Categories management
Posts: 3
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Message # 1 | 8:40 AM
I want the category widget which is found at the sidebar to appear on all pages because it only appears in the publisher page. can someone give a 1 by 1 step?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 9:59 AM
echizen, it is displayed in Publisher because probably those are Publisher categories. If you want Published categories to be displayed in all pages then you need to use Informers -
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Message # 3 | 7:02 PM
I tried to do it in the coding, and screwed up alittle. Could someone explain to me how I would be able to put the categories/sections of publisher and put it above the articles?
Posts: 36
Reputation: 2

Message # 4 | 7:03 PM
Can you explain a bit more and provide design number?
There was once a man named Lee. He used to love taking a ***, then he found THIS!
Posts: 12
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Message # 5 | 7:03 PM
I am using style 984.
Heres what i want

Banner/top of site
Categories for publisher
Publisher article

I want the categories and sections from the menu on the left side and I want to put it in the "categories for publisher" part.
Heres my website:

Post edited by Jek-Hazit - Friday, 2009-09-04, 9:37 PM
Posts: 36
Reputation: 2

Message # 6 | 7:03 PM
Listen carefully

CP >> Customize Design >> Publisher Main Page


<td width="80%"><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$"><!--<s5176>-->Main<!--</s>--></a> » <!--<s5208>-->Articles<!--</s>--></td>


<td width="83%"><p align="center"><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$">
</a><span class="style4"> <strong>Categories :</strong> <a href="">General Game Making</a> | <a href="">Art and Spriting</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker 2k3</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker XP</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker VX</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker 95</a> | <a href="">Game Maker</a> | <a href=""> Fighter Maker</a> | <a href="">M.U.G.E.N</a> | <a href="">RPG Toolkit</a> | <a href="">Adventure Game Studio</a> | <a href="">Shooter Game Maker 95</a></span></p>
<p><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$">Main
</a> »

CP >> Customize Design >> Page with entry text and comments


<td width="80%"><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$"><!--<s5176>-->Main<!--</s>--></a> » <a href="$MODULE_URL$"><!--<s5208>-->Articles<!--</s>--></a> <?if($SECTION_NAME$)?>» <a href="$SECTION_URL$">$SECTION_NAME$</a><?endif?> » <a href="$CAT_URL$">$CAT_NAME$</a></td>


<td width="80%"><p align="center"><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$">
</a><span class="style4"> <strong>Categories :</strong> <a href="">General Game Making</a> | <a href="">Art and Spriting</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker 2k3</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker XP</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker VX</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker 95</a> | <a href="">Game Maker</a> | <a href=""> Fighter Maker</a> | <a href="">M.U.G.E.N</a> | <a href="">RPG Toolkit</a> | <a href="">Adventure Game Studio</a> | <a href="">Shooter Game Maker 95</a></span></p>
<p><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$">Main
</a> » <a href="$MODULE_URL$">
» <a href="$SECTION_URL$">$SECTION_NAME$</a>
» <a href="$CAT_URL$">$CAT_NAME$</a></p></td>
<td align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"><?if($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)?>[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$"><!--<s5202>-->Add new entry<!--</s>--></a> ]<?endif?></td>

Page with search results and entrie ratings


<td width="80%"><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$"><!--<s5176>-->Main<!--</s>--></a> » <a href="$MODULE_URL$"><!--<s5208>-->Articles<!--</s>--></a> » $SECTION_NAME$</td>


<td width="80%"><p align="center"><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$">
</a><span class="style4"> <strong>Categories :</strong> <a href="">General Game Making</a> | <a href="">Art and Spriting</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker 2k3</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker XP</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker VX</a> | <a href="">RPG Maker 95</a> | <a href="">Game Maker</a> | <a href=""> Fighter Maker</a> | <a href="">M.U.G.E.N</a> | <a href="">RPG Toolkit</a> | <a href="">Adventure Game Studio</a> | <a href="">Shooter Game Maker 95</a></span></p>
<p><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$">Main
</a> » <a href="$MODULE_URL$">
</a> » $SECTION_NAME$</p></td>
<td align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"><?if($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)?>[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$"><!--<s5202>-->Add new entry<!--</s>--></a> ]<?endif?> </td>

I think that's it. Ask if theres any problems,

There was once a man named Lee. He used to love taking a ***, then he found THIS!
Posts: 12
Reputation: 0

Message # 7 | 7:03 PM
Well, I wanted this for all of the categories. Tutorials, Games, and Reviews.
I see what you were doing, and what to replace. Ill see if I can do this my own way.

Edit: Success!

Post edited by Jek-Hazit - Saturday, 2009-09-05, 7:24 AM
Posts: 93
Reputation: 18

Message # 8 | 7:03 PM
Did you want something like this?

Why don't you try the code $CATEGORIES$, instead use all that code? wink

And you broke your layout.

Attachments: 5432577.jpg (11.4 Kb) · 0154540.jpg (17.6 Kb)

I've made grammar mistakes ?? Google's fault !!

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.

Posts: 26
Reputation: 0

Message # 9 | 6:24 PM

the categories of entries which is added in the "Ad Board" like this.

Genre: Bigraphy

Browser show only first category and i want to show all


Genre: Biograpy, Dram, Treiler

Help me please

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 10 | 10:41 AM
Omar, is it difficult to understand you. If you want entries to belong to several categories then check Enable capability for an entry to belong to several categories at a time: in Ad Board module settings.
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Message # 11 | 11:17 AM

Thank you very much

i know that and i'm using that also

but I want other what:

when i have marked 2,3,4 and more category browser show only 1.. and i want to show all

Post edited by Omar - Friday, 2009-11-13, 11:19 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 12 | 2:02 PM
Omar, you need the code $ENTRY_CATS$, it will show all categories where an entry belongs.
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Posts: 26
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Message # 13 | 7:40 AM
Sunny, Thanks

it doesn't work in Ad Board

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 14 | 8:27 AM
Omar, must work since it is available under one of the templates. Make sure you pasted the code into correct template.
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Message # 15 | 4:03 PM
If I go in and change the pictures of a module Like the one behind the words and stuff. The module will sometimes disappear after I save I did this to the poll and site links the poll didnt disappear but the links did Please help

My website is

Post edited by Arguntom - Friday, 2009-12-04, 6:06 PM