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Forum moderator: bigblog  
Everything about design #171 goes here!
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Message # 1 | 8:05 PM
Hey I have 171 Template and there are 3 parts to the banner and I only want to have one, how do I do so? It's just too confusing and looks ugly when there's 3 parts.
Posts: 1931

Message # 2 | 8:18 PM
Provide your banner url.
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 7
Reputation: 2

Message # 3 | 9:34 PM
Dartz, http://i45.tinypic.com/2mf0i.png

or http://impactpk.ucoz.com/impactbanner.png

Post edited by Warner - Thursday, 2010-01-21, 9:36 PM
Posts: 1931

Message # 4 | 10:43 PM
CP -> Customize Design -> Top part of the website.

Find: /.s/t/171/1.jpg
Replace with your banner url.

<td width="380"><img src="/.s/t/171/2.jpg" border="0"></td>
<td style="background: url('/.s/t/171/3.jpg') no-repeat top right;">

<td width="380"></td>

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 7
Reputation: 2

Message # 5 | 11:29 PM
I already done it somehow, seems to look alright. http://impactpk.ucoz.com/

Thanks anyways.

Posts: 4
Reputation: 0

Message # 6 | 2:54 AM
i am having some trouble wink im sorry if i have messed this up too much its my first go at a website.


i have been playing around with the visual editor here trying to get the text in front of the pictures i have put there but it just doesn't seem to be working.

I am hoping to put the login, time, date and menu down the bottom in the section i have made but i cant seem to get the txt to go there

please please please give me a hand here i really need it.

Thanks a million in advance for any help/tips.

if i have missed out any information you need i am sorry and i assure you i will get it up pronto.

Added (2012-05-04, 8:54 PM)
if its possible i would also like to change the background to a pic i will upload

thanks again

Post edited by lampy007 - Saturday, 2012-05-05, 1:12 AM
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 7 | 8:26 AM
lampy007, my apologies about the late reply. wink To change the background-image for the entire site the easiest way is to add the body{} class to the sites css. If you paste the following in Control Panel > Templates > CSS your background image should be applied. smile

body {background:#1B1B1B url('link-to-image') no-repeat;}

As to your other problem could you please provide an image indicating which section of the page you are talking about. smile

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
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Message # 8 | 5:06 AM
hi sorry changed the site address its http://hvg.ucoz.com/ and i am looking to somehow "LOCK" the "logged in as" as well as the "main | my profile" part when you re size the page the links move with it hopefully this is enough information for you. This is the code i am using (sorry im sure this is very wrong but it's the only way i could get it to work, and have it all in the nearly right spots:

<div style="text-align: center;"><br></div><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="text-align: center;height: 510px; position: absolute; "><tbody><tr><td width="50"><br><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td align="right" height="110" valign="bottom" style="text-align: center; padding-right: 50px; color: rgb(241, 124, 28); "><br><br></td></tr><tr><td align="left" height="10" valign="bottom" style="padding-right: 50px; "><font color="#f17c1c">           </font><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><font color="#f17c1c">              </font><br><br><font color="#f17c1c">             </font><br><br><br><br><font color="#f17c1c">              </font><br><div style="text-align: right;"><font color="#f17c1c"><br></font></div><div style="text-align: left;color: rgb(241, 124, 28); "><span style="text-align: center; ">                                          Logged in as </span><a href="http://hvg.ucoz.com/$PERSONAL_PAGE_LINK$" style="text-align: center; "><b>$USERNAME$</b></a><span style="text-align: center; "> | Group "</span><u style="text-align: center; ">$USER_GROUP$</u><span style="text-align: center; ">"</span></div></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" height="60" style="text-align: center;padding-right: 50px; color: rgb(241, 124, 28); "><span style="text-align: -webkit-right; ">                                     </span>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      <a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$"><!--<s5176>-->Main<!--</s>--></a> <?if($MODULE_URL$)?>| <a href="$MODULE_URL$">$MODULE_NAME$</a><?endif?> <?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> | <a href="$PERSONAL_PAGE_LINK$"><!--<s5214>-->My profile<!--</s>--></a><?else?> | <a href="$REGISTER_LINK$"><!--<s3089>-->Registration<!--</s>--></a><?endif?><?endif?> <?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> | <a href="$LOGOUT_LINK$"><!--<s5164>-->Log out<!--</s>--></a><?else?> | <a href="$LOGIN_LINK$"><!--<s3087>-->Login<!--</s>--></a><?endif?><?endif?></td></tr>
</td></tr></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><div style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://hvg.ucoz.com/Top_Background-Blank-.png" border="0" alt=""></div><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="text-align: center;height: 510px; "><tbody>

Added (2012-05-08, 11:06 PM)
i got the background working YES thanks a million.. now another question is there a way to make the main page/blog see through... for example http://bfm.enjin.com

Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 9 | 5:07 PM

Im having some problems getting the header centered, I have tryed several things. Not to mention HTML & CSS coding aint something I do much of.

Anyhow heres the code:

table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" style="background: url('http://usfclan.ucoz.com/Header/header7.png') no-repeat;"><tr><td align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="height: 200px;">
<td width="380"></td>  
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<tr><td align="right" height="60" valign="bottom" style="padding-right: 50px; color: #F17C1C">$WDAY$, $DATE$, $TIME$</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" height="20" style="padding-right: 50px; color: #F17C1C"><?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?><!--<s5200>-->Logged in as<!--</s>--> <a href="$PERSONAL_PAGE_LINK$"><b>$USERNAME$</b></a> | <!--<s3167>-->Group<!--</s>--> "<u>$USER_GROUP$</u>"<?else?><!--<s5212>-->Welcome<!--</s>--> <b>$USERNAME$</b><?endif?><?endif?> <?if($RSS_LINK$)?>| <a href="$RSS_LINK$">RSS</a><?endif?></td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top" height="60" style="padding-right: 50px; color: #F17C1C"><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$"><!--<s5176>-->Main<!--</s>--></a> <?if($MODULE_URL$)?>| <a href="$MODULE_URL$">$MODULE_NAME$</a><?endif?> <?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> | <a href="$PERSONAL_PAGE_LINK$"><!--<s5214>-->My profile<!--</s>--></a><?else?> | <a href="$REGISTER_LINK$"><!--<s3089>-->Registration<!--</s>--></a><?endif?><?endif?> <?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> | <a href="$LOGOUT_LINK$"><!--<s5164>-->Log out<!--</s>--></a><?else?> | <a href="$LOGIN_LINK$"><!--<s3087>-->Login<!--</s>--></a><?endif?><?endif?></td></tr>

Also if possible, is there any easy way to set a site fixed Width, so I can create a fit header for the site?

Thanks in advance.


Post edited by uss-finest0178 - Sunday, 2012-09-09, 5:18 PM
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