uCoz Community Archives Locked Registration |
Registration |
PredatoR, I am afraid it is not possible.
Unlike computers, no human brain has ever said:" Hard drive full."
Why are you not editing it ??
CP>Customize Design>Users>user Registration Form |
SirDarknight , Here you cant edit anything , its impossible ...
Code <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Registration page - $SITE_NAME$</title> <?$META_DESCRIPTION$?> <link type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" href="/_st/my.css" /> </head> <body> $ADMIN_BAR$ <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ $(":radio").addClass('niceRadio'); jQuery(".niceRadio").each( function() { changeRadioStart(jQuery(this)); }); }); function changeRadio(el) { var el = el, input = el.find("input").eq(0); var nm=input.attr("name"); jQuery(".niceRadio input").each( function() { if(jQuery(this).attr("name")==nm) { jQuery(this).parent().removeClass("radioChecked"); } }); if(el.attr("class").indexOf("niceRadioDisabled")==-1) { el.addClass("radioChecked"); input.attr("checked", true); } return true; } function changeVisualRadio(input) { var wrapInput = input.parent(); var nm=input.attr("name"); jQuery(".niceRadio input").each( function() { if(jQuery(this).attr("name")==nm) { jQuery(this).parent().removeClass("radioChecked"); } }); if(input.attr("checked")) { wrapInput.addClass("radioChecked"); } } function changeRadioStart(el){ try { var el = el, radioName = el.attr("name"), radioId = el.attr("id"), radioChecked = el.attr("checked"), radioDisabled = el.attr("disabled"), radioTab = el.attr("tabindex"), radioValue = el.attr("value"); if (el.attr("onclick")) { radioClick = "onmouseup='button_activate();'"; } else { radioClick = "";} if(radioChecked) el.after("<span class='niceRadio radioChecked'"+radioClick+">"+ "<input type='radio'"+ "name='"+radioName+"'"+ "id='"+radioId+"'"+ "checked='"+radioChecked+"'"+ "tabindex='"+radioTab+"'"+ "value='"+radioValu e+"' /></span>"); else el.after("<span class='niceRadio'"+radioClick+">"+ "<input type='radio'"+ "name='"+radioName+"'"+ "id='"+radioId+"'"+ "tabindex='"+radioTab+"'"+ "value='"+radioValue+"' /></span>"); if(radioDisabled) { el.next().addClass("niceRadioDisabled"); el.next().find("input").eq(0).attr("disabled","disabled"); } el.next().bind("mousedown", function(e) { changeRadio(jQuery(this)) }); el.next().find("input").eq(0).bind("change", function(e) { changeVisualRadio(jQuery(this)) }); if(jQuery.browser.msie) { el.next().find("input").eq(0).bind("click", function(e) { changeVisualRadio(jQuery(this)) }); } el.remove(); } catch(e){ } return true; } </script> $GLOBAL_AHEADER$ <!-- <middle> --> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="960"> <tr> <td id="leftcol"> $GLOBAL_CLEFTER$ </td> <td id="maincol"> <div id="maincol_inside"><!-- <body> --><div align="center">$BODY$</div><!-- </body> --></div> </td> <td id="rightcol"> $GLOBAL_DRIGHTER$ </td> </tr> </table> <!-- </middle> --> </td></tr> <tr><td id="content_bottom"></td></tr> </table> </div> </div> $GLOBAL_BFOOTER$ </body> </html> .:[ If i helped you please pump up my Reputation and give me award :) ]:. |
PredatoR, in theory it is possible to change the outlook of the registration form with the help of JavaScripts. But the functionality of the page will remain the same.
The registration form and the fields in it are the same for all websites that support uID. It is possible to change/edit the local registration form. To do so go to CP->Design->Design management->User registration form It is possible to change "Allowed methods of users authorization" from uNet users to Local users, by buying any package or a service that costs more than 2 dollars. http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/7-52-1#200 Let's continue the discussion there |
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