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PDA version issues
Posts: 14
Reputation: 1

Message # 1 | 10:12 PM

I've just created the pda version of my website. (http://dromedarydreams.com)

There are 3 issues that I ran into that do not happen on the normal version of the website. I don't know how to fix them, I think it's server code or something.

1. The mail form doesn't work. After you press the send button it seems it redirects you to the user login page. Normally it redirects to the "Thanks! Message succesfully sent." page.

2. The PDA version is not always loaded on mobile devices. I have found no pattern to this. After making a tiny change to a template it suddenly stops redirecting in some cases. It seems to be fixed if I go to the Common Settings, toggle the PDA checkbox off and back on and then save.

3. If I add $COM_BODY$ in Blog->Page with full entry text and associated comments
Then the comments show up, but after the last comment an error is printed. Looks like this:
1 Garfunkel (2014/Feb/01 1:49 PM)
So I moved all the experiments over from turdparty to here. Which is why all the comments look like they're written by Garfunkel. My apologies to the original commenters, the issue is now solved for future comments though.
var req; // Путь к файлу на сервере на который будет отправляться запрос function createRequest() { // Создание объекта XMLHttpRequest отличается для Internet Explorer и других обозревателей, поэтому для совместимости эту операцию приходиться дублировать разными способами if (window.XMLHttpRequest) req = new XMLHttpRequest(); // normal browser else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE try { req = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); // IE разных версий } catch (e){} // может создавать try { // объект по разному req = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e){} } return req; } var commentsLoaded = []; function expand_comments(s, bid, parent_id){ if(!commentsLoaded[parent_id]){ req = createRequest(); if(req){ url = 'http://dromedarydreams.com/blog/0-0-0-'+bid+'-18-'+parent_id; req.open("GET", url, true); req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); req.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(req.status == 200){ s.innerHTML = 'Hide replies'; s.onclick = function(){ hide_comments(s, bid, parent_id); }; commentsLoaded[parent_id] = 1; var expandBlock = document.getElementById('comChildren'+parent_id); expandBlock.innerHTML = req.responseText; expandBlock.style.display = 'block'; } } req.send(); } } else { s.innerHTML = 'Hide replies'; s.onclick = function(){ hide_comments(s, bid, parent_id); }; var expandBlock = document.getElementById('comChildren'+parent_id); expandBlock.style.display = 'block'; } } function hide_comments(s, bid, parent_id){ s.innerHTML = 'Show replies'; var expandBlock = document.getElementById('comChildren'+parent_id); expandBlock.style.display = 'none'; s.onclick = function(){ expand_comments(s, bid, parent_id); }; }
This does NOT happen if I open the pda version of my website normally in my pc browser.
Here's the page where the error occurs: http://dromedarydreams.com/pda....omments

Can anybody verify this please?
Posts: 12
Reputation: 0

Message # 2 | 3:11 PM
Hello Garfunkel, i tested your feedback form and this is what it gave me "Sorry, something went wrong or you've reached a part of the site that's currently not supported" So i guess it doesnt work on mobile version or try resetting it in the Control Panel.

I loaded up your site on my mobile and it worked, went to every page. So from my side i dont see a problem there.

I posted a comment and no error came up there, so i guess it fixed it self out.

Good luck
Posts: 14
Reputation: 1

Message # 3 | 4:00 PM
Hi Jippik,
thanks for testing!
The message you got is actually what the user login page looks like. I don't use it, so I replaced the template with the error message as long as this problem isn't solved. What I don't understand is why it redirects people to the user login page on the pda version but not on the normal version.

PDA users can't use the normal version because the send message button triggers a modal dialog that is too big for their screen and they can't close it, so they're stuck and frustrated. So #1 is still an issue.

#2 Seemed to work for you, so that's good. May I ask what kind of device you were using?

#3 I did not expect that. So it's inconsistent.. When I look at the page with your comment it shows the error.

I'll try to test #2 & #3 some more I guess..

Thanks again!
Posts: 12
Reputation: 0

Message # 4 | 4:10 PM
Well the only thing i can think of for problem number 1 is that maybe only users can write a feedback on PDA version, try to test that hypothesis.

#2 i used my windows phone which uses IE and also used my ipod touch which uses Safari, so, so far so good.

#3 I checked the linked that you provided and seems fine, please see the attachment for my point of view (opened from ipod)

Attachments: 5197402.png (113.7 Kb)
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 5 | 4:19 PM
Quote Garfunkel ()
2. The PDA version is not always loaded on mobile devices. I have found no pattern to this. After making a tiny change to a template it suddenly stops redirecting in some cases. It seems to be fixed if I go to the Common Settings, toggle the PDA checkbox off and back on and then save.

Please provide some examples of devices and their OS where the PDA version is not displayed by default. Worked fine on my phone with Android.

Quote Garfunkel ()
Then the comments show up, but after the last comment an error is printed. Looks like this:

I can't confirm the problem either. What device/OS do you have the problem on?

As for #1, I'll look into the issue.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 14
Reputation: 1

Message # 6 | 4:48 PM
Jippik & Sunny:
Thank you very much! That's very useful information.

I used a Blackberry Curve & Nokia 6300, but the pda version seems to show up fine now, consistently.
I haven't edited the website in the last couple of hours so maybe that was related..
Anyway, as it also looks good to you then I guess we can consider #2 a non-issue. I'll ask a couple of friends to test as well, and #3 too. #3 isn't that important anyway, it doesn't stop functionality, just looks unprofessional.

Sunny, thank you for looking into #1. I really tried to find some sort of setting that would allow me to change the button response but didn't find anything.
Guests can send messages just fine on the normal version of the website, but from the pda version guests get re-routed to the login page when they press the button.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 7 | 4:28 PM
Garfunkel, so, about #1: PDA templates does not support javascript, that's why this problem occurs. You can try to manually connect a jQuery library in PDA templates.

And also about #2: if you visited a website from a mobile device, and switched to the full website version, then it is possible that next time the full website version will be displayed as the default one.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 14
Reputation: 1

Message # 8 | 6:42 PM
Thank you Sunny.
#1 Sounds complicated, I'm just fumbling my way through html/css/javascript etc.. so I'll replace it with a mailto link. It's fine.

#2 Yeah could be, but it still seemed to inconsistent though.. Well it's ok. If I get a lot of complaints I'll be back ;)
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