Forum moderator: bigblog |
uCoz Community For Webmasters Custom Solutions http://primedateinc.com/index/sub/ |
http://primedateinc.com/index/sub/ |
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <ajax><cmd p="innerHTML" t="blk549288"><div align="left" style="padding:10px;"><div class="myWinLoadSD"></div></div></cmd><cmd p="js">var ad=window.location.href.replace(/#(.*)?/,'');setTimeout("window.location.href='"+ad+"?l4I1u9'",'1000')</cmd></ajax> Can anyone help on this one again. Whats this page and what is it supposed to mean. I use local authorization and when a user has logged in successfully, hes taken to this page and whatever its saying i do not understand. I would also love to know if its possible for a user to get redirected to the homepage when he logs out regardless of the page he was viewing. |
Most probably. I would also love to know if its possible for a user to get redirected to the homepage when he logs out regardless of the page he was viewing. With the standard system tools it is not possible. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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