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Forum moderator: bigblog  
forum width with one side container
Posts: 267
Reputation: 5

Message # 1 | 9:48 PM

Can someone explain me exactly where I can find a code or set it to make forum full sized width if I got one side container?


I know how to set side containers and remove them, BUT how can I set forum full width when I got one side container?

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Posts: 365
Reputation: 12

Message # 2 | 10:49 AM
Can you please provide your URL?
Posts: 267
Reputation: 5

Message # 3 | 8:54 AM
I could provide link, but I'm not waiting 24/7 with wrong forum look so now I just have standard with 0 side blocks.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 4 | 2:13 PM
Korijs, if you use one of the standard designs you can just provide the design number.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 267
Reputation: 5

Message # 5 | 2:27 PM
Sunny, unfortunately no, I just wanted to know some approx possibilities of codes which could provide forum full width with one side container. But I will keep searchin' some possibilities in my design code.
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