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Instruction for those who want to change design
Posts: 117
Reputation: 52

Message # 1 | 12:42 PM
In uCoz system a site is based on dynamic pages. Dynamic page is a page, which doesn't exist on the server as an integral whole, but is constructed in a browser "on fly" of separate blocks according to a certain script. In general it consists of three components:

1. Content, i.e. text, images and hyperlinks; it is located in a special database as a rule.
2. Description of content design, i.e. how the content is placed and formatted on a page.
3. Program-script, which extracts separate blocks from the database and constructs a page.

The first item is entirely yours, i.e. information with which you are going to fill your site. The second and the third are granted by the system, but though the second may be changed for almost 100%, the third you can only complement with client scripts.

The program-script, written by high-class professional programmers, is presented to you in the form of modules - Forum, Guestbook, Catalogs etc., described on the main page of our site. By means of Control Panel, you can adjust these modules to your site. uCoz Control Panel is made as convenient as possible, it has user-friendly interface, and is supplied with various hints and mini-instructions.

Page appearance is based on templates and a style sheet in a separate file. Each module has several templates, allowing to customize separately appearance of each module and appearance of pages inside a module.

Page code includes both common HTML-tags and special uCoz codes. uCoz codes are special variables, which accept the following values when output on a page:

  1. Constants
  2. Variables
  3. Parts of HTML codes
For example, $SITE_MENU$ code outputs contents of the main site menu, which has a separate template. As a result, your make changes in one place, and then they become active on all site pages automatically. In general uCoz codes represent on a site contents of the fields, which you fill in module settings or in some templates.

Each template has also Visual Editor, but it is intended for the "face-lift" of your template. Here you can format text, insert a link or an image, but we do not advise you to make serious changes in Visual Editor. Even such professional editors as FrontPage or DreamweaverMX do not guarantee pure code.

Template Builder, Global Blocks and Quick Replacement of HTML-code parts make work with the design much easier.

Template builder is intended for quick and convenient replacement of the whole site design. You need not update each template separately, all you need is to create one common skeleton and all active templates will be updated. This utility is intended for "rude" customization of site appearance, all tiny details you should change manually; still it will save you much time.

Global blocks are blocks, available in all other templates of your project. With the help of global blocks you can optimize the design of your project, having divided it into common parts, e.g.: HEADER - common upper part, FOOTER - common lower part etc. By means of global blocks, you can make changes of the whole project by editing one block template only. You can create 10 global blocks.

Quick replacement – this feature is intended for quick replacement of one part of HTML code by the other. E.g. you need to replace "SITE LOGO" by "Interesting site", so you insert "SITE LOGO" in the first field, and "Interesting site" - in the second. As a result "SITE LOGO" will be replaced by "Interesting site" in all templates where it is found. You can do this action with any HTML code, e.g. replace images (logo), template variables ($codes$) etc. However, be attentive when making a replacement for it can occur even in those places where you didn’t expect. E.g., if you want to replace "a" by "b", the system will replace "a" by "b" everywhere it will find "a". Remember, if something goes wrong, you can always restore templates by means of the corresponding feature or with the help of "Update design for all active modules" option in "Common settings" section.

That is what you must know if you want to change the design of your site.

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 91 | 1:30 PM
Quote (donce)
By the Way can some body tell me is it possible to change
bakground color on chat.

Quote (donce)
If I save backup of mz site, did i save and everything idone to now?
I mean all pictures, all files and folders, links and other, is that include backup savings?

Backup copy includes data of all content modules and all uploaded files. It doesn’t include modules settings and templates (including global blocks), as well as pages of "Page Editor" module, settings of "E-mail Forms" module, statistic data of "Statistics" module, users’ personal messages:

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Message # 92 | 4:14 PM
Thanx am now a million miles ahead. i now know what am going to do.

From Helenimou
Posts: 41
Reputation: 0

Message # 93 | 11:02 PM
Sunny, Thank you very much.You are great, I mean All from Ucoz system.

Added (2012-04-16, 5:02 PM)
Sunny, can you explain me something. How is it possible that all coding on my site is from one style, but CSS is from another.
This is miracle. Now what can I do to put CSS to be for style that I use at first place. CSS are from style 786, site for all pages use coding from style
875.Can I just copy and paste CSS from style 875? But I need to know, did all my settings and everything I done till now will stay same.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 94 | 9:42 AM
Quote (donce)
How is it possible that all coding on my site is from one style, but CSS is from another.

Sometimes it happens when you switch one design into another.

Quote (donce)
Can I just copy and paste CSS from style 875? But I need to know, did all my settings and everything I done till now will stay same.

You can just restore the default CSS template in Control Panel -> Customize Design -> CSS. In this case you will lose all CSS modifications, if any. All other templates and the website settings will remain as they are.

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Posts: 41
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Message # 95 | 11:02 AM
Sunny, Thank you
Posts: 1
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Message # 96 | 1:14 AM
I want to change the design of my website, its an ugly green thing, can someone please explain in an UN-complicated way? THANKS![size=16] tongue
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 97 | 11:42 AM
rileycullen, if you want to select another design from the design list, you can do this in the website Control Panel -> Top bar -> Settings -> Common settings -> Site design. Do not forget to click "Save". smile
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Message # 98 | 5:20 PM

I want to change some of the images on the design i use, and i do know how to do that, but i'm not sure what images are what, since i can't check them. The images are just written like this: ('/.s/t/915/10.gif')

Usually i would just open the image and check it, but i can't do that here.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 99 | 6:03 AM
Wingm8, just paste /.s/t/915/10.gif after your website address in the address bar, and you will see the image.
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Message # 100 | 4:35 PM
hi, I'm still kinda new to these whole website thing bue I would like to change the background on a specific page, but I dont know what to do or how can I add it. I'm using my own template.
I tried to post one answer, and I follow the instructions to search and found
"<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><title></title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /><meta name="author" content=""><meta name="description" content=""></head><body style="background:(;background-attachment:fixed;"bgcolor="#" text="#" link="#" vlink="#" alink="#"><link rel="shortcut icon" href="Your cool Favicon link here"></body></html>"
this quote, but it seems like it doesn't work or maybe I'm doing it wrong....I dont know...
But I need help soon, or else my partner's going to kill me >.>
I have to insert in
<url> <li><a href="">Videos</a></li> </url>
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 101 | 10:27 AM
CocoVampie, make your website available for viewing (it's under service at the moment).
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 5
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Message # 102 | 3:36 PM
Sunny, there you go
Post edited by CocoVampie - Tuesday, 2012-08-21, 3:36 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 103 | 9:56 AM
CocoVampie, the website is still under service:

You can change it in Control Panel -> Settings -> Common settings -> The website is temporarily down.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 5
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Message # 104 | 10:38 AM
Sunny, it's this website
but im in a hurry, so I'll provide the css and temp for you in pm for you to look over too
Posts: 37
Reputation: 0

Message # 105 | 10:54 AM
I like to change my forum design... Type can any one help me...Beautifull design smile :)
Post edited by Helpinghand - Wednesday, 2012-08-29, 10:55 AM