uCoz Community General Information uCoz Updates & Announcements uCoz Textbook in English (uCoz textbook in English is of-the-shelf. Check it out) |
uCoz Textbook in English |
Finally, uCoz web-services textbook in English is available. The textbook provides all the answers to "why”, "what” and "how” questions in order to achieve the results.
The full content of the book looks like this. Special offer! Get the Bonus!
Buy it and leave the book review! Write a book review and receive your money back! To get the benefit of this special offer you have to write the book review of no less than 1000 characters, post it on the Web (in your blog, Facebook page or elsewhere) and the cost of the book will be added to your uCoz website account. Take part in our special offer. Your feedback is important for us. |
Wow! Very good..
Unlike computers, no human brain has ever said:" Hard drive full."
Very good. However, on the image it says 'How to crate' instead of 'How to create'. As you can see this is my observation skills in action. Look at the picture below to see the mistake.
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CreativeCollusions, it is not a spellings mistake it is written as "aWebsite"
here a image of it , zoomed with a program [quick view] Attachments:
(13.2 Kb)
To busy building a passive income online ;)
So is there a dead tree version available? Or is it just pdf? (I prefer physical books whenever possible.)
hi,i have paid for the book,what i need to do to send me the book?.sorry for my bad english
thanks Animorph
Anonim7268, as i got to hear is that you should get the book file immediately after payment.. , if you have any problems contact: irina@ucoz.com
she will help you with your problem To busy building a passive income online ;)
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