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[G] How to create first page using html file & File Manager?
Posts: 113
Reputation: 9

Message # 181 | 4:06 PM
OktavYan, Try to create your page again without using online converter from txt to html.
Posts: 17
Reputation: 0

Message # 182 | 4:16 PM
welll i dont have windows xp and on windows 7 i dont know how to change the file type... I only click save as and there not appers html or something else ... :|
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 183 | 4:45 PM
Quote (OktavYan)
welll i dont have windows xp and on windows 7 i dont know how to change the file type... I only click save as and there not appers html or something else ... :|

Create a new file with the following content:

Save it as index.html and upload it to your File manager instead of the one you have now.
Posts: 17
Reputation: 0

Message # 184 | 4:55 PM
i can not because i will have to click save as and then choose a type of file that will open with .. and there is NO HTML type :|

Added (2011-11-09, 10:51 Am)
i am on windows 7 and it is no result.... can you make me i file like this pleaseeeee smile

Added (2011-11-09, 10:55 Am)
it works only if i open index.html from the computer :| with the adress. file:///C:/Users/Toshiba%20C670/Desktop/Altele/index.html please help me and i will try to do everything from the beggining :|

Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 185 | 5:06 PM
Quote (OktavYan)
it works only if i open index.html from the computer

If you can open the file on your computer, just upload it to your File manager
Posts: 17
Reputation: 0

Message # 186 | 5:26 PM
I did this and nothing happens it shows also that **** :|

Added (2011-11-09, 11:14 Am)
no it doesn't work i have made everything from the beggining and nothing happens ... :| the same page with that stupid text wroten black on white :| <html>.....</html>

Added (2011-11-09, 11:16 Am)
it appears normaly only here :| but I don't need that . That's not a main page its just a simple page created. (the link is from the filemanager from the index.html

Added (2011-11-09, 11:18 Am)
I HAVE A QUESTION .... could i change the redirecting sistem so that when clicking main page or tiping to redirect me to ? can i? if yes tell me please how smile

Added (2011-11-09, 11:26 Am)
Ok thank you very much i have resolved it smile THANKS A LOT ! smile

Posts: 60
Reputation: 0

Message # 187 | 9:38 AM
sir can you help me?
my add entry to my homepage has been lost can you give a link to come it again cause i cannot add entry to my archieve

and i'm following to your blog i used that but theres a little problem thats only i cannot post entry news can you help

im sure you will help me....

Added (2011-12-19, 3:29 AM)
sir can you help me?
my add entry to my homepage has been lost can you give a link to come it again cause i cannot add entry to my archieve

and i'm following to your blog i used that but theres a little problem thats only i cannot post entry news can you help

im sure you will help me....

Added (2011-12-19, 3:38 AM)
sir can you help me?
my add entry to my homepage has been lost can you give a link to come it again cause i cannot add entry to my archieve

and i'm following to your blog i used that but theres a little problem thats only i cannot post entry news can you help

im sure you will help me....

Quote (Armaros)
my homepage

sir i want to show a picture background on my homepage can you teach how to do
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 188 | 11:20 AM
dense, go to your Control Panel -> Page Editor -> Page management -> Main page and make sure you have the following code there:

<?if($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)?><div align="right" style="padding-bottom:3px;">[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$">Add entry</a> ]</div><?endif?>$LAST_NEWS$

Quote (dense)
sir i want to show a picture background on my homepage can you teach how to do

Search for a thread about your design number or create it, and ask this question there with more details.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 3
Reputation: 0

Message # 189 | 9:05 AM
please tell to me how to make some module at site?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 190 | 9:57 AM
fauzan12, you cannot create your own modules. To install a module, go to the website Control Panel, click 'Inactive' under the list of modules to the left.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 4
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Message # 191 | 6:54 AM
Nice Thread! smile

Added (2012-04-17, 0:54 AM)
I have a question Armaros, what if I uploaded a favicon.ico and I want to make it as my logo. How do I change it? I uploaded it in the "index" folder but then the logo hasn't change. I need your help. Thank You!

Posts: 636
Reputation: 26

Message # 192 | 9:10 AM
Merveil, Armaros is no longer active.
And the favicon takes some time to update, just wait.

Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer -
PixelKhaos on twitter - @PixelKhaos

I can help you develop your site for a small fee.
Posts: 4
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Message # 193 | 12:56 PM
Acid, thanks a lot! I'll just wait for it. smile
Posts: 3
Reputation: 0

Message # 194 | 10:31 AM
HI dear,
i want help of you..
i m so worried...
first of all
i want shout box or chat box at my main page
please give me instructions and html or others language codes which is required.
and tell me which place paste these codes for create my shoutbox....
please help me soon.
m waiting
your fan.
Posts: 636
Reputation: 26

Message # 195 | 12:12 PM
wasi3730, Wrong thread.

And to do so, just put the $CHAT$ code somewhere in the "site pages" template in your control panel.

Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer -
PixelKhaos on twitter - @PixelKhaos

I can help you develop your site for a small fee.