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Help! Ucoz blocked my site saying it has malware. It doesn't
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Message # 1 | 6:00 PM
My site is not showing up it is saying it is blocked for malware. Please help! How can I get it unblocked! I am trying to edit it but I can't because everything is blocked. How can I remove something or anything if it is blocked? I need to edit the homepage but I can't because it is blocked. I really think this is a mistake because the only thing that I have on my site is ads. I have Google Adsense and some other ads. I am trying to remove the other ones but I can't because they are on the homepage and it is blocked. I was able to go to site pages and I did have an ad script there but I removed it. It hadn't been working anyway. I don't really know what else it could be. I want to edit the homepage but it's blocked and I can't because of that.Please help! My site is: http://moneytobemade.ucoz.com

I am so upset about this. I think Ucoz should have contacted me. I only found out about my site being blocked when I looked at it. I really think that this is a mistake because I use Mcafee and it usually blocks sites that they think have malware. It never blocked my site and it always had the green check mark next to it signifying it was safe. I NEED THIS TAKEN CARE OF ASAP! I have someone who is supposed to guest post on my blog. What am I going to tell them? As I said before I don't even have that much stuff on my site. Only Google Adsense and about 2 other ads. I can't remove something that I don't know what to remove. I have also contacted technical support in my Ucoz dashboard but I haven't heard from them yet.

Post edited by QueenMaa - Sunday, 2016-04-17, 3:57 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 8:18 AM
QueenMaa, please check iframes and scripts on your website. Your website was blocked due to cross-site scripts.

Cross-Site Scripting is a vulnerability which allows an attacker to inject malicious client-side script in the web application. An attacker can exploit a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability by luring his victim to a page with a crafted URL. The injected script is executed within the victim's browser and can be abused to steal confidential information and impersonate the victim.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 96
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Message # 3 | 3:24 PM
Sunny, where can I go to check that because I can't access a lot of my site because it has been blocked. Would that be in site pages or the blog main page? I don't know where to look or what to delete if I find it? Below is the codes to my website and blog. Please tell me what needs to be deleted and is causing the problem.

This is my Blog main Pages Code:


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This is my Site Pages Code

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Is there anything in these codes that should be deleted and is causing the problem?

These are the codes I can access everything else such as the homepage I can't because my site is blocked. So, if it's something on the homepage I can't delete it until my site has been unblocked.

I really want to get this problem solved. I need access to my website and blog this is so frustrating.I would really appreciate if I can get it solved today. Because I don't want to go another day with my site being blocked.

Post edited by QueenMaa - Tuesday, 2016-04-19, 4:23 PM
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 4 | 6:54 AM
Try to remove the block 1, 4822, 6299 codes.
Posts: 1768
Reputation: 78

Message # 5 | 9:18 AM
Cyberdasm, I personally don't believe that MailChimp or AddThis can cause this.
hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau

sometimes i lurk here
Posts: 96
Reputation: 0

Message # 6 | 3:28 PM
Big Blog you said that you don't think Mailchimp or AddThis can cause this but what is? This is all the code from my site? How is someone supposed to know what to look for and then delete? This is the problem I am having. My site has been blocked since Friday. It is now Wednesday.

Added (2016-04-20, 3:28 PM)
Cyberdasm the 4822 code is a Blog her Ad could that be what is causing the problem? I went ahead and deleted the 4822 block code.

I have also contacted technical support but I still haven't heard from them.

Post edited by QueenMaa - Wednesday, 2016-04-20, 3:58 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 7 | 11:44 AM
QueenMaa, your website has been unblocked. The abuse team have checked a number of the site pages (though not all of them), they are clean now.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 96
Reputation: 0

Message # 8 | 2:24 PM
Thank you Sunny! What can I do to avoid this problem in the future and what causes this problem?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 9 | 2:30 PM
QueenMaa, be careful when you are adding external scripts to your website. Not all of them may be safe.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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