uCoz Community uCoz Modules Video Number of videos in Page with search results and entries... |
Number of videos in Page with search results and entries... |
How can I set up the number of videos in Page with search results and entries rating? The other pages (like the main page) can be set up via the video module settings. I want it so that there's only 10 videos, and it'll have a page selector at the bottom. Here's a link to the page that I'm talking about. http://kuru-anime.com/video/vitop/3
If that's not possible, can I just arrange the videos on the channels by entry date(descending)? Although, I hope that setting the number of videos per page on the Page with search results and entries rating is possible; if it's not that what's the use of the page selector code? Added (2013-11-19, 5:49 PM) Post edited by YamiTatsuro - Tuesday, 2013-11-19, 12:47 PM
Module settings -> Number of entries in TOPs. Unfortunately it is not possible. If that's not possible, can I just arrange the videos on the channels by entry date(descending)? Not possible either. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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