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Forum moderator: bigblog  
Please inform us if ucoz is no more
Posts: 62
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 1:07 AM
For 7 years now there is no major update, no one is using the forum, no new users, unofficial help ucoz sites stopped long time ago, no new updates on uscripts and no official communucation from ucoz for over 5 years. We had big ambition that came wwith big projects and thats why we chose ucoz. Everyone is silent. Fact is ucoz is dead and so outdated. We have been left hopeless. We have big projects on this platform and very skeptical of our projects future with ucoz. Please kindly guide us how we can transfer our projects to more active platforms because here there seem to be no future

Added (2022-04-17, 1:21 AM)
Additionally, there is a war going on in the ucoz mother country. Economic sanctions and crisis. This simply leaves us with no hope but rather pack up our rags and leave the platform.

Posts: 184
Reputation: 6

Message # 2 | 4:32 PM
Harina, uCoz is still here, as I've also replied to your ticket. Do note that the current international conflict won't affect our work in any way and we're still providing the same services as we did till now.
Good things come to those who wait!
Posts: 62
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 7:52 AM
Felicia, we nolonger geting the custom assistence we used to get on the forum. No one is here and the forum is a ghost town. Where did all the fun go? We love ucoz and it means alot to us but we feel abandoned by the system. On ticket answer you mentioned of ucoz concentration on the other projects like ukit and ukit is a good thing but it can only accomodate simple landing pages. I have been a ucoz user since 2008 and trust me i feel there is something not right. We need to restore the old ucoz glory.
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