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Forum moderator: bigblog  
Customization of Template No.806
Posts: 27
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 7:32 AM
How can I move the header box to the left?
How can I make it transparent?
How can I change the top picture (the books with the green background)?

How can I add a Sign_up box exactly like the Log in box on the right?
How can I add a Tell a friend box exactly like the Log in box on the right?

How can I add my blog entries to rss feed?
Post edited by 18hgo - Thursday, 2020-02-27, 8:29 AM
Posts: 136
Reputation: 0

Message # 2 | 2:03 AM

Template 806 is an old design. It is not responsive. I recommend not to use it.

How can I add my blog entries to rss feed?

When you add an entry, it will be automatically added to rss feed.

How can I add a Tell a friend box exactly like the Log in box on the right?

Enable Builder from your Admin bar > Add a block > Put the Tell a friend code (this code you get from Email > https://yourwebsite/panel/?a=adviser). It's done.

How can I add a Sign_up box exactly like the Log in box on the right?

Default template already added a register link on the top right of your page. And there is no way to add a sign up box on your front page. Registration process only works in its register page (yoursite.com/index/3)

How can I move the header box to the left?
How can I make it transparent?
How can I change the top picture (the books with the green background)?

All of these things are in your "TOP PART OF YOUR WEBSITE". Admin CP > Design > Global Block > Top part ... or here https://yoursite/panel/?a=tmpl;m=1;t=AHEADER.

You need to know some CSS skill. Which you can find here. https://forum.ucoz.com/forum/5-715-1

Posts: 1768
Reputation: 78

Message # 3 | 9:47 AM
Quote lanh ()
When you add an entry, it will be automatically added to rss feed.

small note: it does take some time, it's not instantaneous

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