E-shop -> Style sheet (CSS) (any place)

.order-item-cnt, .order-head-cnt {display:none;}

Quote laserist ()
Also when I tested credit card payment mode today, after clicking on "Proceed to payment" I end up in this error page:

Please provide the URL of your website.

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Posts: 62
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Message # 7 | 1:38 PM
Quote Sunny ()
laserist, yes, you can upload all the files you want to sell via FTP. And then, when adding an item in E-shop, you choose "Select at the hosting" and choose the necessary file in the website File Manager

Thanks. The reason im asking is wont that make it easy for people to hack and access the file if it is just lying unprotected in the directory of the site?

Quote laserist ()
BTW, how to hide the quantity number when buying?

To hide it you will need to add the following line in Control Panel -> Customize Design -> E-shop -> Style sheet (CSS) (any place)

.order-item-cnt, .order-head-cnt {display:none;}

Thanks, but it didnt work. I want to hide the input field where people can accidentally change the value to bigger than 1 for digital file purchases.

Please provide the URL of your website.

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 8 | 2:20 PM
Quote laserist ()
Thanks. The reason im asking is wont that make it easy for people to hack and access the file if it is just lying unprotected in the directory of the site?

Ordinary users cannot access the website File Manager and its directories.

Quote laserist ()
Thanks, but it didnt work. I want to hide the input field where people can accidentally change the value to bigger than 1 for digital file purchases.

The code hides both the word "Qty" and the input field. Do you want to leave Quantity but make the input field not editable? And do you want to make it this way only for digital items?

As for the payment method: please fill in the field "Signature for other operations" and provide a screenshot of your Liqpay settings (you can send it as a private message)

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Message # 9 | 9:17 AM
Quote Sunny ()
Ordinary users cannot access the website File Manager and its directories.

I know. I'm talking about hackers. Maybe there are tools to list the website directories somehow so they can access the files without buying?

Quote Sunny ()
The code hides both the word "Qty" and the input field. Do you want to leave Quantity but make the input field not editable? And do you want to make it this way only for digital items?

I'm only going to sell digital items online so it will do. But the code doesn't work, I still see the input field and can change the value successfully.

As for the payment method: please fill in the field "Signature for other operations"

Fill with what?

and provide a screenshot of your Liqpay settings (you can send it as a private message)

What settings? You mean my profile page which shows my phone number and credit card name?


Added (2014-04-28, 3:17 AM)

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 10 | 9:43 AM
Quote laserist ()
I know. I'm talking about hackers. Maybe there are tools to list the website directories somehow so they can access the files without buying?

Security is one of the highest priorities in uCoz, we do all possible to make hacking impossible.

Quote laserist ()
I'm only going to sell digital items online so it will do. But the code doesn't work, I still see the input field and can change the value successfully.

Where exactly have you added it?

Quote laserist ()
Fill with what?

There is a link under the field to LiqPay Merchant where you will find the signature.

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Message # 11 | 1:02 PM
Quote Sunny ()
Where exactly have you added it?

Control Panel >> E-shop >> Module design customization / CSS. Added the line of code to the very end.

Quote Sunny ()
There is a link under the field to LiqPay Merchant where you will find the signature.

When I click on it, I'm taken to this page: https://www.liqpay.com/?do=shop_access
which just describes their service.
The only thing remotely similar to a "signature" I can think of is my user name (which is my phone number) on that site and the name I've given to my credit card on that site. So what is it?

I'm not even sure what my "Merchant ID" is either, which I need to fill in too. The clickable link below it also takes me to that page, which doesn't have "Merchand ID" or "Signature" mentioned anywhere.
I've just filled it with my phone number/username for now.
Post edited by laserist - Monday, 2014-04-28, 1:11 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 12 | 11:06 AM
laserist, I replied in your other thread.
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Posts: 62
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Message # 13 | 1:30 PM
What about the code which should hide the quantity of purchased item? It's only related to this thread and I've replied to your question.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 14 | 2:59 PM
laserist, try to add the code to the general website CSS.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 62
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Message # 15 | 6:48 PM
Okay, I tried adding both to the beginning and the end of the general CSS code with no luck.
Any other ideas?
Do you know what line(s) of code I could try to remove which display that instead of trying to add code to hide it?

EDIT: I think I see the problem now.
Post edited by laserist - Wednesday, 2014-04-30, 6:33 PM
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