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Why "Enable ability to choose date of entry adding" not avai
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Message # 1 | 2:37 PM
Why "Enable ability to choose date of entry adding" not available
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Message # 2 | 11:15 AM
Doritos, it is not planned to add such feature in the near future.
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Message # 3 | 10:57 AM
Im building a movie website moviecube.do.am and I have added the date to the day of release of the movie ,that way it will go down in release order by date,the prob is that the ucoz system only lets me go down to year 2002 ,and I have movies from before that year.So is it posible to go back ferther in years like 2000 ,1998 ,or can you give me a suggestion
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Message # 4 | 12:16 PM
carloscompu, if you use the Video module, then it is possible to select dates down to 1895:

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Message # 5 | 2:38 PM
Well yes but the video module dont work with all embed codes so its useles for wat i need it for
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Message # 6 | 2:58 PM
carloscompu, then what module are you talking about? You posted in the Video section.
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Message # 7 | 4:02 PM
Sunny,Moviecube.do.am is using load as movies online and pub for series,because the video module dont work when i add the embeded script of my movie server
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Message # 8 | 4:20 PM
carloscompu, I think I get it - do you want to use the option "Enable ability to choose date of entry adding" for video release dates? In this case really, you can't set dates older than 2002. Why don't you just use the fields for release dates?
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Message # 9 | 11:15 PM
Yes I can use a custum field like Im doing with the series but it will not load in the date order,cause the custum field dont have an order option,as you can see in the website


the newest movies are on top as featured movies then the list keeps going down to the oldest movies

I even had to add an rss feed to aply recently added cause there was no way to do it by ucoz funtions
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Message # 10 | 9:08 AM
carloscompu, you can use filters for release years - the entries won't be displayed newest to oldest, but the users will be able to select movies of a certain year.
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Message # 11 | 1:49 PM
As you can see I already have that function
Year search and alphabetical search
I was able to set this with catagory sections and playing around with the informers making them show only the catagory ID I want it to show

I know there is no way to do it ,with the ucoz system

I willjust open a section with oler movies unless the ucoz team fix the problem of the years and expand fearther back the years

One other question!
Is there a way to take out the download word from the sort menu?
I dont use this function but I need the sort menu
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Message # 12 | 9:25 AM
Quote (carloscompu)
I willjust open a section with oler movies unless the ucoz team fix the problem of the years and expand fearther back the years

I don't think it will be implemented. The main purpose of this field is entry posting date, and even 2002 is early enough, taking into account that uCoz didn't exist in 2002.

As for the sorting , you can select the necessary items for sorting in the module settings -> Items in the sorting menu.

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Message # 13 | 2:11 AM
Its Imposible to adjust this setting because i have to highlight the ones i want to show and there are 6 options and download is on the 5th .In other words views that is the last one will stay out of the sort menu.

How can I skip download and be able to choose the other five sorts?
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Message # 14 | 3:28 PM
carloscompu, you can select the sorting options you need by pressing CTRL+mouse click if this is what you mean.
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Message # 15 | 0:52 AM
Nice trick Thanks
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