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Recent Logout Errors IE Browser Users
Posts: 242
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 2:45 PM
IE users have recently been getting a 'Ucoz 404' errors on logout.

Logout leads to '/index/10.

The error link contains:


-<cmd t="blk549658" p="innerHTML">

-<![CDATA[<div align="left" style="padding:10px;"><div class="myWinLoadSD"></div></div>]]>

-<cmd p="js">

-<![CDATA[var ad=window.location.href.replace(/#(.*)?/,'');setTimeout("window.location.href='"+ad+"?lfd0_P'",'3000'); $("body").append('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" async="defer" src="//sys000.ucoz.net/canalyzer/?c=getdata_F6s927Pos4&ip="></scr'+'ipt>');]]>


No errors with other browsers.

Ucoz Website Since 2009
Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 2 | 7:13 AM
Clyde, it seems like the script is the system one but I highly doubt that it would be tweaked for a single website and specifically to fit the IE....
Posts: 242
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 1:31 PM
it seems like the script is the system one but I highly doubt that it would be tweaked for a single website and specifically to fit the IE....

How much of an effort are we talking about to tweak this simple script ?
... your doubt assumes that no one @ ucoz would want to bother with this.
The IE users beg to differ.

Ucoz Website Since 2009
Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 4 | 1:52 PM
Clyde, don't get me wrong, the issue was forwarded to the division in charge, but I can't specify exact terms it will be resolved.
Posts: 242
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 2:02 PM
the issue was forwarded to the division in charge

thanks Gromov

Ucoz Website Since 2009
Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 6 | 6:19 AM
Clyde, anytime
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