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Editing old posts for given user groups
Posts: 23
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 8:52 PM
Hi there,

I have a group called 'Friends' and I want them to be able to modify their previous posts regardless of the timeout set in the module options.
For that purpose I went to Main -> Users -> User Groups -> Edit Group Properties or Permissions and then checked the following two options (marked in blue) "Edit own threads" and "Edit own messages".
I thought this would be sufficient but it seems it is not. Am i missing something?


preludebg.com / bulgarian honda prelude fanclub
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 2 | 3:01 AM
eDaniel, unfortuantely I don't believe it is possible to do this. Unless you grant this group permission to edit and delete all threads I think the timeout always applies.

Hope this helps, happy

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 23
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Message # 3 | 1:06 PM
Thanks mate,

this means however that I have to grant moderator-level rights to this group shutup
Can I submit this as a feature request?

Cheers smile

preludebg.com / bulgarian honda prelude fanclub
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 4 | 1:18 PM
eDaniel, yeah. I'm looking into it at the moment. And of course, smile
Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 23
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 10:16 PM
Well, this is unexpected smile I'm definitely glad to see such a willingness for cooperation. Thank you buddy booze
preludebg.com / bulgarian honda prelude fanclub
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 6 | 12:04 PM
eDaniel, I am not sure I understand the whole point of it. If the only group, which is allowed to edit/remove their own posts is Friends, why don't you just set a longer timeout period? I believe this is the only way out. Another option is to grant them administrator permissions to edit and remove any thread. But it is unrecommended as well as suggesting this option. I believe it is useless. (with all due respect.)
Posts: 23
Reputation: 0

Message # 7 | 10:29 PM
It is not that simple unfortunately. I have two common groups - users and friends. None of them are moderators or administrators. To put the long story short, my 'friends' need to edit the first posts in their threads in order to add new/additional information for their car setups. The rest of the users are allowed to submit posts within the aforementioned thread. It would be quite cumbersome for me (as admin) to move the newly added information to the first post every time. I hope this makes sense.
Given that there are such options in the Control Panel (or their names suggest such behavior) I think it would be best if they just work as expected.


preludebg.com / bulgarian honda prelude fanclub
Posts: 113
Reputation: 9

Message # 8 | 9:43 AM
eDaniel, you can go to CP->Forum->Module settings->set Number of days during which users can edit and remove their threads: as 9000. 9000 days is almost 25 years. But this will work for all user gropus which are allowed to edit/remove their posts.
Posts: 23
Reputation: 0

Message # 9 | 10:14 PM
Thanks mate, for now I've solved the problem by giving administrative rights although this is lame bag
preludebg.com / bulgarian honda prelude fanclub
Posts: 10
Reputation: 1

Message # 10 | 8:14 PM
You can make it less lame by showing the link for editing to that particular user only. Do simple logical expressions, something like this:

<?if(($CUR_USER_GROUP$ == X) && ($UID$ == $CUR_USER_ID$))?>

<a href="$EDIT_URL$">Edit</a>

Post edited by Bekt - Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:15 PM
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