uCoz Community uCoz Modules Forum FAQ - Forum (Forum FAQ ; Questions - Answers) |
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Press CTRL + F to find an answer to your question. Where can I create forum sections?
Control Panel -> Active modules -> Forum -> Management of forums and sections. Can I make a site consisting of a forum only? Yes. Install Forum and Page Editor modules only, make a login page with the link to the forum or set up redirect in Control panel -> Common settings -> When opening the main page, redirect to. Is it possible to create at uCoz a forum on phpBB? Or to install vBulletin, IPB? No, it is not possible to use PHP scripts and MySQL at uCoz. The majority (90%+) of free scripts are written by beginners in programming, who still learn to program, and so these scripts are unsafe for the server and therefore for other users’ sites. We make up for the impossibility to install own scripts with many services, by means of which anyone can make a unique site of various levels of complexity. We do not plan to add the capability to install own scripts. Can I transfer a forum from another hosting to uCoz? Databases transfer from other forums is not possible. In theory, it can be done, but as there are a lot of site engines and their versions, and a few people want to change them for uCoz, so we do not think it is necessary to spend time in writing a converter. How can I make a subforum? Please see the following thread: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/3-18379-1 . I want messages, posted by one user in succession, to be added as separate messages and not as one message with the inscription "Added". How can I do this? Disable "Paste together repeated replies" in user groups settings. I merged threads and, as a result, all old posts of the older thread became "newer" then new posts and therefore new posts moved down. Why? You must think when you choose what thread will be main, and what - attached. I cannot write in different colors in forum. How can I fix it? Check whether the codes are closed, i.e.: [color]...[/color] A popular thread has been accidentally removed. Can I restore it? Removed information cannot be restored. Some registered users cannot edit their messages, posted earlier. Why? Users can edit their posts during a limited period only. It can be changed in Forum settings. The date (Tuesday, 04-01-2008, 10:45 Am | Message #) is not displayed in forum messages. How can I fix it? Edit template of forum messages appearance. Is it possible to substitute "bad" words in forum? There is no such option in forum. The window "New reply" is on a separate page. How can I fix it? Uncheck the option Reply-form is on a separate page in Forum settings. Is it possible to display on the main page last five forum messages? Yes. Use Informers. Is it possible to have two forums at one website? No. Is it possible to show the number of clicks near a link? It is not possible in message text, only BB-codes from the list All codes are working. How can I make a reverse order of forum messages, i.e. a new message is the first? It is not possible. How can I make Birthday greetings in the forum? It is enough to enter the date of birth in a profile. Then the list of people who have birthday on a current day will be displayed automatically. --- 24/03/2009 --- CP -> Forum -> Management of forums and sections -> Organize forums -> change the position of sections/forums by means of drag-and-drop. Thread: http://www.forum.ucoz.com/forum/9-3371-1 No. No, 200 is the limit. Enable HTML permissions for user group and use [video] tag. No, only BB-Codes can be enabled. --- 27/06/2009 --- uCoz doesn't plan adding of sub-forums. At least not in the nearest future. No. 5 is max for now. . I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
The forum messages are a little short, or can it be fixed? Control Panel -> Forum -> Module settings -> Maximum message length. Just want to ask how to set a hyperlink when I post a message in my forum.. giving a word and when I click it follows another link.. Use "http://" button. Say I have section in forum, and I post a new topic is there a way to get it to appear straight in the news section on home page? Use Informer. What kind a forum use ucoz? phpBB 1-2-3? uCoz own forum engine. Also can I make a section in the forum which will use rss, i.e the rss feed shall automatically post in the forum. You can't do that. I want to ask question about option "viewing thread". Can I do something to see who is viewing specific thread? Like (for example) I am in some forum, and down i see who is this forum now, but in thread there is no option like this down. How can I do it, if its possible at all. There is no such feature. What does archive does? It means, that the forum is closed for posting, but is open for reading. How can I make a Forum which posts don't count, you know spam CP -> Forum -> Management of forums and sections -> Edit or Create -> Don't increase messages counter for users -> Mark & Save. Hey, can one change their name? I mean not full name thing, but nick in forums. Not login, but shown nick, because now it shows same as login. You can't. How to create a poll topic? Well.. there should be a button, kind of like 'New poll' one (depending on what style buttons you have)... right next to "New Topic"... Users are unable to edit the post after a period of time. How can I change that time period? CP -> Forum -> Module settings -> Number of days, during which users can edit and remove their messages. How can I make it so that I can select certain members to view a specific forum because I have moderators that I don't want to see the topics any help? In the settings of each forum that you create you can select the groups for which it will be available or protect it by a password. I created a sandbox forum to allow users to learn BBCode. Now I want posts in that forum to vanish after 24 hours with no further input on my part. That's not possible. How can I add a download to my forum? so that ppl will be able to download what they want? Use attachment. 1. How can i change the name of the forum e.g. test forum to ? 2. And how can I make another forum inside of the forum 1. Control Panel -> Forum -> Manage forums and sections. Click "Add Forum" to add a new forum or wrench icon to edit existing forums. 2. If you mean subforums then it's not possible. Use forums and sections. I have a site with ucoz and can I do like other sites like if a user has more than 10 posts only then he can view a thread. You cannot, but you can set Auto-transfer from 'Users' to group 'Checked' - after people have 10 posts in the forum, & set board permission that only 'Checked' & Staff groups can view it. I want to delete or limit “added” when users post replies. If a user posts twice UNDER 3 minutes, it will only count as one post? But if a user posts twice OVER 5 minutes, it counts as two? Limitation is not possible. But if you want to delete the inscription Added then you can disable it in user group settings. You need this: Paste together repeated replies How can I block my forum for all users from going into the forum after 12 Pm in their own countries?
There is no such feature. |
I want use ucoz site, but I want add other forum. Can I can do it? Just another domain and hosting. Can i make my board more private? At the moment, anyone who's not a member can read my board and we want it more private. Users -> Guests -> Forum -> Read forums (ability to enter the forum) Can I add icons on the forum sections ? CP -> Forum -> Management of forums and sections -> Choose section -> URL of the section icon. How do I upload my own images into the forum? For the groups images? When I go to edit group, and click the little folder, I come up with a window that has the favicon in there. and 404.htm. Then there is a folder called Forum files, but it's empty. Where do I upload my images? That's called File Manager. Go to Control Panel -> Page Editor -> File Manager. what is a sticky thread? A Thread, that stickys on the Top of the Thread list no matter on the Date or any other sorting Method. How can i move posts from one thread to another ? read this http://www.forum.ucoz.com/forum/9-2123-8358-16-1221654184 How can i move forum from one section to another ? Control Panel -> Forum -> Management of forums and sections. Click the edit button and change the section name from drop down. Is it possible to delete the forums? CP -> Forum -> Deinstall the module. Is there a possibility to automatically lock the threads, some tall tales will be 100 pages? No, there is no such feature. How can I access Add gif image to forum in HTML? For example, the ladybird (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ladybird-animation.gif) and learning to walk on my Web site? Search google for the code. How to make that in each threat under the first post to have an advertising ? By means of Javascript. And if you lack skills to do this we won't be able to help. When someone click on a threati in small window to show some text and under the text to have a "Yes" and "No" for choosing to ender the thread uCoz does not have such feature. It may be possible via coding. Is it possible to automatically post my news from the Site News module directly to a forum as a thread? This is currently not possible with any method I know of, you'll have to do it manually. Is it possible to add a new tab at the menu that when I click on it it would redirect the users to another site? you can edit site menu via site menu buidler - http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/5-5862-1 how do you display the top 5 reputation users on forum ? use Informers: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/37-457-1 How i can add a signature, register, log in and log out in statistic module what is on main page and change font color in users profile and registered users page ? Enable builder->Statistics->Edit->Site elements->Log in form->Save changes.(this is only about Log in form) The rest you can do like this: copy the links on the register e.t.c from the header (Control panel:Design->Design management(templates)->Top part of the website) and paste them in Statistic block on the website (Enable Builder->Change->HTMl->Paste->Save changes) hi is it possible to embed youtube videos on posts? http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/37-613-4175-16-1213789841 how to add commentaire on a page? You can use some of the uCoz features like the guestbook ,but you can't add comment forum on a random created page i want to make on my home page the last message of my forum you can do that by using informers Is there a way to change someone's rank without making them do all the posts? I know because I'm the administrator I can change mine, but I want to change someone else's too. How? you can change their ranks manually by going to their profile ---> Click this icon ![]() How do you put links into a image without the whole thing being the link in ucoz? I know using HTML you can specify areas of an image to be a link but we don't provide support with custom coding here. You may find this link useful: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_map.asp How to add Google +1 Button & facebook Like button on every thread and message? It involves custom coding. Unfortunately, we do not provide help with it. I've got a problem with the icons on my forum, on the main page the icons wont change once the topics in the thread have been read, but once u go into the thread it shows all the icons correctly.
There is no way to work better, because of an optimization |
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