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Everything about design #955 goes here
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Message # 1 | 12:57 PM
I already used the SEARCH tools to search for any related questions about design #955 and the results shows nothing...

So, how to change the design banner? I just want to change the 'radio picture' and extend the 'white lines'(right side of the 'radio' picture) which covers the name of your site.

Posts: 1931

Message # 2 | 11:10 AM
You can modify header in CP -> Customize Design -> Top part of the website.
If you provide me your banner's url and be a bit more specific I can help you.

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 15
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Message # 3 | 12:49 PM
I haven't done my own banner yet...So, in the mean time I just show you this image http://pemimpinsatria.ucoz.com/changebanner.bmp

In this image above shows that I want to extend the blank white box/lines to fill up my words for my site names and I wanted to change the 'radio' image to my own banner image.

Another questions, does my banner will disappear if I change to another designs? Is there another chance to redo it?

Posts: 1931

Message # 4 | 12:55 PM
The radio image is in several parts. To replace it you must replace these parts:


Inside: CP -> Customize Design -> Top part of the website.

As for white lines for your site name, you would have to modify it with image program.
For example: adobe photoshop, paint.net, gimp or any other program meant for image.

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 15
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Message # 5 | 1:03 PM
And how to change the design white lines to my own white lines(already customize/extend using picture editing software)?
Posts: 1931

Message # 6 | 1:17 PM
Replacing? First clear out the background - delete current lines, afterwards pasting yours.
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 15
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Message # 7 | 1:41 PM
you mean Inside: CP -> Customize Design -> Top part of the website ?

Do I have to delete all in this content and put my own banner(link)? I can't understand a bit about the white lines replacement, I mean, how/where do I paste it? Do this white lines has it own link like the one 'radio' image? If it is, then can you show me the link so that easier for me to replace the link of the white image to mine?

Posts: 1931

Message # 8 | 2:20 PM
For white lines you must replace /.s/t/955/8.gif with your image url.
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 15
Reputation: 0

Message # 9 | 10:13 AM
can I have the image links for 'beside /.s/t/955/8.gif' which is after the end curve of the 'white lines'?
Posts: 1931

Message # 10 | 12:47 PM
Only image /.s/t/955/8.gif contains white lines and curve.
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 310
Reputation: 25

Message # 11 | 4:47 PM
hey .. i want to change the green color look ...
Attachments: 0226354.png (5.5 Kb)

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Message # 12 | 7:17 PM
Blazer, go to CP ---> Design ---> Design management (CSS) ---> find:
.boxTitle {height:45px;background:url('/.s/t/955/17.gif'); text-align:center;color:#FFFFFF;text-transform:uppercase;padding-bottom:5px;}

and change this:


To busy building a passive income online ;)
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Message # 13 | 11:55 PM
hey, i was just wondering..
how do i change the black graystriped background
and how do i make the main entry blog thingy smaller in width
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 14 | 11:03 AM
mewluck, go to CP --> Design ---> Design management (templates) ---> Site Pages and all the other modules --->

Find this:

<body style="background:url('/.s/t/955/1.gif') #000000; margin:0px; padding:0px;">

Change the URL and you can also use this feature to quickly replace template parts

CP ---> Design ---> Quick Substitution of template parts

To busy building a passive income online ;)
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Message # 15 | 9:48 PM
ooh thanks surprised
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